Also see the website below, it got beautifull pictures and stories about Gurudev in Bali. Written by an American journalist.Enjoy!!!Always Love,Jai GurudevThe following day the satsang was out on the beach again. But this time we forgot to inform the moon - so the satsang started with a few stars twinkling, a few clouds hovering but no sign of the moon. Some kids were playing around behind Guruji's couch and one small one kept coming up and staring at Guruji in the intense manner small children have - there were some efforts to get the kids off but finally Guruji said - 'let them play'. He was a little more strict on the singers - when one song started, he interrupted it to say, "This is too complicated for everyone, let's sing a simpler one." When later another song started, he again interrupted to say, "this is not in the right key." And he kept looking back, saying, "the moon is not here."
Q and A
Q: Guruji, have you ever been in love...with a woman?!
A: (there was a surge of laughter and perhaps curiosity in the group as we waited for the answer) "Not in this lifetime!" Guruji smiled and then with his usual innocent, sincere expression continued - "In this lifetime? For me, love is not a verb, it is a noun. Love is a substance we are made up of - so I can only think of love in that fashion. As a noun, not a verb." He looked at six hundred faces, nodding but still looking confused, still waiting...."Yes, I know it's not easy for you to know where I am or what I am..."
Q: How do you deal when you were in love with someone and they were in love with you but it doesn't seem to be the case now...
A: Don't demand love. Demand destroys love. Just assume that someone loves you.
Tell them, I know you love me. Even if they don't they will start loving you.
If they say they don't love you - just say, no, no, you're kidding, I know you love me!
You know in marriage - now this I have heard, I have no experience - but being married to someone is saying "I am here for you" If you can keep that feeling, that attitude, then it works.
Q: How to deal with someone who is older and is being very negative - should we listen?
A: It happens - when people get older, if they don't have pranayama, kriya, meditation, then the words can become more negative. Listen, but filter it. And it doesn't help to talk and convince them. When someone is in that state - they are deaf - they cannot hear you. You should not confirm their negativity - just agreeing with them is not the way. Neither is trying to convince them or confronting them - don't pour oil on fire. They will not respond to your words.
It's better to deal with humor. Just tell them, come let's sing, let's dance.
That's a much better way to deal with it. I have tried this out. It does work!
Q: Is it wrong to have ambition to have money - some financial security?
A: Money does not work for security. That's a false notion. You look at the richest people - you don't see security in them. Yes, money does bring some physical comforts. If you work hard - then money will come and let it come. If you have a lot of ambition and don't work hard - if you're lazy then it becomes a problem. Those who work hard - they don't worry about money - it comes.
And you get what you need, especially on this path - at the right time the hep comes. The soul inside you is capable of providing what you need. Isn't this happening for everyone? Yes, you can put your hands up. (A lot of hands go up - in a staggered fashion as the translation makes its way through the multiple
Guruji asked about a particular process during the course - "how many of you had good experiences? How many of you felt nothing?" You know what blocks you from experiences is your intellect. Intellect is a very small part of the brain. Experiencing is in a diametrically opposite part of the brain. If energy is only concentrated in one part of the brain then you won't get the experiences. It's lke you can't say I want to sleep - I want to sleep - you won't get sleep. You'll get insomnia! No, you must relax and be innocent, like a child.
You don't have to do anything. Just relax. That's the new mantra - Do not meditate. Just sit and let the energy in you get peace. You just sit. You know I created a revolution in the Ashram. For more than twenty years we've had satsang every evening. Every evening people come and sing and enjoy. I said for one month - no singing! Just come and sit for one hour, two hours. In silence.
And you know people have had such experiences. We get many more people coming now than we did when there was singing!
Q: I am able to help people with knowledge but I am unable to apply it to myself.
A: Then come to more courses like this. Be a student here and in courses and also in life. You know , just because someone has become a teacher, it doesnt mean you've got everythting - that you're done! No, no, come and sit at a basic course with another teacher. Look at the points - "accept people", "don't see intention", and see how to apply it to yourself.
- Anjana Bhagole
The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"
Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Gurudev in Bali - 2008/2007
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