Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Most of the sorrow in the world is because of this: speech -- what
 people say. If they kept their lips tight, ninety percent of the problems
 in the world would be over. 
Floating Shells 
Don't see people as "lives", see people as floating shells in an ocean
 of life
Something Sacred 
When you consider something sacred, you will never pollute it. 
Look into the Vastness 
Our head is stuck inside a drum, and we think that is the sky. It is so
 little, our universe. Take your head; lift up---look into that
 vastness of the creation. 
Perfection in Nature 
There is perfection in Nature. You only have to look through a
 different eye
One Life
You think there are two people existing in this world. You think there
 are two lives. In fact, it is wrong -- there is only one Life and one
 Self, one Soul. 
Filled with Honey 
Like a honeycomb is all filled with honey, the body -- -all the holes
 in the body are filled with mind, or consciousness. And the nature of
 that is joy is Love. 
Body is Space
See, ninety percent of this body is only space, and space, and space.
 And what is in this space? That is mind; that is consciousness; that is
Superficial Trust 
Our trust is very superficial. It's just a covering for our fears. We
 are afraid and we don't want to feel that way, so we force the trust on
 us. We think we have trusted, and when the time comes it falls apart 
Can't be Tired 
When you appreciate beauty, you don't feel tired. You are energetic.
 You are full of vitality, full of enthusiasm. 
Levels of Appreciation 
Just the sound of a bell, that is enough to appreciate. But if your
 energy is low, you need really loud rock and roll to just make you feel
 good, high. 
Beauty has no utility, because beauty is not a "means," it is an end in
 itself. All that is useful in life is only a means. All that is
 useless, is an end in itself. Do you see that? What is the use of being in
When We Sing
In every little mind, different, different thoughts come; and
 different, different moods are there. But, when we sing, what happens? All the
 minds have the same rythym, the same song, same waves, same frequency,
 and there is so much more joy. 
You aren't judged… 
Do not judge. Just look at yourself -- how many flaws you have. And
 Nature, the Divine, has accepted you with all your flaws... It doesn't
 judge you at all. 
Stop Judging 
Go inside -- go into the kingdom of heaven. And how can you go? You can
 go only when you become innocent. And how can you be innocent? Stop
Divinity And Beauty 
There is no Divinity without beauty; there simply cannot [be]. Divinity
 is nothing but energy, divine energy, and [the] expression of beauty. 
Past or Future
Observe your mind---it's either in the past or in the future. Do you
 see that? We regret the past and are anxious about the future. 
'Judgement Day' 
This whole thing of a "judgement day" is just to create fear in people.
 There is no judgement day. Yes, in the past, prophets have used these
 words only to stimulate those who do [would] not stir up for anything
 other than fear. What do you do with people who are totally lazy, don't
 do a thing, and sleep all the time -- such deep inertia? To stir
 inertia, fear is essential.
What you are judging 
Your own judgement brings the barrier, separates you, makes you behave
 so funny. When you are judging, you are judging your own self, but you
 are super-imposing it on this, or this, or this, or this, or this. 
Unconditional love 
The breath moves into a saint as well as into a wicked person. The
 breath makes no distinction, it moves. Unconditionally it loves you,
 supports you, holds you in its arms, because it is all Shiva. The entire
 creation is "Shiva tatwa" -- innocence. 
Compassion or Forgiveness 
Compassion is better than forgiveness. The very word "forgiveness"
 implies that there is an intention in somebody's mistake. Somebody is bad
 so you are going to "forgive" them. Peep into their heart. Go beyond
 their words, beyond their behavior---you will see, they need compassion,
 they need help.
Most of the sorrow in the world is because of this: speech -- what people say. If they kept their lips tight, ninety percent of the problems in the world would be over.

Floating Shells
Don't see people as "lives", see people as floating shells in an ocean of life

Something Sacred
When you consider something sacred, you will never pollute it.

Look into the Vastness
Our head is stuck inside a drum, and we think that is the sky. It is so little, our universe. Take your head; lift up---look into that vastness of the creation.
Losing Innocence 
  Your judgement is an impression in your mind. You don't want to be
 judged, but you judge others. But whatever you do, if you judge, that
 same reflects back into yourself, and the innocence is lost. The main
 purpose, the main thing of why you should not judge [is] because your
 innocence will be lost.
  Constructive Criticism 
  If criticism comes from the heart, mixed with feelings, that's where
 the bitterness is. That makes you feel bitter and spreads poison around
 you. But if the criticism is just from the throat, not from the heart,
 then it helps one to go ahead -- it becomes constructive. 
  Criticism from the Throat 
  Without being critical, the intellect cannot progress. But that
 criticism should not come from the heart; it can come from the throat. 
  At least do this 
  This could be a step for you: to reach the point where you even don't
 feel anything bad about anybody at all. But if you happen to feel
 [bad], if you want to say [something], just say it -- and just drop it. 
When You are Angry 
When you are angry at somebody, for their mistake, you have become that
Nature Knows Best 
See how many desires you have had, and how many desires were not
 fulfilled, and how many desires you feel that way: when it was not fulfilled,
 it was good, "It was best for me." Don't you see this? Some desires
 which were not fulfilled, it was good for you. So, Nature knows what is
 best for you 
Be Passionate for the Highest 
If you are passionate, be passionate for the highest, the most
 wonderful, the most beautiful. Be passionate for this entire
 creation-everything is so beautiful 
See love even where it isn't 
Even if people don't like or love you, from your side you consider that
 they do love you, so that your love, at least, gets protected.
 Otherwise, when you think somebody doesn't love you, then you will also stop
 loving them.

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