Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Focus and Expansion (KS 181) / Q & A's with Guruji...

Knowledge Sheet 181 - Focus and Expansion
Nov 26, 1998
Bangalore Ashram, India

Focus sharpens the mind and relaxation expands the mind. Just an expanded mind without sharpness cannot bring the holistic development. At the same time, just the sharp mind without expansion causes tension, anger and frustration.

The balance between the focussed mind and expanded consciousness brings perfection.

Both Sudarshan Kriya and the Advanced Course techniques are aimed at developing such consciousness which is sharp and unbounded.

Seva and commitment play a major role in this. Also, food and attitude have an effect.

Expanded consciousness is peace and joy. Focussed consciousness is love and creativity.

A point of focussed consciousness is Individual self.

When every atom of the expanded consciousness becomes sharp, focussed, that is the awakening of Divinity.
Jai Gurudev


*  Q&A with Guruji  *

Q: In different religions different customs are followed. Some burn the body
after death, some bury it. What is right?
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Sri Sri: See the origin of the customs. Islam, Judaism were born in desert.
Desert is dry sand, not too many woods, trees are rare. It was practically
impossible to burn the bodies. So in those circumstances, it was better to
bury. Sand would decompose the bodies. Here, 5000 to 10000 years ago, India
was much greener than what it is now. There was so much of wood. So, best
way was to burn the bodies, make them to ashes, which will decompose
eventually. We did not have so much of land, else with this much of
population all the land would have been graveyard. These days, electrical
cremation is the best, environment friendly way. Today, we are coming to a
Unique culture.

Q: Loving Guruji, please explain Love and Life.
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Sri Sri: Life is incomplete without love.

Q: Guruji, when interest starts developing towards devotion,what should one
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Sri Sri: Good. Very good. But simultaneously you must take care of the
responsibilities as well. One shouldnot run away.

Q: Ever since I was little I was told that God would not come in physical
form as this is Kalyuga.Then how come You are here?
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SriSri: These things are just said as a way to wake people up. To take you
out of lethargy, laziness, dullness.Come on! Quickly do something. Yukti,
skill in waking one up. Kalyuga is very good, there's nothing wrong. You are
all here. Even in ancient days there have been problems. Demons would not
allow people to meditate.

Q: How many are enlightened?
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Sri Sri: There's no count ?" how many hairs are on your head? There may be
few teachers but [in terms of enlightenment there are many]. Knowledge is
hidden in everyone like rice. Every child has come [with perfection inside].
Don't need to do anything too much, even meditation. Only as much as is
necessary [for perfection to arise].

Q: How do we know that our interpretation of knowledge is right or it is a
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Sri Sri: When you see something, you introspect first.. You see the means of
knowledge. That's why in India science and spirituality never contradict
each other. Spirituality believes first and experiments later. Science is
experimenting first and believing later. In ancient days a child is given
'Brahma Upadesham', the highest knowledge is initiated to the child , right
at childhood.


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