Sri Sri ) If you are a movie director.... just imagine you are a movie director. In a movie there are all different characters. there is a hero there is a villain there are the assisstants there is heroines
whatever roles. you dont hate the villain. a villain is as important to you as the hero when you are taking a movie. isn't it. in fact the villain gets more money than the hero. because they have to play all these tough roles tough expressions
So a movie director does not hate the villain and fall in love with the hero or the heroine. he just treats them all the same. it is different.
he just treats them all like partipants. same way, some people with ego, some people without ego, some people like vegetables, some people who are stiff. enjoy all these flavours. they all add charm to the world. colour to the world. they all bring contrast to each other. suppose there is nobody with arrogance or stiffness how would you even value those people who are humble. who have humility. people with humility are glorified by those who are arrogant.
in fact arrogant people bring to your notice how much foolish they are. they exhibit foolishness and exhibition of foolishness is essential in order to recognise the wisdom. in order to honour humility.
dont make an effort to see the divinity in someone.
divine contains all the qualities. you have a concept of divinity in your mind as someone gentle and nice and then someone is not gentle you dont see them as divine,
divinity consist of all the opposites because divinity is totality. so see the whole world as a play, as a drama then you will be able to give a big laugh.
Q) Guruji tell me what do do with my ego. it is disturbing me so much in my life.
Sri Sri) Just give a big hug to your ego. let it be there. why do you worry about the ego. why do you want to get rid of it. first lesson in art of living is accepting. whatever you dont accept will be on your neck. will be bothering you.
accept and it will stop bothering you. wake up and look at the whole universe. wake upto the fact that time is enormous. time is infinite. and see that in contrast with your life. these 60-70-80 years of your life is so insignificant in this vast ocean of time. then what is ego. where is ego? You are nothing. you are nobody, you are so insignificant in this planet. the planet will go on. 6 billion / 6 and a half billion people like ants dying and again being born. So what! Who cares whether you live or die. it's all finished.
anyway it's going to be finished in a few years. now the environmentalists are even warning you. the word will end in 2012 or 2013. another five years to the planet. scientists are saying water is going to go up, sea level is going to raise. many countries in the world are in danger. where is your ego? what is your ego? wake up and see this whole existence. if you cant if you are little sleepy, drowsy then just make friends with your ego. keep it. Oh i want to have a big one. let it be there. grow your ego as much as you want. dont fight it. when you wake up and see it dissolves. if you dont want to wake up sleep with your ego. keep it hold it tightly.there is no problem
in between when you feel you have a ego and want to get rid of it that's when all the problems come. just be natural. being natural is the antidote for ego. or agree to be foolish.
why cant you be foolish. you're anyway foolish. when you are not conscious then somebody anyway call you foolish. Because if there are some people who are more intellignet than you. in their eyes you are anyway foolish. If you consciously agree to be a fool this trouble of yours will
I think it's an important role that everyone should play in their life. Act being foolish for some time. then you will not be afraid of someone calling you a fool. biggest armour for ego is it doesn't want to be called a fool by anybody. So if in your eyes you are a fool the ego has evaporated. that's it. or it has expanded. limitless.
i think that's the best thing. In your own know in your heart that you are a fool, but you dont accept. you dont agree with it. you dont wnt to exhibit, show that you are foolish. One day act being a thorough fool. you will see you are free from this ego troubling you day and night. Be a buffoon. Just for a day. and then you will be so natural. no point in being a buffooon in closed doors. out in the streets. there should be hundreds of people seeing you being a buffoon. and call Hey fool. be a laughing stock of people even for a day you will find yourself at peace.
Q) Dear Gururji how to protect myself against negative emotions of other people. I'm very sensitive and quickly overwhelmed by negative emotions of other people.
Sri Sri) Know you are such a positive person that any negative emotion comes you turn it into a positive. dont be afraid. dont be scared of others negative emotion. you dont know. it can come to you anytime. waking, dreaming or sleeping. but it doesn't affect you when you are sleeping. does it? because you dont know. when you are sleeping any negative emotions from anywhere in the world can pass through you.
