18th June 2008*
*Bangalore** Ashram*
Satsang at Vishalakshi Mantap, with not less than four thousand people
coming from all over the country... Devotees from Punjab, Haryana said
'Balle Balle' to Guruji, at which he smiled and said, "haaan Balle
Balle Another Devotee who was at the back said, "Guruji I want to come in
the front". To this Guruji answered, "If you stay ther,e u will come front."
*Question:* Guruji, how do I know which is the call of my mind and which is
the call of my soul?
*Guruji:* By meditation you will come to know. Meditation will help you in
*Question:* Guruji what is the difference between sleep and meditation?
*Guruji:* Sleep is related to inertia, while meditation is related to
awareness. In sleep you do not realize who you are and what you are and
where you are. In meditation you know where you are, what you are, and
sometimes you may even get a glimpse of who you are!! That is the state of
You know like a crystal, what do you call it? Sphatik the sphatik itself is
colorless but however if you bring any color infront of the crystal it
reflects that same color. Similarly like in a mirror the mirror reflects
the object of reflection, but however it does not contain the object! Do you
see what I am saying? If you touch the mirror it will not be as good as
touching the object. It will be touching the mirror only! Similarly a lotus
leaf. Have you seen a lotus leaf? It stays in the water but as soon as it is
taken out of the water, it is free from the water! The mind should be like
that. It may catch a vision, a glimpse of the event but as soon as the event
is over it is untainted, untouched! It can stay for sometime and then it may
disappear. Nothing can get attached to the mind. Imagine you have been
watching so many movies for such a long time. If all those melodramas stays
back on the mind! Can you imagine the state of mind!??! (Laughter!!)
Sometimes it does stay back in the mind and that's why it appears in the
dreams. That's why u should do pranayama and meditate to erase the
impressions from the mind. Not all the time but for sometime in a day. Then
you will become like that mirror. You will reflect the object but you are
not the object. Sometimes a lot of dust may accumulate on the mirror, making
the vision dull. But you have to clean that mirror. For example a doctor, he
sees so many patients in a day. All of them are in some pain! Imagine he
felt for all of them and cried!! (laughter!!) No, he just enters his room at
the end of the day and forgets about the patients he has seen over the
entire day. Similarly a nurse, she treats the patients all throughout the
day. But she is free from all the agonies of the patients as so as she
enters the wash room. You know its lie changing room like going from one
room to the other. Imagine if she cried for all the patients she met!! She
would not be in that profession!! (Laughter!!) Yes, if someone is really in
that frame of mind or in deep pain, and you are there at that time, there
are a lot of chances that you also may shed a few tear. You know you feel
for that person. But as soon as the person is gone you are not in that frame
of mind, you are back to your normal self. You don't carry the agony. But if
it was your family member, may be you would feel a little more. For a
little more time. But does the nurse feel like that for the patient? No!
"Alipt untouched, when u are untouched, creativity blossoms. When you
grow old you go on repeating the same thing again and again. Like that of a
child whose mind is not rigid we need to maintain that flexibility.
Otherwise what happens is you get stress and you stress others.
Meditation helps you to come out of it. And that is the sign of a yogi. U
can cry for others, its ok, but if you keep crying even when the other
person is out of it!!! That does not seem to be a sign of a yogi. 'Nirlipt'
Dispassion. It is not being harsh or hard to others. No! that's a wrong
concept people has. Soft, yet like a gem. Like a mirror fluid simple. And
sensitive these are the signs of Samadhi. And the feelings of Samadhi will
blossoming in life.
*Question:* Guruji, in Bhagawat Geeta Bhagwan Sri Krishna said to Arjuna to
be free from the cycle of birth and death. Can Sudarshan Kriya free us from
the cycle of birth and death?
Yes, of course!
*Question:* I often get possessed by atmas (souls), I feel horrible after
that. What do I do?
*Guruji:* There is no need to get horrified. Are you doing Sudarshan Kriya
everyday? Also you must eat properly. Eat well drink a lot of water.
