Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Q and A Part 2 Nov 23-25 (GURUJI)
Subject: Q and A Part 2 Nov 23-25
(On the previous day Guruji had asked for 'intelligent' questions)
Q: Guruji when we see you we get very feverish. Please don't call this an
unintelligent question.
A: That is not even a question, is it? It's a statement! Yes, it is apparent
(laughing) that there is feverishness. I have come to accept it now.
And people don't realize that when you bend down to touch my feet - the person
behind thinks there is no one in front and bends down also and soon we have a
pile of people (laughter) Sometimes when I am walking very fast and devotees
are trying to touch my feet - it gets very tricky - a few times I have escaped
tripping. It's been very close.
Q: Something about thoughts during meditation
A: Don't be dissappointed if you have thoughts during meditation. Just embrace
the thoughts - don't resist them. Don't feel 'Oh I didn't meditate well today'
- just embrace the thoughts. Accept them.
Q: All that you have achieved - do you look at it as your achievement, a gift
of God, part of nature?
A: I would say - it is a gift of God. Everyone has a role to play, that's all.
Everything in this universe has a role to play - that is actually the essence
of advaita. There is One Consciousness and everything in it is part of That.
See, to make something important you need many things that are unimportant. So
you can say that the unimportant things are important to make the important
things important! Got it? (laughter)
Q: What do you find challenging or something that you don't like?
A: When people who are not intelligent but think they are intelligent ask
questions that they think are intelligent but are not really intelligent.
Unfortunately in today's world such people have a lot of influence - it's sad.
Q: Have you ever committed a mistake?
A: (Smiles) Have I ever committed a mistake? (Chuckles) Sometimes I wonder why
I started all this (puts head back and laughs)
Q: How come some negative actions have a positive result
A: Yes, it is possible. Each negative action can have some positive associated
with it - depending on the way you look at it. Karma is not knowable - in the
Geeta Krishna tells Arjuna this - that Karma is so deep that it cannot be known
- see if you plant a coconut tree - it may take fruit in three years - with
mango trees - it can be a different number of years - if you plant moon - it
will sprout overnight and if you put your hand in the fire - when you will feel
the pain - immediately, no? So karma can be immediate or take some time - it is
very deep and it is unknowable.
Q: What was before the Big Bang?
A: Read this book called "The Parallel Universe" by Michael Kokoc. He talks
about the dark energy - e.g. look at the two stars in the sky - they are
separated by space - so he says that there is a great energy that is keeping
the two stars apart. This is dark energy - and we are aware of only 0.03
percent of the actual universe. It's there in his book - read it. I have only
read 3-4 pages (laughs) but you can
Q: Guruji, I have dreams that come true at times. A few days ago I dreamt that
my mom had died and when I called home - I found that my pet had died. This
disturbs me a lot. What should I do?
A: See, dreams are a mix of our fears, desires, some events or impressions of
the past, some premonitions of the future - so don't be too involved in them.
Just move on.
Q: Guruji, People are very worried at my home that something is wrong. They
asked me to consult you.
A: Haan, don't worry. Just ask the people in the house to change Om Namah
Shivaya - don't worry. Ok?
Q: What is Maya? What is reality?
A: Anything that can be measured is Maya. So whatever you see can be measured,
right? You can say two kilo grams of rice, one litre of water and so on. But
can you measure love? Can you say two units of love? Three pounds of Truth? No?
Q: (the following day there is a follow-up) But even negative emotions cannot
be measured - like misery, frustration.
A: Haan. Yes. But if you look at it. Darkness cannot be measured but darkness
is just the absence of light. Unhappiness is not truth. Your true nature is
love, joy, bliss. That's why I say "fake it till you make it" - it's not wrong
to say that. Because you are faking it right now. Your true nature IS joy, is
bliss. Your problems are not true, your misery is not your true nature - so in
fact when you are sad you are faking it!
Q: We are with you in 2007? Where will you be in 2107? I want to play with you
even then.
A: You are asking in front of all these people. Everyone may get the same idea
(laughs) Where will I be in 2107? I am not so foolish as to make plans for 2107
now. All my plans are made done spontaneously in the present moment.
Q: I am confused? Should I pray to God for what I want or let God decide what
is good for me? What is the right thing?
A: No, it's fine to pray for what you want but also say that if there is
something better than this for me, please let me have that. (laughter) You can
do both!
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The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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