Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Guruji Blesses Bahrain/Brahmanaad translation

Guruji Blesses Bahrain!!

Dear all,

was blissed out with Guruji's overflowing blessings!!
November 18th 2008 will be an unforgettable day for  AOL, Bahrain

None of us had the least  inkling of what was to unfurl on
the 18th of Nov
In the afternoon (Nov 18th), our chapter co-ordinator was   informed of
 Him transitting  
Bahrain on the way to Delhi from Cyprus
...His flight would
land at 6-30pm and His return flight at
was  all that was known .. also that He
expressed the wish to 'come out' of the airport!!

What went on for the next couple of hours was true sanghachatwam
...telephone lines ringing some with both the ears busy answering mobiles
and landlines..the Indian Embassy was approached, doors were knocked
..influential people approached.. to organise His visit pass/visa, the Hotel
where He could stay and meet all His eager devotees. SMS after
Sms...updating ...several ladies were onto cooking their special dishes for
Him.. several minds working ..with One get Guruji to where He was
most wanted..devotees hearts!!!

And that's exactly what happened ..Inspite of speculation till the last
moment..nothing could stop Him..He just made things happen...the hall was
booked at a Five star hotel..
Crowne Plaza.. thanks to the manager at
Plaza and  thanks to the Indian Embassy  and our dear Ambassador ..His visit
pass was arranged... .and others sent off SMS es to all the devotees. about
the surprise visit .... most of whom  gathered to be with the Master who
transformed them . Soon after He landed He was driven to the
Crowne Plaza

by the Ambassador ,where devotees longing to meet Him had gathered..

After freshning up..He met with top representatives from the press/Radio
....and  later eating a little of what each and every 'motherly' lady had
cooked,  He went onto be with His dear devotees..
Meeting every single one of the multi national & multi religious group of
devotees ..walking through the packed hall..His never fading
smile..oblivious of the previous hectic itinerary..Capturin g every ones
hearts and minds...
'Chitta Chor!'
..He then got all the little ones. onto the dias   and played along with
them in His lovable child-like way..looking at one and throwing the
chocolates on the opposite side  ! He said we should all be like  a
child.....He was literally surrounded by kids of all ages ..on all sides..He
then answered some questions...

Will I ever find peace ..?
SriSri: Are you not peaceful Now!

When I get up in the morning should I consider it as my first day/last day
on this Earth?
SriSri:With a twinkle, He said '''the choice is yours!!'

How do I find peace?
SriSri: (Giving the analogy of driving a car.).He said  while driving we
look in the rear view, side mirrors and in the front and do this almost
simultaneously. . But our leg is always on the accelerator. .and finally when the fuel in the
car is over stops.. Our life /mind are as if on the accelerator throughout.. we don't stop even though we pass home/shops.. Learning to apply brakes is the skill..and that is meditation.. to be able to go deep within..into silence..that is peace!!

When will I be enlightened? Will I be after 10 days of silence?
Sri Sri;You do not need 10 can be enlightened even after 2 days !!

Time and again He mentioned that while He was supposed to go to
the near future  ..He found Himself in
..'He said " I wanted to give
you a surprise..but you have surprised me!!  In such a short span of a few could arrange all this and get so many people together!!'
He makes us feel as if we have done it all..but all of us know who is behind
all this...afterall its His grace .love and blessings..we are just one of
those gopas putting up our little staff..!!!

This is when He said ..all one has to do is take a sankalpa..a wish
intention ..and let  it  off into the universe...things will manifest...
''Courier all your worries and botherations to me and be peaceful'

He then went onto lead a guided meditation ..with all the kids trooping out
with a couple of 'kid sitters'..what was 25 minutes seemed like only 5
minutes to some of the teenagers who were fortunate to be a part of this
momentous occasion..
Sweet melody followed..with singing of a few bhajans..culminatin g with
'Allah Hu..Allah Hu..
We wished time would we did not want Guruji to go...unanimously
all of us wished Him to stay longer...nay forever!!!.. this is possible in
the frame of timelessness. .but getting back to ground was time
for Him to be able to catch His next flight..(someone rightly
said that He lives on planes!!!)

In all this excitement.. He made sure Fred, the sweet German ashramite
/videographer  who accompanied Him ,was looked after, fed  and cared
for..only shows how  He cares/is centred/and is love personified. ...a big
Continuing to bless and hug people on the way..He finally got into the  car
waiting outside to be driven a little into the city before finally getting
to the airport..

It was like a dream come true...nay most are us are really marvelling at how
things took shape..and are totally zapped wonder and amazement! He left
us all feeling deeply satisfied,  hearts  full & brimming , blissed out
In retrospect.. several devotees had premonitions of His visit..some had
dreams, some had intentions, some just prayed..Gratitude flows to our dear
Guruji for making this happen, & all the members of AOL, Bahrain for just
being there as a family..

Well all that can be said is that the 'Ways of the Divine are mysterious'
and like Guruji says ..'You never know when what will happen..keep your
houses clean..I may visit them anytime..!!! '

So, dear ones..'Just make a wish ..and leave it into the Universe..!! '



Guruji's talk on Brahmanaad- November 21, 2008. -A translation.