Sometimes it happens due to some weakness in the nerves. Consult a doctor
here. Ok?
*Question:* Guruji, can you please talk about dreams?
*Guruji:* You know in ancient times they said, Tripuran. Which means three
cities like living in three cities at the same time. At one level it's the
physical body, when you are absolutely awake. Then is the dream state, the
'swapnavaastha' . Then there is this deep sleep state. In that state you are
almost in the state of inertia. You are not aware of anything. Then the
other level is the 'shivavastha' , the state of shiva, which is the
meditative state. In this state you are neither fully awake nor sleeping.
This is also called the 'Turiavaastha' . The other state is the state
'Turiateeth' , which means the cosmic consciousness. In this state even if
you are with your eyes opened, you are meditating. Meditation is happening
all the times. The 6th state is the Bhawavaastha. The highest state.
*Question:* Guruji, what are the effects of planet?
*Guruji:* Yeh,, you can change the effect the change of the planet with your
will power.
*Question: *What is the difference between compassion and passion?
*Guruji:* U tell me. You do a research on that and tell me that outcome.
*Question:* Guruji, the beautiful state of mind that is there in me right
now will disappear as soon as I hit the world out side. How to strike a
balance between the outside world and inner world?
*Guruji*: Have u ridden a bicycle? How do you balance? Just like that! When
u r going too extreme to the left side, u pull yourself to the right.
Similarly if you are going too much towards the right, you balance on the
left. Got it?
here are the links to recent art of livin youtube videos...
Sri sri ravi shankar at argentina may 2008
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=dC-S33h46MY
sri sri meditation at the end of the world
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=VEOKTNG7GmI& feature=related
bhanu didi.. radhe govind at argentina may 2008
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=wgSVIOyc0R8& feature=related
sri sri in argentina
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=_Y9hpDYmVY0& feature=related
satsang gauripriya..
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=4i6IVKvjMgE& feature=related
may 13th 2008 project
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=2MkbVfKwLGA& feature=related
recent satsang wid rishi nityapragyaji
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=QwdA_nLmB7U
understanding your own mind by rishi nityapragyaji. .
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=-GJWGILtqoE& feature=related
bliss 2008 part II course with sri sri
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=KiUPi1Gj0Nc& feature=related
rishi nitya pragyaji outer and inner world
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=sHNWCr22g1M
rishi nityapragyaji receive feedback
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JBBS4jMvnuI& feature=related
rishi nityapragya ji satsang at Detroit
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=KVRRYgEkuOg& feature=related
rishi nityapragyaji hey nand nad gopala
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=HLAFw8JdR9g& feature=related
rishi nityapragyaji narayan narayan
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=PdAuqc7bCH8& feature=related
Rishi nityapragyaji jiya dhadak dhadak Jiya dhadak..
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=uTIrUeSHQoE& feature=related
rishi nityapragyaji about ART OF LIVING FOUNDATION
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=en8n4y1obJc& feature=related
- Anjana Bhagole
The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"
www.aofl.nl| www.artofliving.org | www.iahv.org
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Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Guruji;s satsang knowledge 18th June2008/Recent You tube links AOL
Monday, June 23, 2008
zimbabwe meditation
A very very big warm thank you goes out to each and every person who responded so quickly to the crisis in Zimbabwe - and the call for help that followed.
We are overwhelmed with emotion and filled with gratitude after seeing the love that flowed into our 'inboxes' - and the concern that has filtered through from across the globe for the worsening situation in Zimbabwe...
Responses have so far been recieved from all over the UK, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Turkey, Sydney, Perth, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, Russia, Croatia, Lebanon, Oman, Israel and Saudi Arabia...
The list is getting longer by the minute...
It will be a special moment and a time for a positive lasting change in beautiful Zimbabwe...
SATURDAY 28th June, 7pm -
For those in the UK - the venue is as follows:
14 Madrid Road.
SW13 9PD.
