Sunday, October 28, 2007

KNOWLEDGE - How to deal with behaviour + Window shutters + News + Balance sheet of life.

How to deal with behaviour....Guruji says

What do you do when someone behaves very rudely to you?

1. Get upset
2. React rudely back
3. Get frustrated
4. Run-away from and avoid the person or the situation
5. Blame the person
6. Preach to the person
None of these will in any way strengthen you.

Then what are the options? See rude behavior in this light:

1. It indicates the intensity of their commitment
2. It indicates the amount of stress and insensitivity
3. It projects the up-bringing of the person
4. It indicates a behavioral pattern
5. It shows lack of knowledge
6. It shows lack of observation of one's own mind and its sensations
7. It shows you behavior to avoid
8. It is an opportunity for you to welcome and absorb the rudeness
9. It strengthens your mind
10. It unconditions the love that you are

The next time when someone is rude to you, make sure you don't get
upset. Just give back a broad smile.

If you can digest the rudeness, nothing whatsoever can shake you.

Window Shutters....

To the degree that you are awake, everything around you brings you
knowledge. If you are not awake, then even the most precious knowledge
does not make any sense.

(Suddenly there was much noise from outside and Kiran went to shut the

Sri Sri: Awareness depends upon your ability to shut your windows. When
there is a storm you need to shut your windows, otherwise you will get

When it is hot and suffocating inside, you need to open your windows.
Your senses are like the windows. When you have the ability to open and
shut your windows at your will then you are free and you are awake. When
your windows cannot be shut or opened, you are bound.

Attending to that is sadhana or practice.


Jaigurudev Dear Ones!!

AOL volunteers in Pune had taken up a good initiative of publishing Sampoorna - the monthly emagazine!

In the continuation of the same for this month the magazine is uploaded on www.artoflivingpune .org

You can download it from the home page of the site.

A link has been added on the home page to download it.

Alternately u can directly download it from the below link:

http://www.artofliv downloads/ Sampoorna- Oct-2007. pdf

This months magazine is toooooooooo good with lots of updates of Navaratri! Read it for sure!!


Balance Sheet of Life

Our Birth is our Opening Balance !

Our Death is our Closing Balance!

Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities

Our Creative Ideas are our Assets

Heart is our Current Asset

Soul is our Fixed Asset

Brain is our Fixed Deposit

Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital

Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade

Friends are our General Reserves

Values & Behavior are our Goodwill

Patience is our Interest Earned

Love is our Dividend

Children are our Bonus Issues

Education is Brands / Patents

Knowledge is our Investment

Experience is our Premium Account

The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.

The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.

Some very Good and Very bad things ...

The most destructive habit....... ......... ......Worry

The greatest Joy......... ......... ......... ....Giving

The greatest loss........ ........Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work........< wbr>.......Helping others

The ugliest personality trait....... ......Selfishnes s

The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.... ......... ..Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"........ ..Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.... ......... ....Fear

The most effective sleeping pill........ Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..... .......Excuses

The most powerful force in life........ ......... .Love

The most dangerous pariah...... ......... ...A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer.... ....The brain

The worst thing to be without..... ......... ..... Hope

The deadliest weapon...... ......... ........The tongue

The two most power-filled words....... ........" I Can"

The greatest asset....... ......... ......... .....Faith

The most worthless emotio n..... ......... ....Self- pity

The most beautiful attire...... ......... .......SMILE!

The most prized possession.. ......... .....Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication. ....Prayer

The most contagious spirit...... ......... ..Enthusiasm

The most important thing in life........ ......... .GOD / GURUJI......


Ps. Friends .. pass this email to all your family members and friends. Reach the knowledge to everyone.
I have this list of members growing.. Feels GOOD.



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