Guruji's talk
on Brahmnaad 2008- 21st Nov 2008.- A translation

Both, Music and spirituality bring harmony in life.
Meditation brings silence within and brings music from the soul. Whereas, good
music brings calmness to the mind, and gives rest and strength to the body.

It has always been my liking to make the impossible, possible. Whenever I said, that many Sitars will be played simultaneously, people always told me, that is can never happen. I said, "The power of Yog makes possible what seems impossible."

When so many sitars play at the same time, it is not
just Sound ( Naad ), it is Divinity - Brahmanaad.

We are a nation of a billion
people. We should be able to find 1000 sitar
players from within
Delhi .
But this did not happen. We had to search for them from all over
and bring
them together. This shows that we have ignored our music and culture. We are
not giving as much importance and priority as it deserves.

So, through this programme, we get this message, that we should encourage our children to learn Indian classical music. We will make our culture glow brighter. We want to keep our classical music alive. Today, we can see here, people of all age are present, from a 6 year old child to a 77 year old scholar.

There is a saying - kavya shastra vinodak alok gacchate dhimata

It is a sign of intelligent person that he devotes his time to music, art, scriptures,
poetry, wit and meditation.

And, a foolish person wastes his time in addictions, quarrels, botheration and all kinds of frivolous conversation and gossip. They stay busy creating trouble for themselves and others. It is a necessity in this country, that people become intelligent and start spending their time in art and culture.

So I would like youth here...more and more youth to learn the classical music. It´s a unique gift to the world. Our classical music is unique in itself, it uplifts the spirit...

So, this brahmanaad is a call to all  the people of

First, it is "
brahma"- Food is god. Our anscectors have said. Grow food. There is no need to go and search for God anywhere else...´anne brahme tejana´ See God in food. Feed the hungry. In our scriptures, much is said about this.

Next is `prana-brahma´ - Life-energy is god. Worship life. Do sadhana, pranayam, meditation. Make your life glow from within by doing regular sadhana.

Then there is `naad-brahma´ - the divine sound. Blend with the melody...get
immersed with the rhythm. It is  a kind of meditation. Through music, you will transcend to a `samadhi´ - a higher level of being.

Then, science is God, Knowledge is god. Then, there is a realization, Joy is god.

In this way, the idea of the progress of life, the goal of life, the evolution of life is conceptualized.

Today we are at a moment in history, when if we save our culture, we revive our ancient arts, then they will flourish.

So, I am grateful to all these musicians here. These days, lesser number of people prefer to listen to classical music. Still, these musicians are taking immense interest in music by
learning it, and they are inspiring others to take interest in it. For sure, their effort will be fruitful. And, we always have our music maestros, like ShivKumar ji...their blessings will always be there for all the musicians.

So, if you want to save Indian culture, save our our traditions, lifestyle and food habits.

Our relations, interactions with all, is traditionally sweet, favourable.
is the only country in the world which has never attacked any other country. Such is our culture of truth
and non-violence. Through Music, yog, by practicing pranayam and meditation, we
will put our culture on a even higher pedestal.

We will soothe all the souls who are in need. People in
are suffering.
But they are serving as an example to the whole world. These days there is a
big financial crisis. All around, people are depressed. Their enthusiasm has
died out. They are scared. In these times, the people of
have  a message for all, look at us. We have lost everything in floods. But still, we are alive. We are in a worse
situation than you all. But God is within us.

God will surely help these people. They are so many of them. They will surely come together and find a solution.

We believe that the whole world is one family...Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.. This is the culture we are born in. Can we not help those in need? We can definitely help each other. That much humanity is still alive... we will all help eath other.

Spread this word all around from here. Whosoever is sad, for any reason, or is filled with remorse and aversion, we have a message for all. You are not alone. We are with you. Come to this path. This is a path laid by ancient seers. Of Nonviolence and truth. Walk on this path and the see how life is filled with light. A new Light, new enthusiasm is born...hmmm....

Sitting here now, I just had a thought...I wrote something on what is Naada Brahma? There is a song about Brahma...shall we sing? Then we will sit for a meditation.

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma.... .

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Jiva Brahma....Jagatpi Brahma....

Drishta ....Darshan. ...Drishyam Brama....

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Saguna...nirguna. ..sarvam Brahma...

Saaram Brahma....samadhi Brahmam...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahmam....

Shabdh Brahma....Ne- shabdh Brahma

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Akshar Brahama....Shashvat i Brahma....

Gyaan, Vigyaan Pragyaan Brahma...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma...Anan Brahma...Aneyam Brahma

Praram Brahma...Paratpar Brahma....Gyaan Brahma....Pragyaan Brahma...

Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma... Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma...

Anan Brahma...Aneyam Brahma

Param Brahma...Paratpar Brahma....

Gyaan Brahma....Pragyaan Brahma...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...

Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....

Jai Gurudev

- Anjana Bhagole


The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
You are a fountain of joy at the center of your being.
Joy is the realization that there is no vacation from wisdom.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"| |

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