Nearest Stations: Barnes Common, Hammersmith...
To the rest of the world - we look forward to 'tuning in' collectively and beautifully to bring that powerful smile back to what was once the 'bread basket' of Africa.
This come from the depth's of every Zimbabwean's heart,
with all our love...
Dr Farnaaz Sharief
The International Art of Living Foundation
The International Association for Human Values
Kent, UK.
Phone: 079 4649 4614
E-Mail: farnaaz@hotmail.co.uk
Registered Charity Number: 1103261
Jai Gurudev Dear Ones,
I have a very special request -
The situation in Zimbabwe is worsening by the minute - people are literally dying like flies, those that are alive are starving, there is no food around to help even those who can afford it. Children are sufferring...no-one can support them. People cannot even find enough to sustain themselves in garbage collections...
Inflation is over 300,000% - the worst in the world. AIDS is rampant - no-one can treat the sick - and currently because of the political climate - violence has broken out in all parts of the country.
This is a horrible reality that our families are stuck in the middle of - and leading authorities are doing nothing about...
I know that our collective consciousness can make a difference and am writing to request that we all get together in our countries, with our respective groups and have a collective meditation all across the world to pray for peace in the country...
This would mean alot to all those sufferring there and it will definately make the difference that the country needs right now.
Can we do this next weekend... SATURDAY JUNE 28th at 8pm???
I shall look forward to hearing from you - if you can let me know whether you would like to get involved, I can let the AOL group in Zimbabwe know -
Lets make it happen...
Lots of love,
Dr Farnaaz Sharief
The International Art of Living Foundation
The International Association for Human Values
Kent, UK.
Phone: 079 4649 4614
E-Mail: farnaaz@hotmail.co.uk
Registered Charity Number: 1103261
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Art of Living : CONFLICT AND INNOCENCE / incredible experience from Argentina (must follow link)
Weekly Knowledge #266 Bangalore Ashram 18 Aug 2000 India
Fights can only happen among equals. When you fight with someone, you make
them equal. But in reality there is no one at par with you. When you keep
people either above or below you, then there is no fight.
When they are above you, you respect them.
When they are below you, you love them and you feel compassionate.
Either submission or compassion can take you out of a fight in no time. This
is one way to look at it when you are tired of fighting. When you are well
rested, just fight and have fun.
The same is true of the mind. As long as the mind thinks it is equal to the
senses, there is conflict. When it realizes that it is bigger than the
senses, there is no conflict. And when the mind is smaller than the senses,
like in animals, there is no conflict. When the mind is caught up in the
senses, there is constant conflict. When it transcends the senses, it comes
back to its true nature, which is innocence - in no sense.
Does this make sense? (Laughter)
Growing Presence
Glowing Presence
He had not heard of Guruji before taking up the assignment for the designing of the stage. The rest of the story along with the pics is enclosed here.
Follow the best on :
Join our facebook group (ART OF LIVING) .. its growing everyday.
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Monday, June 16, 2008
How can one be spiritually connected on all levels of consciousness/ Gurudev in conversation with st
How can one be spiritually connected on all levels of consciousness?
June 12, 2008
Q: How can one be spiritually connected on all levels of consciousness at all times without any doubt?
Guruji : Whatever is there is all spirit. Spirit is nothing but energy. So, if you understand in that perspective, everything is made up of energy. You are always connected with God. There is not a single moment when you are separate from God or spirit. Even if you don't want, you can't be unconnected. Even if you want to be disconnected, you can't. That's God that is spirit.
So, spiritual plane is not a moral plane pr a mental plane. It's beyond those. It is ever existent and there all the time, all the time. Trying to connect to it, we accumulate pressure. We feel we are not connected. And all spiritual practices are to bring home this awareness, "Yes, I am connected". Recognition, you are that already. Now, what is the doubt and when does the doubt arise? Your doubt strengthens your faith. You never seem to doubt your dreams. Only in waking state of consciousness your doubt arises. Have you observe this? In a dream you are on horseback and the horse is flying in the sky. You don't ever doubt whether it is possible or not. You never doubt it. In dream there is no doubt, everything seems to be okay.
