Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Friday, December 01, 2006
Sri Sri conferred doctor of philosophy honour
Monday, November 13, 2006
Gurujis interview on CNN
Scroll to the end of this page and click on Play (YOU TUBE VIDEO) to see Gurujis interview with Richard Quest which was on CNN in April.
Many of you missed it. So here is the chance.
Jai Gurudev.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I am the Valentine

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Ashram Calendar

Official and Updated Ashram calendar is at www.vvmvp.org/events.htm
Bookmark NOW for latest happeningsat the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore Ashram!You can SUBSCRIBE to this calendar and get reminders about any eventyou are interested in, or get a summary each day/week/month, or evensynchronize easily with your desktop calendar ... whether it is MSOutlook, iCal, Yahoo/Hotmail/ Gmail calendar! Cool, eh?!!
Jai Gurudev
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Gurujis Picture Gallery
Just getting my way around with Blogging and Web image hosting. I managed to host a Web Album with some great pix of Guruji. So check them out.
The link to the Album :
Choose your album and have a look at my collection.
Jai Gurudev.
Raj ..
Some Q & A's with the Master
Contribution by Shaparak
Q: Guruji, what steps can one take to let go of a relationship headache?
A: There are no steps, one should just let go. As in the vedas, when someone dies, they are cremated and onlyashes are left. When you put the ashes in the river, you don't even look at where they are going, you just turnback, you go away from the past. Why hang on to something that has gone? Life is too short to worry about whathas happened in the past.
Q: When I am sad, I don't do spiritual practices, there is a resistance. Why is this? Please help me.
A: Why do you want to understand? That's how it is. If you observe your breath, deep within, a desire forpleasure and happiness is engraved there. Everything you do is because you want some joy. There are twoways to get rid of this. The first way, the Buddhist way, is to know that this wanting for joy is the cause ofproblems. The other way, the Vedic way, is to know, 'I want greater happiness than this… the ultimatehappiness.' Both are the same.
Q: Can you be peaceful and, at the same time, have a career in the armed forces?
A: Why not? You can retire fast in the armed forces, have a greater pension and a happy life. Anyway, now therearen't any wars, apart from Iraq. It's not like Vietnam. You know, 43 Iraqis came to the Bangalore Ashram, somewere doctors and engineers, and they took the courses... now they will go back to Iraq to bring peace throughthe Art of Living courses. It's good news.
Q: How can one deal with anger?
A: I have a technique for you. Whenever you get angry, sing. If you get angry at your husband or wife, scoldthem by singing. See if you can do it. Anger comes when you go out of a certain rhythm. Music is bringing thatrhythm back. The antidote for anger is music, exercise and martial arts such as karate. You know, martial artsshould be practiced without anger. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, "Fight, but not with angeror hatred." Anger does not take permission before coming. Don't regret anger. It is alright to show anger withchildren if required. If you don't get angry, they become so weak in the world. They cannot take criticism. Youshould know the limitation though. You know how much salt should be put in the food. Your finger will tell youhow cold or warm the food is. As parents, don't feel guilty for scolding your children. Thinking that way, youbecome stressed and prepare yourself to get even more upset or angry.
Q: As the saying goes, charity begins in the home. How can we do seva outside when we are needed at home?
A: You need to balance. If you say, 'I'll do all my home work before I do seva', then seva will never happen. Thisis because so many things keep coming for home, it doesn't stop. You cannot neglect your home, but at homeit's called duty, not seva. Outside, it is called seva.
Q: I feel I'm losing control of my life.
A: When were you in control of your life? If you ever thought you were in control of your life, then I'm sorry foryour ignorance. What are you going to lose? Do you have any control over your thoughts? They come like astream. After pranayam and meditation, you become aware of your thoughts. Now you know what's happening,then you start questioning. So now you are getting control, you are becoming aware of your thoughts. When weconducted courses in prison, prisoners remarked that they could watch their thoughts. They regret that had theylearnt this before, they would not be there in prison. Don't worry, you are not losing control. These are themoments when you realize nothing is in your hands. Pray. Prayer will make your desire strong. It will fructify.
