Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Art of Growing Up.

Art of growing up

The word "UP" has a vital role to play in our daily life and also in our
personality development.

1. Get up: Early in the morning with the determination to make most of your
day, useful and also meaningful.

2. Stand up: To your problems and difficulties. Face them and lick them.

3. Think up: Keep your thoughts high, clean, clear and truthful.

4. Brace up: Tighten your belt and keep moving forward even when the going
gets rough.

5. Climb up: The ladder of success reaches upward rung by rung, but you
have to/must do the climbing.

6. Stretch out your hand: Remember that he climbs highest, who helps
another up.

7. Measure up: Meet the challenge of the times by doing your full share for
the common good.

8. Bounce up: when you fell down. Every one falls and falls now and then;
quitters just lie there. Heroes have to bounce.

9. Live up: To the highest and best, the moral rules and spiritual
principles you know.

10. Look up: Consider and observe a tree, how it lifts its branches to the
sky. The only way to grow is to look up.

11. Hope up: You know it very well that, "Hope is life''. So never get

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The Art of Living

The Art of Living
Jai Gurudev


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