Doubt is the sign of intellect. Whenever intellect pokes in, it gives rise to a doubt. Only,we have to understand this phenomenon. And your doubt cannot be answered by some one else by questioning. Impossible.Every effort to clear a doubt will give rise to so many such doubts. Doubt is a big question mark. This question mark is also so closely connected to the point where sorrow also arises in life. Have you watched or observed or asked why you are so happy? Have you asked why there are beautiful things around? Why there are so many colors and such wonderful things in creation? But when there is a pinprick and pain you ask why. Of all people, this happens to you? Why this difficulty? Why this pain or suffering? You can drop every question, you can drop every doubt. That's a step of the enlightenment.
A Master or teacher never answers all your questions. He just sees that you could drop your doubt. Every question can be transformed into a wonder. See, what is the difference between a question and a wonder? Think on this. "Oh, See! How colorful this is !?" You are questioning there but does not expect an answer.That's a wonder. Question that arises in joy is wonder. Wonder always comes out of joy because it is your nature. You are joy. Question comes out stress, tension, sorrow, and an answer is given. See, many people go to ask different questions and then they are not really satisfied with the answers. That will produce more questions in the mind. So, it's a multiplication of questions over a period of time. ANUTTAROBAVA, the answerless. The answerless is a state of joy. That is the spiritual plane where you wonder every moment, wonder what is there? What is this? Wonder brings joy in life. When you have nothing to wonder and you are intellectualizing everything and you have understood everything, there is no joy in life; it is as good as death.
Children when they are so enthusiastic, they keep asking questions, they keep wondering. They are not particular about what answer you give. Whatever is said, they are happy with it, they are satisfied. In fact, they are wondering. They are wondering at everything. A child wonders looking at its own hands and fingers. A professor, who thinks he knows everything, doesn't wonder about anything; see his face, see his life-it's so dull. He knows everything there is to life; there is no energy, no enthusiasm.
One who knows and knows not, is wise. This is a saying in India. One who knows not and knows that he knows is a philosopher. It's like a psychologist. Psychologist has never studied his own psyche, his own mind function, never meditated and never gone into the depth of mind. Simply studying about it in books will not help. A true psychologist should go within and see every level of consciousness and experience them. Then, he has really studied psychology. Everywhere in the world they simply study but not practice psychology, experience what consciousness is. So, drop this idea that you want to be connected.
Every spiritual experience cannot come with intellectual analysis. It can only come out of feeling it. You feel in the depth of your heart that you are connected. And if you feel in the depth of your heart you are not connected, do some deep meditation, do some breathing, Kriya and the experience will tell you, "Yes, I am connected."
Sri Sri Ravishankar - in converstaion with students, teachers and parents
The Art of Living supremo, Sri Sri Ravishankar, took a gathering of school-children, parents and teachers on a cheery and reflective trip…
Lucknow was beaming under the stars, when Guruji as he is fondly addressed by devotees, picked up the microphone on his first visit to Lucknow. This was at City Montessori School's lawns.
"You all want me to say something. What is going on in your minds? You are waiting, and wondering what I'm going to say. This is the internal dialogue of the mind. Seeing this internal dialogue increases awareness of the self."
The goal of education
"The goal of education is to increase awareness not information. …Watching our inner-responses, knowing that they are there, increases our self-awareness."
He juxtaposed the words - 'hosh' awareness, and 'josh' excitement; to say that hosh, awareness was essential for creating something, while josh without hosh was a destructive force.
Success in life?
"A successful person is one, whose smile nobody can take away. A face bubbling with joy!"
"The second sign of success is, to be friendly."
Addressing the children, he asked them to make a new friend everyday. "To begin with, change places in class to get an opportunity to sit with a different child everyday, so that eventually, everybody could be everybody else's friend. This is the way to begin being friendly to the whole world. Sab Hamaare Hai."
