Monday, May 26, 2008

knowledeg sheets- Who wakes up first? //Beyond the Rational Mind

Knowledge Sheet 156 - Who wakes up First?
May 28, 1998
Bangalore Ashram, India
Who Wakes Up First? You Or God?

You wake up first. God is still asleep. When you wake up first, you experience pain and pleasure. You become aware of the shortcomings of the world and its beauty. Then you cry for help and seek the ultimate and then you wake up God. And when God is awakened in you, there is no "two."

When both God and you are asleep, there is inertia. When the "I" is asleep, there is no experience.

God is in you in seed form. When he wakes up, you cease to exist. God is asleep in every particle in this universe. It's you who wakes up first and then you awaken God. And when God wakes up, neither you nor the world remain.

The rishis made a mockery. They created a practice of awakening God every morning. They call it Suprabhatam service. Many find this ridiculous because they don't understand the depth of it. Only awakened God can see that God is asleep everywhere. [Laughter.]

Brinda: Why should we wake up?

Sri Sri: Because you are not asleep. If you were asleep, how can you ask the question?

Bill: Once you are awake, can you go back to sleep?

Sri Sri: If you have not had tea, of course.

Bill: Who wakes us up?

Sri Sri: You figure that out.
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Jai Gurudev
Knowledge Sheet 157 - Beyond the Rational Mind: Breaking the Barrier
May 28, 1998
New York City, NY, USA

We usually do only that which is purposeful, useful, and rational. everything you see, you see through the rational mind. But an intuition, a discovery, new knowledge goes beyond the rational mind. Truth is beyond the rational mind.

The rational mind is like a railroad track that is fixed in grooves. A plane has no tracks. It can fly anywhere. A balloon can float anywhere.

Some people step out of the rational mind in order to rebel against society. They want to break social law but for the ego's sake. They do it out of anger, hatred, rebelliousness, and wanting attention. This is not stepping out of the rational mind (though they think it is).

We step out of the rational mind when we do something that has no purpose. Accepting that, as an act, makes it a game. Life becomes lighter. If you are stuck with only rational acts, life becomes a burden. Suppose you play a game without a thought to winning or losing, just act irrationally. Making an act without any purpose attached to it - it is freedom - like a dance.

So just step out of the rational mind and you will find a greater freedom, an unfathomable depth, and you willl come face to face with reality. Reality transcends logic and the rational mind. Until you transcend the rational mind you will not get access to creativity and the infinite.

But if you do an irrational act in order to find freedom, then it already has a purpose and a meaning. It is no longer irrational. This knowledge sheet has already spoiled it's own possibility.

Break the barrier of the rational mind and then find freedom for yourself.

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Jai Gurudev

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