Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Love's wisdom + Faces of infinity ( Knowledge sheet )



I chant the name of my beloved in every breath. The beloved is
faultless - perfect. But being in love I have lost my reputation.When
there is so much love, you take total responsibility for any
misunderstanding. You may express dismay for a moment on the surface.
But when you do not feel that in your heart, you arrive at a perfect
understanding. You are in a state where all problems and differences
slide away and only love shines through.

Usually we get stuck in our differences, because we have lost sight of
ourselves. In the name of love we try to manipulate and control the
other person. This is natural that when we love somebody, we want them
to be perfect.

You can never see the pits in the ground from the top of a hill. From
a plane the earth looks so smooth. So also from a state of elevated
consciousness, you do not see the pitfalls in others. But if you come
to the ground you always see the holes. And when you want to fill the
holes, you have to see them. You cannot build a home being airborne.
You cannot till the land without looking at the pits, filling them,
removing the pebbles....

That is why when you love somebody you find all the faults in them.
But finding faults destroys love. Instead of filling the pits we run
away from them. When you love somebody and see their faults, stay with
them and help them fill the pits. This is wisdom.

Knowledge Sheet 132 - Faces of Infinity
Dec 18, 1997
Bangalore Ashram, India

You have many faces. Only you don't face them. When you come face to face with your faces then conflicts, confusion and chaos arise in you.

From time to time in different phases, different faces appear. As you come close to your Being, all the faces melt and leave you as the Space that you are.

At the gross level, you identify yourself as somebody. At a subtle level, you identify yourself as some energy or an incarnation of some angel, saint or prophet.

When you go beyond even this identity, you are whole, holy, Brahman - Purna Brahman Narayana.
Jai Gurudev


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