No I tell you, you have the ability to tranform negativity into positive. you are much more than negative and positive emotions. nothing can touch you. a cloud cannot do anything to a rock. be like a rock. emotions are like clouds they come and carress the stone and move away. no rock on top of a mountain is scared of a cloud saying Oh dark clouds are coming. Or white clouds - O I love them! Be solid. you are radiating sun. you radiate energy. the negativities are like clouds clouds. observe it. know it. someone is angry and they pass by, their anger catches onto your mind. you feel that anger welling up inside watch it as a cloud. laugh at it. or take a deep breath and say Hmmmm
but dont keep doing it all day. O negative energy is coming I am going to say Hmmm. they will send you to a mental hospital. Looks at anybody and says Hmmmm
you observe. watch. you will see emotions come for a second and vanish. when they seem to grip you take a couple of deep breaths and sometimes make Hmm noise you will see it has transformed, vanished. dont be scared of others negativities
Q) How can i know when my action is right? maybe it is better to wait and let things happen in their own time?
Sri Sri) you have a question. you have the answer. how do you know when action is right. wait for its result. some results will show immediately. some will results will come in it's own time. what all you need to see is is whether your intention correct. if your intention is right, action will always be directed.(.. )
But if in the intention there is something wrong, even though the action seems to be good at face value it is not going to
Q) Dear Guruji many people cant do Part 2 or 3 in my country because it is so expensive. In the future will only rich peoe be able to do these courses?
Sri Sri) No No we always have provision for people who cannot afford. if they really cannot afford you simply have to talk to the teacher. there is always room for this.
Q) advaita and bhakti we need booth in daily life. how can we effectively incorporate this in daily life even though they seem contradictory.
Sri Sri) Life is full of contradictions. sometimes you eat cold ice cream. sometime you want hot tea. If you ask me how can i eat cold ice cream and hot tea. both are a part of life. you want both. sometime this. sometime that.
in the same way it happens in your life naturally. and that;s how it is in nature. on the atomic level there is only one thing - the whole universe in made up of one substance. but on the molecular level they are different there is duality.
molecules is a reality. the diversity is a reality. and when you go further deep into diversity you find the uniformity. there is union the oneness of atoms. that is also reality. the oneness of sub-atomic particles is a reality and diversity of molecular structure is also a reality. they coexist at the same place at the same time.
in the same way bhakthi and love and devotion can co-exist with awareness. it is all one
Bhakthi is the nature of one's being. it is a pinnacle of emotion and the nature of one self. so that doesn't vanish.
though it is experienced in duality more vividly. as reality it dos not contradict the oneness or advaita
Q) How can i get courage to reach my goal
Sri Sri) first of all you think you dont have courage. you simply have to know you dont know what you have.
if you think you dont have your trying to have it is not going to work.
next thing know you know you have it. you have the courage. even then you cant do it. you have fear.
know you are not alone. the divine is with you. a greater force is your great strength. Ok?
Q) If everything is changing what is it that which is untouched, permanent?
Sri Sri) Everything is impermanent. this is what is now.. and only than you can know. and it is easy to know. and it is easy to see that things are impermanent. so when this understanding becomes clear then you see the reference point by which you see change
there has to be a reference point which is not changing order to kow everything is changing. if everything is changing there is no way to know unless there is someting that doesnot change . when you know everything is changing, and then turn inward you will see that there is something so unique so beautiful that does not change. it is an indirect experience. Adi Shankara the exponent of Advaita philosophy called it aparokshanubhuthi
indirect experience. paroksha means indirect. anubhoothi - the non indirect experience. you cant directly experience and not indirectly. it is neither this nor that, you can neither catch it nor miss it. nobody can miss it. yet nobody can catch it. and that is the real mystery and that is what life is all about.
nobody can say that i have never slept in my life. yet no one can say i know sleep. it is in your experience yet you do not know it. that one thing is sleep. and that one thing which causes the sleep, which is in sleep and which enables you to wake up from sleep is the self. that is even more a mystery. without which you cant exist. there is no existence at all and yet it is not felt or known.
.....through knowledge through grace that is self knowledge. more tomorrow on that.
Q) thank you Guruji. i saw you getting out of the car smiling today. At that moment I felt love for life and you. what to do to feel like that all the time?
Treasure those moments in your heart. dont crave for them. craving will be an impediment. but treasuring those memories will be of real......
In life you get few moments where the spark gets ignited, where the fountain bursts open.
that initial moment when the fountain bursts open is so important so beautiful. if fountain is running for several hours you dont pay attention.
same way moment you jump into hot tub the first moment is really the thrill. if you are remaining for 5 10 minutes you dont feel it any more.
but those initial moments of contrast are so valuable. those moments are to be treasured.
Q) what happens when pople die. where do we go after that?
Sri Sri) we will take up this tomorrow.
Anyone's birthday today...?
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