Q: Is it possible for me to observe joy and sadness, envy and praise etc. at the same time?
A: Emotions are not very clear. Sometimes you are happy with something, and unhappy with something else.Sometimes, when you change a place, you are happy about moving to the new place but sad about leaving theold place. I've seen conflicting emotions of envy and praise, even between father and son or husband and wife.Energy moves, it's a flow of energy. There's no demarcation.
Be Generous
By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Wednesday, November 01, 2006 10:0:6 IST
When you feel you are stuck in life and not growing, or are bombarded by desires... When you feel you are stuck in life and not growing, or are bombarded by desires, when you feel dryness, no enthusiasm, no juice, what do you do?
Here is the solution: feel generous — right now, not tomorrow, but right now.
Both a princess and a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is a quality of the spirit. When you feel generous, your life becomes abundant — full of compassion and love.
Question: Is generosity the same as gratitude?
No. Gratitude always has self-concern. You are grateful because you have something or you get something. Generosity is an expression that is independent of external circumstances. No one can make you feel generous. That is something that you must do yourself. Essentially generosity is not an act. It is a state of consciousness, but it always finds its expression in an act.
Question: What about passion?
Passion indicates scarcity. Dispassion is abundance. Dispassion without generosity makes you self-centered and causes more dryness.Thinking about our past generosity only brings doership. Drop that and just feel generous.Work does not tire you as much as does the sense of doership. All of your talents are for others. If you have a good voice, it is for others to hear. If you are a good cook, it is so others may eat. If you write a book, it is so others can read it, If you are a good carpenter, it is to build things for others to use. If you are a good surgeon, it is to heal others. If you are a good teacher, it is so others may learn. All of your work and talents are for others. If you do not make use of your talents, they will not be given to you again.
Be Generous
When you feel you are stuck in life and not growing, or are bombarded by desires... Religion To worship or idolize without a sense of belonging is always futile...
The "I" or ego in you is a tiny atom. If this atom is associated with the body, with matter, it identifies with matter. If this atom is associated with the being, the infinite, it identifies with the infinite.... Freedom We usually do only that which is purposeful, useful and rational. Everything you see is seen through the rational mind.... A pinching mistake shouldn't be forgiven! The pinch will not let the mistake happen again. Forgiveness removes the pinch and then you keep repeating it... The Self When your mind is with the Self, then you do not worry about evolution...
Love Vs Lust
His meditation was disturbed by an arrow of flowers from the lord of lust... Dependence The ego then finds some excuse to revert to smallness because it is not yet soaked in the totality of knowledge... Surrender They are lazy or fearful or both. If you are lazy or fearful, you cannot be in love...
They love themselves so much that they want better qualities for themselves.. .
Mainey Socha Na Tha
Compiled by Naresh.
Jai Gurudev.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Gurujis Navratri Picture

Gurujis pic from Navratri.
This amazing picture is a contribution by Alexi. A teacher (Art of Living) and a Pro Photographer.
All of Gurujis pictures ( if you noticed ) are always so Good. But when you have the best of the best, its just out of the world. I am collecting Gurujis pictures. So if you have something you feel is just your best, send them to me on rges@hotmail.com
More coming up on my web album:
Jai Gurudev...
'BLESSING' by Guruji
Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance.
Make your body God's abode and there will be peace and bliss.
Feel your mind as a toy of God and you'll watch and enjoy all its games.
See this world as play and as a display of God Himself and you will repose in the Non-Dual Self.
Blessing comes to you in many forms.
If you are generous,blessing comes to you as abundance.
If you are hardworking,blessing comes to you as happiness.
If you are lazy,blessing comes to you as hard work!(Laughter)
If you are pleasure loving,blessing comes to you as dispassion.
If you are dispassionate,blessing comes to you as knowledge of the Self.
- Our Guruji, Sri Sri-
The Art of Living

Jai Gurudev
Guruji on CNN
Most Memorable Moment

Guruji and Me