*24th Oct 2007 **Bangalore** Ashram*
*Questions and answers:*
* *
*Question:* Guruji, during the Navratri you asked us to drop all the
worries, disappointments, fear, insecurity etc, and all the negativities, in
the fire of the Yagna (Homa). I did that and felt free for quite sometime.
But after a while the worries started its work again, and I was back to the
square one!! Guruji, is there a method that these negativities disappear
*Guruji: *(Laughter) Till you get Vairagya (dispassion), till the mind dies
you have continue. That's why it is said, 'punah punah'(again and again).
That's why Meera said, 'Baar baar bali jayu'. Again and again.. What happens
is that the mind gets trapped! Therefore unless you find the ultimate
contentment you have to do it again and again. And once you learn the skill
then you remain unperturbed. Serenity becomes your nature. Even now if you
look back and see yourself, you will se you have improved so much since the
time you have been practicing pranayama, yoga and meditation. You will see
you are so much better than before. I tell you once a person has learnt to
swim, he can never forget to swim. Even he has not done so over a long time,
he will still know. Similarly with practice, the mind learns to recognize
what to let go. So when there is an event, the mind naturally, effortlessly
says, "oh this I can let go"!!
*Question:* Guruji, in our childhood we heard that there is someone named
'Chitragupta' who is talking note of all our actions and is responsible for
counting our karma balances. Is that true? Is there really someone who is
watching us every moment?
*Guruji:* (laughter) 'Chitra' means photo, picture and 'Gupta' means secret,
hidden. The self who is witnessing the actions, the conscious mind is
referred here to as Chitragupta. You know there is this saying which says,
'Under the foot-print of an elephant, all other marks dissolve'. Therefore
under the Guru when are doing your Sadhana and seva and Satsang then
everything else dissolves. Similarly Chitragupta is not the (Malik)God, he
is the (Sevak) servant. But I tell you without self knowledge everything is
*Question:* Guruji, Hanuman was the biggest devotee to the Lord Rama, why is
it that we don't get to see Him any more?
Guruji: You don't get to see Him any more because He has settled in your
heart!! And he wants you to look into your heart. Whatever fear of Lanka you
have in your mind he wants you to get rid of it, and He is making the tail
and the fire ready to burn it!! When the atmarupi Ram( referring to Sri Rama
as the self) wants to meet the maanrupi Sita(referring to Sita as the mind),
then devotion (referring to Hanuman) should take over to burn fear(referring
to Lanka) by destroying Rvana(Ego) with the help of Laxmana(awareness). In
such a place, Victory is confirmed!!! And that day becomes the Dashere and
Diwali. So there is a Dashera and a Diwali happening everday in our life!!
*Question:* Guruji, this body of our feels like such a burden at times. We
suffer several diseases and it becomes an obstacle for us to merge with the
Ultimate. Guruji, can you please explain how important it is to keep the
*Guruji:* You know there is a saying that the grass is always greener on the
other side. There are thousands of souls who want to take a body to enjoy
whatever you are enjoying right now! These souls are want to get a body,
they are waiting!! Only fools leave the body, I tell you!! Only fools commit
suicide! You have so many impressions from the last birth!! You must have
been a donkey, cow, bull, buffalo,(laughter) anything!! You keep carrying
the impressions and behave in a particular way!! You have tendencies!!
*Question:* Guruji, You said at the Navratri the we see only 0.003% of what
is actually happening. Can you please talk on that?
*Guruji:* You know there was this scientist named Mickel kako who
established a theory, after having done several experiments and research,
that there are parallel worlds. It is he who said that, what we see is only
0.003% of what is actually happening. What we cannot see is the 'Dark
Energy'. That's what he named it. The power of that 'Dark Energy' is
unlimited! Its immense! In fact our Rig-Veda also says the same thing. The
'Dark' is referred to here as the 'Tamas'. Even Rig-Veda says that this
'Tamas' has great power. That's why they say 'Kali'. The dark goddess. She
just do not symbolize destruction, she is also referred to as the epitome of
knowledge. Like the pupil of our eye is dark! It is because of that we can
see. Do you see what I am saying? He source of knowledge is the 'Kaali'…
Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
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