"Khub shararat karni chahiye, aur mast rahna chahiye Bachcho, khub hanso, khub hasao; Mat fanso, mat fansao."
Parents, smile please…
"Nobody ever taught me how to keep a smiling face. Parents should become like children again – free, uninhibited, natural. If parents stay like this, children will catch on from them."
Model Teachers
"You should know that your life is very valuable. You are putting the foundation stone of the building. We play several roles, that of mother, father, teacher, friend, etc. We can play our roles in life in two ways. You could do as a Karmayogi, or you could do it as an Akarmyogi."![]()
"Did you know that your comfort is a direct result of the commitment of the people around you? The Karmayogis."
"When an Akarmyogi doctor sees you, he will charge you, and then discharge you. He does not really care for your well- being. He is only concerned with money. A Karmayogi doctor gives you a thorough check-up, and is concerned that you become healthy."
"An Akarmayoi teacher is one who doesn't care whether the students study or not. As long he gets his salary, he feels that he has done his duty by the students. This is an Akarmayogi teacher."
"A Karmayogi teacher is deeply interested in his students. He thinks day and night on how to give his best effort to the children. He wants the children to learn and grow."
Citizens' charter?
"Then there is an Akarmyogi citizen, and a Karmayogi citizen. The Akarmyogi citizen does not care if a tap is running on the road, or if there is garbage lying around. He goes his way without bothering to set things right."
"Whereas, a Karmyogi citizen takes care. He stops to switch off the running tap, or tells the authorities about the garbage heap. He is a Karmyogi citizen. Would you like to be an Akarmyogi citizen, or a Karmayogi citizen? Similarly, do you like an Akarmyogi doctor or a Karmyogi doctor? An Akarmyogi teacher, or a Karmayogi teacher?"
"An Akarmyogi father, provides for his child, without bothering to mix with the child, without bothering to know his child, her dreams and aspirations. You have thus created a gap with your children. Whatever we do, it should be done to the best of our ability."
"The purpose of education is to create a sense of belonging to everybody: Sab Hamaare Hai. In ancient times, children were instructed on Brahmopdesh, 'You are love, you are anand, you are chetna, you are that, Tum Vahi Ho.' Bacche Pratibhavan bante the. They discovered their strengths and did their people proud."
"Nowadays, we use the wrong kind of language, negatively charged… Galat sankalp karte ho – 'You are useless, you know nothing….' Such remarks make the child's foundation weak.
Happy children do well in studies and life
"Instead, take the children to an amusement park, let them be happy. And encourage them to do their best."
"Don't make any subject a burden for the child. The rule for education is that it should be interesting. Concentration is such an effort! Is this shocking for you? Whatever you love, you like doing. You don't have to concentrate then. Concentration is effortless then :-)"
"Children should be allowed to be natural, free, uninhibited. They should be able to speak to anybody, they should be able to shake hands, hug anybody in the family. Then, there will be no generation gap, no parental gap, no teacher-student gap…"
- Anjana Bhagole
The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"
www.aofl.nl| www.artofliving.org | www.iahv.org
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
YES Camp and Mineral Spa in Bulgaria 5-11 July
Hello dear friends,
We would like to invite you for a week-long vacation in the mountains of BULGARIA, in our well-known Mineral Bath Center (Starozagorski Mineralni Bani). The SPA RESORT is famous for its mineral waters, which have healing and rejuvenating effect over the body, mind and spirit. For one week you can dive into the pleasures of wonderful massages, purifying saunas, roman baths and mineral water pools, for E X T R E M E L Y cheap and affordable prices, yet with superior quality. While your children participate in the YES! SUMMER CAMP 2008, a program which is know to tranform the life of a youth-dynamic, powerful, exciting, you can take this time out for yourself and recharge the battery.
You can find below more information about the SPA RESORT and the prices as well the YES! Summer Camp in the attached file.
