Ashram satsang and knowledge session with sri sri on
friday 23.11.07
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Q and A with sri sri
Sri: Nahi …Light ki zaroorat nahi..abhi meditation
karenge…what is the time?...8.10- 8>15?
How are you all?...Mast hai…
Basic Course Participants kahan hai?...U all are
Corporate course participants? ..Uall are
enjoying?... YES…
Organizers from different parts of india ?..U all are
enjoying..?. .YES…
How are ur meetings going on?..
What about others ?...Everybody else..Sab log khush
Dhyaan kar lete hai…Look at the moon…
And we continued to go deep in guruji's guided
meditation on moon…
After the meditation…
Sri: Was it good?...How many people liked
it?..EVERYONE? ..
Now what shall we do? a few things..
Q: guruji can u say something about the NANDIGRAM
A:Yesterday we spoke on that ..
Q:hmmm…any questions?.. .
Q: (was in kannada…so not mentioning the details)
Q:What is the importance of hard work?..
A: Smart work is necessary ..not only hard work
Q: in kannada once again…
Sri: Har mohale mein satsang hona chahiye (every
colony should have satsang)..thats why in old times
they used to say.."NAGARSANGKIRTA N"..PRABHAT
PHERI..means they would go to every house in the
morning and take them along to join satsang..Mahatma
Gandhi used this practice to the maximum benefit..
Q: Swamiji does a human being recognize himself?
A: The one who recognizes himself is a human
being..and the one who doesnot recognize himself is
not even an animal..Even a Dog recognizes himself..One
child asked me guruji..why and how animals can make
friends without the problem of language across any
country or border..then why we human beings need a
language to make friends…on which I answered to him
that Human beings also know one language across the
globe..THAT of SMILE..even if they don't understand
each other's language thet understand the language of
Q: Guruji..something wrong is happening at my
home..everyone is very afraid at home…I am here in the
course…Mummy has asked to ask you
A: Say OM NAMAH SHIVAYA..tell them all to say OM NAMAH
SHIVAYA..and do meditation.. everything will be ok
Q: How to become a smart worker from a hard worker
A: Tigdambaazi karke nahi…if u do any such trick, it
will all be out in short time..We take pride in the
fact that WE DID HARD WORK ..aree..if you are
intelligent enough then why di u need to do HARD
work..( everyone laughs)..SMART WORKER is the
One who does not take a long time to do a great
work..In short time who do great work are Smart
Q; ..Again in kannada..
Q: Guruji ..if ashram is our home why do we have to go
back after the course is over?
A: You cant stay at home all the time, you have to go
out for work.
Q: Guruji will u talk something about atma, atmahatya
and punarjanam?
A: Yes its true that those who do atma hatya( suicide)
their soul lingers around for sometime and gets a body
later again.Its like you are feeling cold and whatever
shawl you are wearing that also you remove..then you
feel more cold.For the removal of whatever karmas and
misery , you get this body this means, if we remove
and destroy that means only ,then whats the use…
Q: How can I know that I will be taken care of?
A: Whatever you sow shall reap.If you say to yourself
that everytime I am fighting, that karma you sow for
yourself.wake up and see if all 365 days did u
fight?..You know we eternalize the problem .If you say
that you are always wrong, you throw that seed in
universe and that comes to you. To know that you are
wrong, you have to be aware that you were right some
moment.Everybody is sick in Bangalore we say…how can
all the people in Bangalore be sick?..
Take a fresh look at life…If 10 times u fail, 11th
time you may succeed…Put the positive thought in your
mind.Dont say that my mother is angry everyday, say
that ya today my mother will not be angry- put this
sankalpa in your mind and may be 1st day 2nd day 3rd
day it wont work but 4th day it will.
You utilize the power of your consciousness, instead
of being the victim of your situation, you should know
that you are the central point.
Q: People do so much wrong on the issue of
can we help?
A: Those who do wrong in the name of dowry do it out
of ignorance,they have not been educated properly,
they are the victim of their own cravings and vaasnas
.Its easy for us to punish such people , but it will
be a great work if we can remove that animal instinct
from such people and bring out the human instincts in
them.Previuosly there were Purohits in every village
who would take care of ever body, Purohit means
someone in a village who is a well wisher of
everybody..but these days everyone is entangled in
caste creed and religion.By hatred we cannot amend
things..hatred gives birth to hatred…only by
compassion can we convert hatred into love..The
meaning of giving a term( sazaa) is also this
only..people are given terms in jail and closed behind
them only with the intention to get an improvement
in them
Q: why do we get the fruits of previous life's actions
in this life. And what iof we are doing something
wrong in this life without even being aware that we
will bear its fruits in future?
A:When we sow a seed of coconut tree , the tree grows
in say 10yrs or so..when we sprout a lentil say moong
it grows the next morning , but when we put our hand
in fire, we get burnt immediately…
That's why in bhagvad gita, Krishna tells
arjuna..karmon ki gati bahut gehri hai {< the momentum
of karma is deep enough( I cannot translate more
closer than this)}…we cannot understand it so easily,
many intellectual people also could not understand it,
so don't try to understand this. Just know that some
karmas give fruits now and some give later.
Then a team of YLTP participants from Karnataka just
waived to guruji..
And followed a long discussion from guruji's side on
kashmiri issues and here guruji mentioned that all
the kashmiri pandits and dogris and other minorities
should unite in Kashmir to make the situation better
for themselves in that state.Many things were spoken
on this issue , the details of which I cannot write
here in exact verbatim.
Q:All Human beings make mistake ..have you ever made a
mistake guruji..?
A: yes ( laughs)..sometimes I say why did I start this
whole thing
Q: Spiritual fanatcism also occurs these days with
materialistic fantacism.A lot of young people now a
days are going for a spiritual drive and leaving their
families.Previously it was said first we have to go
through brahamcharya then grahast jeevan then a days many youngsters go directly for
A: Some people like to take high jumps and leaps,but
that is not for everybody.If some people are mature
enough, they can, but not everybody..they may
fracture their leg in such event( laughs).yes,
youngsters should definitely take their family's
advise.But sometimes family people are also
miserable.If you want to get miserable, you can be so
whether single or married.If you are in knowledge ,
you can anyway be happy, whether single or married.
Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
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