Saturday, June 07, 2008

Gurujis tips on Food / KS- Giving away your rights.

How many of you have body pains since early in the morning? Tips from Guruji. 

Posted by: "vamsi chinnam"   chinnam_vamsii

Thu Jun 5, 2008 8:21 pm (PDT)

Jai Gurudev
Gurudev's Coimbatore visit 13th Feb 2008

Guruji : How many of you have body pains since early in the morning, raise
your hand ?

(There was about 25% of the crowd raising their hands)

Guruji : You know why? *We eat the crops that are cultivated by using chemical fertilizers. This causes a lot of diseases* in our body. Do you understand?

We don't detoxify the body. To get good yield we use artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Because of these fertilizers, soil turns toxic and he produce from the soil in turn becomes toxic and our body gets toxic substances as we eat them which cause disease and pain.

How many have hip, joint, back pains and different kinds of headaches. I don't want you to tell me the number of head aches that you have at home!!!
If we have to get rid of all these pains and diseases, we have to go back to our traditional method of farming. We have to do natural farming, Zero budget farming low-cost, more yield, better health. So we have to take this as a revolution to the farmers.

You know the *white sugar is termed as white poison *in western countries. As it overs the knobs of the intestine and stops the nutrients from being absorbed by the body. The children who consume a lot of sugar are mostly lean because of lack of nutrition. If you stop giving them sugar, they will start getting healthier. We eat a lot of sugar and reduce our body growth as well. So instead if white sugar you should *start consuming cane sugar which is in turn good for the body. It helps the liver as it has minerals.* We have to know how to eat tell not how to eat more.

Similarly we need to *learn breathing practices to keep our body healthy and learn meditation to get peace of mind* and these things are very much essential for life. We should have knowledge and awareness on meditation, breathing practices and food.

Now let us switch on to cane sugar. The only difference that you may notice is that gulab jamuns would look much darker and jalebis would be of a different color!!! It does not matter.

After 30 -32 years *everyone should take 3 Triphala tablets at night. *It sets right all the three doshas, vata, pitha and kapha in the body. . It eliminates toxins from the body. Even if there is a problem with the food, Triphala clears the stomach and helps in good elimination the next morning. It also maximizes anti- oxidization in the body. All of you should take "Triphala" and you yan see the effect in your body within 5 to 7 days.

*"Deva Vati" *is a good cure for amebiosis and other diseases caused by change in food and water. It is harmless and *every* *one must carry with them wherever they go*. It replaces antibiotics like Flagyl and others. Two to three "Deva Vati" can cure forever.

In India , what ever we prepare we add turmeric in it. You know why? Because of its anti-oxidant properties and it has medicinal value. In 1980, we called upon scientists for a conference in Delhi . When asked about the use of turmeric, they said it is just a color pigment without any value. Today,the foreigners may* turmeric is an antioxidant* and it can give immunization against Cancer and let we do not understand its real value.

In Tamilnadu we add turmeric in the pickles, especially the *lemon pickles*. Turmeric means Goddess Devi. She is incarnation of lemon, turmeric, and neem. All the three plants are considered sacred in our country and they all give good energy to our body. If we grow lemon and tulsi in each and every house we can have good health in our country.

You know in our country there is a shortfall in the production of pulses. We are importing nearly 40% of the pulses and if this continues we will not have sufficient food In the future. So we have to plant pulses in our home garden and our women can do it.

*One more interesting thing you know our "Idly" is considered to be the most nutritious food in the World. *Because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, fats, amino acids and fiber. *Every one should consume ghee*. Ghee helps the body to absorb nutrients. If I start talking on food I can go on for hours together. *"Idly" is said to be the complete food it is a happy thing to know don't you think so?

In Seva--

Thanks & Regards.,
Vamsi Krishna

Knowledge Sheet 159 - Give Away Your Rights
Jun 24, 1998
St.Louis, Missouri , USA

Those who fight for their rights are weak for they do not know their inner strength, their magnanimity. The weaker you are, the more you demand your rights. Asserting your rights makes you isolated and poor. People who fight for their rights, take pride in it. This is an ignorant pride. You need to recognize no one can take away your rights. They are yours.

The courageous will give away their rights. The degree to which you give away your rights indicates your freedom, your strength. The stronger you are the more you give away your rights. Only those who have their rights can give away their rights!!!

Demanding rights does not really bring you the rights, and giving them away does not really take them away.

Poor are those who demand their rights.

Richer are those who know their rights cannot be taken away.

Richest are those who give away their rights.

Demand for rights is ignorance, agony.

Knowing no one can take away your rights is freedom.

Giving away your rights is love, wisdom.

More at - Rajesh
Jai Gurudev

"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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