We are looking forward to meeting you!-- Yani Dragov mob: +359 888 788 943
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Gurujis tips on Food / KS- Giving away your rights.
How many of you have body pains since early in the morning? Tips from Guruji.
Posted by: "vamsi chinnam" chinnam_vamsii@yahoo.com chinnam_vamsii
Thu Jun 5, 2008 8:21 pm (PDT)
Gurudev's Coimbatore visit 13th Feb 2008
Guruji : How many of you have body pains since early in the morning, raise
your hand ?
(There was about 25% of the crowd raising their hands)
Guruji : You know why? *We eat the crops that are cultivated by using chemical fertilizers. This causes a lot of diseases* in our body. Do you understand?
We don't detoxify the body. To get good yield we use artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Because of these fertilizers, soil turns toxic and he produce from the soil in turn becomes toxic and our body gets toxic substances as we eat them which cause disease and pain.
How many have hip, joint, back pains and different kinds of headaches. I don't want you to tell me the number of head aches that you have at home!!!
You know the *white sugar is termed as white poison *in western countries. As it overs the knobs of the intestine and stops the nutrients from being absorbed by the body. The children who consume a lot of sugar are mostly lean because of lack of nutrition. If you stop giving them sugar, they will start getting healthier. We eat a lot of sugar and reduce our body growth as well. So instead if white sugar you should *start consuming cane sugar which is in turn good for the body. It helps the liver as it has minerals.* We have to know how to eat tell not how to eat more.
Similarly we need to *learn breathing practices to keep our body healthy and learn meditation to get peace of mind* and these things are very much essential for life. We should have knowledge and awareness on meditation, breathing practices and food.
Now let us switch on to cane sugar. The only difference that you may notice is that gulab jamuns would look much darker and jalebis would be of a different color!!! It does not matter.
After 30 -32 years *everyone should take 3 Triphala tablets at night. *It sets right all the three doshas, vata, pitha and kapha in the body. . It eliminates toxins from the body. Even if there is a problem with the food, Triphala clears the stomach and helps in good elimination the next morning. It also maximizes anti- oxidization in the body. All of you should take "Triphala" and you yan see the effect in your body within 5 to 7 days.
*"Deva Vati" *is a good cure for amebiosis and other diseases caused by change in food and water. It is harmless and *every* *one must carry with them wherever they go*. It replaces antibiotics like Flagyl and others. Two to three "Deva Vati" can cure forever.
In India , what ever we prepare we add turmeric in it. You know why? Because of its anti-oxidant properties and it has medicinal value. In 1980, we called upon scientists for a conference in Delhi . When asked about the use of turmeric, they said it is just a color pigment without any value. Today,the foreigners may* turmeric is an antioxidant* and it can give immunization against Cancer and let we do not understand its real value.
In Tamilnadu we add turmeric in the pickles, especially the *lemon pickles*. Turmeric means Goddess Devi. She is incarnation of lemon, turmeric, and neem. All the three plants are considered sacred in our country and they all give good energy to our body. If we grow lemon and tulsi in each and every house we can have good health in our country.
You know in our country there is a shortfall in the production of pulses. We are importing nearly 40% of the pulses and if this continues we will not have sufficient food In the future. So we have to plant pulses in our home garden and our women can do it.
*One more interesting thing you know our "Idly" is considered to be the most nutritious food in the World. *Because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, fats, amino acids and fiber. *Every one should consume ghee*. Ghee helps the body to absorb nutrients. If I start talking on food I can go on for hours together. *"Idly" is said to be the complete food it is a happy thing to know don't you think so?
In Seva--
Thanks & Regards.,
Vamsi Krishna
| ||
Jai Gurudev |
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Gurudev in Bali - 2008/2007
Also see the website below, it got beautifull pictures and stories about Gurudev in Bali. Written by an American journalist.Enjoy!!!Always Love,Jai GurudevThe following day the satsang was out on the beach again. But this time we forgot to inform the moon - so the satsang started with a few stars twinkling, a few clouds hovering but no sign of the moon. Some kids were playing around behind Guruji's couch and one small one kept coming up and staring at Guruji in the intense manner small children have - there were some efforts to get the kids off but finally Guruji said - 'let them play'. He was a little more strict on the singers - when one song started, he interrupted it to say, "This is too complicated for everyone, let's sing a simpler one." When later another song started, he again interrupted to say, "this is not in the right key." And he kept looking back, saying, "the moon is not here."
Q and A
Q: Guruji, have you ever been in love...with a woman?!
A: (there was a surge of laughter and perhaps curiosity in the group as we waited for the answer) "Not in this lifetime!" Guruji smiled and then with his usual innocent, sincere expression continued - "In this lifetime? For me, love is not a verb, it is a noun. Love is a substance we are made up of - so I can only think of love in that fashion. As a noun, not a verb." He looked at six hundred faces, nodding but still looking confused, still waiting...."Yes, I know it's not easy for you to know where I am or what I am..."
Q: How do you deal when you were in love with someone and they were in love with you but it doesn't seem to be the case now...
A: Don't demand love. Demand destroys love. Just assume that someone loves you.
Tell them, I know you love me. Even if they don't they will start loving you.
If they say they don't love you - just say, no, no, you're kidding, I know you love me!
You know in marriage - now this I have heard, I have no experience - but being married to someone is saying "I am here for you" If you can keep that feeling, that attitude, then it works.
Q: How to deal with someone who is older and is being very negative - should we listen?
A: It happens - when people get older, if they don't have pranayama, kriya, meditation, then the words can become more negative. Listen, but filter it. And it doesn't help to talk and convince them. When someone is in that state - they are deaf - they cannot hear you. You should not confirm their negativity - just agreeing with them is not the way. Neither is trying to convince them or confronting them - don't pour oil on fire. They will not respond to your words.
It's better to deal with humor. Just tell them, come let's sing, let's dance.
That's a much better way to deal with it. I have tried this out. It does work!
Q: Is it wrong to have ambition to have money - some financial security?
A: Money does not work for security. That's a false notion. You look at the richest people - you don't see security in them. Yes, money does bring some physical comforts. If you work hard - then money will come and let it come. If you have a lot of ambition and don't work hard - if you're lazy then it becomes a problem. Those who work hard - they don't worry about money - it comes.
And you get what you need, especially on this path - at the right time the hep comes. The soul inside you is capable of providing what you need. Isn't this happening for everyone? Yes, you can put your hands up. (A lot of hands go up - in a staggered fashion as the translation makes its way through the multiple
Guruji asked about a particular process during the course - "how many of you had good experiences? How many of you felt nothing?" You know what blocks you from experiences is your intellect. Intellect is a very small part of the brain. Experiencing is in a diametrically opposite part of the brain. If energy is only concentrated in one part of the brain then you won't get the experiences. It's lke you can't say I want to sleep - I want to sleep - you won't get sleep. You'll get insomnia! No, you must relax and be innocent, like a child.
You don't have to do anything. Just relax. That's the new mantra - Do not meditate. Just sit and let the energy in you get peace. You just sit. You know I created a revolution in the Ashram. For more than twenty years we've had satsang every evening. Every evening people come and sing and enjoy. I said for one month - no singing! Just come and sit for one hour, two hours. In silence.
And you know people have had such experiences. We get many more people coming now than we did when there was singing!
Q: I am able to help people with knowledge but I am unable to apply it to myself.
A: Then come to more courses like this. Be a student here and in courses and also in life. You know , just because someone has become a teacher, it doesnt mean you've got everythting - that you're done! No, no, come and sit at a basic course with another teacher. Look at the points - "accept people", "don't see intention", and see how to apply it to yourself.
- Anjana Bhagole
The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"
Sunday, June 01, 2008
AOL - The well baked Pot / Testing / Skill in Praising / GURUJIS GRACE in AP.
The Well-Baked Pot............
Bangalore Ashram, India
water is also wasted. If the pot is well-baked and strong, it will
holdup whether you put water into the pot or put the pot into water.
During Satsang that evening, a devotee presented a beautiful
handcrafted pot to Sri Sri. Another devotee gave a bouquet of roses.
Placing the bouquet into the pot, Guruji said,
"If the pot is well-baked, then it will hold the flowers."
Then a gift of sweets was given to Sri Sri, who added,
'When you flower, the sweets come to you."
Then came another box of sweets-Sandesh brand - and Guruji concluded,
'This is today's sandesh." (Sandesh is the Hindi word for message.)
~~~ Sri Sri
Testing is part of ignorance. You only test that of which you are not sure. If God is testing you, that means God doesn't´ know you well enough. How could people ever think that God is testing them?
God does not test you because he knows you in and out and your past, present and future. He knows your strengths and weaknesses and he alone gives you strength. He doesn't test you.
Only you can test yourself. Only when you do not have confidence, then you test. If you are confident, why would you test? If you are testing yourself, you do not know yourself.
Are you testing God?
God will never pass your test because He will never show up for your test. If He shows up for your test, then He is not God (laughter).
Whether you get this or not - just laugh!
Often, when you praise, you praise in comparison to someone else. In order
to praise one person, we put down someone else and when we want to point out
somebody's mistake we praise another.
Some are stingy in praising, and some are shy.
And some others are simply not used to.
Some praise with motives, and some others just to elevate.
Others praise themselves in order to hide their low self-esteem.
The real praise dawns in a blossomed state of consciousness.
The praise that comes out of an elevated state of consciousness is simply
its nature and is quite different. Normally praise comes out of craving and
pride. The praise from a heightened consciousness is always out of
Praising can no doubt elevate the consciousness and bring enthusiasm and
energy. At the same time it can also bring arrogance. Praising is a skill.
When someone praises you, do you take it without shying away?
Accepting praise without shyness, is also a skill.
God does not test you because he knows you in and out and your past, present and future. He knows your strengths and weaknesses and he alone gives you strength. He doesn't test you.
Only you can test yourself. Only when you do not have confidence, then you test. If you are confident, why would you test? If you are testing yourself, you do not know yourself.
Are you testing God?
God will never pass your test because He will never show up for your test. If He shows up for your test, then He is not God (laughter).
Whether you get this or not - just laugh!
Often, when you praise, you praise in comparison to someone else. In order
to praise one person, we put down someone else and when we want to point out
somebody's mistake we praise another.
Some are stingy in praising, and some are shy.
And some others are simply not used to.
Some praise with motives, and some others just to elevate.
Others praise themselves in order to hide their low self-esteem.
The real praise dawns in a blossomed state of consciousness.
The praise that comes out of an elevated state of consciousness is simply
its nature and is quite different. Normally praise comes out of craving and
pride. The praise from a heightened consciousness is always out of
Praising can no doubt elevate the consciousness and bring enthusiasm and
energy. At the same time it can also bring arrogance. Praising is a skill.
When someone praises you, do you take it without shying away?
Accepting praise without shyness, is also a skill.
Jai Gurudev
Dear All, JAI GURUDEV! As you may be aware Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh is reeling under blaze with 45-46 deg.C. AOL, Vijayawada have put up a stall in the ongoing exhibition where there was a major fire accident this morning (18th). All the surrounding stalls have burnt to ashes except AOL stall. Not even a small paper in our stall was burnt. Really Guru's grace is Apaaram. I am trying to get a photograph of the stall and if succeeded will forward.
Thanks & regards.
C N MURTY S M ENTERPRISES 232, 'C' BLOCK, CHENOY TRADE CENTRE PARKLANE, SECUNDERABAD 500 003. INDIA TEL.0091 40 66207735,FAX. 0091 40 66320933, MOBILE: 09885303613 E-mail: murtysmenterprises@ yahoo.co. in or murtycn@gmail. com
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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