Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:02 am (PDT)
heres Gurjis video from seedhi baat...
http://video. videoplay? docid=6522512893 35232652
Guruji on Seedhi Baata (roughly translated to Direct Questions)-
Interviewed by Prabhu Chawla
The video is missing small segment in the beginning .so have
translated that
Sri Sri: It (the organization) has spread naturally and its own.
PC: You have devotees in 150 countries, your camps are held
everywhere. So there must be a strategy to it.
Sri Sri: That the thing ¦We did not intent to do anything It just
spread automatically
PC: Why do you have two Sris in front of your name?
Sri Sri: I thought 108 Sris would have been too much..(Laughs)
PC: (laughs)..You should have put 108 Sris.
Sri Sri: No, I thought that was too much Two are enough!
PC: No, because even names become brands.. It seems that spirituality
has become India's export industry, second only to the IT industry.
What do you think?
Sri Sri: Absolutely. In fact, India's spirituality had been famous
before the IT industry became known.
PC: Yes, if you go back there have been Osho and Mahesh ji ¦even you
have been Maheshji's disciple.
Sri Sri : Spirituality and its benefits have always been there Its
just that the media today makes it more visible
PC: You are India's ambassador when it comes to spirituality You
started by saying that family problems and other such problems can be
healed by yoga and meditation.But its ironic that all people who
preach this don't have families of their own!! So where did you get
your experience from?
Sri Sri: (with a smile).when you don't have a limited family of your
own, you can include everyone in your family!!!!
PC: Thats ok'¦but if you don't have experiences of your own how can
you heal others?
Sri Sri: That's not necessary every doctor doesn't have to have all
illnesses to treat people¦(laughs)
PC: Yes, but he reads books You haven't read books on family?!?
Sri Sri: We read people. We meet lakhs of them every day. We see their
family problems and suggest solutions that we think are correct and
they get benefitted.
PC: But you said whatever you see may not be true. Then how can you
solve problems only by looking at them?
Sri Sri: That's why people go out to seek The Truth. If you can just
see it then why would people seek for it?
PC: Do you think people who are preaching spirituality these days have
a commercial interest in it? They're doing it for business?
Sri Sri: Yes, maybe..But spirituality is linked to charity. You cant do
charity with an empty bowl. So that's how the commercial aspect rises.
PC: If you go out with an empty bowl ¦people will give money!
Sri Sri: There is nothing great in getting donations from people and
then donating that same money. You donate from your own earning. Our
teachers teach and collect fees for the teachings and that's how we work..
PC: But when your activities increase, your expenses will increase too.
Sri Sri: In spiritual work you don't have to think about money and
PC: You don't have budget.?
Sri Sri: No
PC: It is like the flow of the river!
Sri Sri: (smiles)
PC: Nonetheless, don't you think spirituality has become a business?
Sri Sri: Business is not bad!!....Why do we think business is bad?
Education has become business, temples have becomes business. If we
tag everything related to money as business then everything is
business even hospitals are business!
PC: Then Spirituality is business too.right?
Sri Sri: Spirituality is not business. It helps in business (both laugh)
PC:It helps in whose business yours or others?
Sri Sri: Everyone's business!
PC: So what is your work? To give business or peace?
Sri Sri: To give peace in business.
PC: That's true Your technique the Sudarshan Kriya brings peace of
mind to the people..But then your Art of Living has now entered every
area of a common man's life. It has entered the areas of education,
agriculture ¦and who knows where else¦.! Why?
Sri Sri: Absolutely. Please let me know if there any other areas
like to go there too!! (laughs)..Spiritual ity links everything. We
have to work in the field of agriculture. We are into chemical free
PC: But you started with the field of spirituality.
Sri Sri: We havent left that field¦.On the basis of the spirituality
we have entered other areas.
PC: But in our Indian traditions rishis have always sat on the
Himalayas and you are talking about entering every area of a common
man's life?
Sri Sri: (laughs)No that isn't true In our tradition rishis have
always been influential to the common man's life. Its wong to think
PC: Now you have entered politics. You went to mediate in Rajasthans
this related to Yoga?
Sri Sri: Absolutely'. There has to be someone to whom members of both
the parties will listen to ¦So many people's lives are at stake.If
someone's house is on fire, we don't wait for them to invite us to help
PC: You were invited
Sri Sri: No one invited me I went there myself. In fact, the Rajasthan
government said if you come there'll be too much crowdYou should come
after everything is solved. But I said, what is the use of coming after
everything is solved!
PC: What made you enter politics? People might think what has Guruji
to do with all this?
Sri Sri: It's the job of the Guru to bring people together and bring
peace where its need the most. What is the point of saying peace,
peace where everything is peaceful already¦! The strength of
spirituality shows when peace is brought in conflict.
PC: Yes, there are social conflicts, but by entering politics aren't
you disturbing the respect that people have for you as a Guru?
Sri Sri: I don't think about my respect I think about people!
PC: We come back to same thing. Why are you mobbing away from your area
core competency¦.
Sri Sri: Spirituality has to be practical. Theres no point in thinking
about it in a closed room. It has to be applied
PC: I read in the newspapers don't know if its true.That a few
villagers in the Vidharbha area did not like what you did there? You
must have heard about it?
Sri Sri: We adopted 300 villages in that area. Out of which in one a
well wasn't dug completely because the youth had been on a
training¦..Once their training is done they'll return in 15 days¦
PC: But why do something that will create controversies for you?
Sri Sri: We aren't worried about our image. We'll do whatever we deem
right! There will be some shortcomings. But our youth is so motivated
get credit, but they actually do the work!
PC: But then you will ask for money from people.
Sri Sri: We don't go and ask for money..All funds are raised from our
courses and programs.
PC: So you wont compromise
Sri Sri: Not at all!...We'll do whatever we can afford to do..
PC: You recently attended Advanis book release.
Sri Sri: There was nothing political about it.We welcome
everybody.We get invitations go wherever its possible for me to
go. There was no political agendaYou know why??....I don't want all
the good people in the same party(both laugh)
PC: Even Baba Ramdev goes to political functions People don't think
very highly of politics¦..They hate politicians.They'll get upset by
you, don't you think?
Sri Sri: In fact, people say why don't you join politics.You are
someone we can trust. When I went to Rajasthan, the people said we'll
do what you say we don't trust the government.
PC: Then why don't you join politics?
Sri Sri: That's too small a field for me(smiles)
PC: The last 5 questions. Are you ready?
Sri Sri: I am absolutely ready
PC: Are you a dharmaguru or karmaguru?
Sri Sri.(doesn't say anything)
PC: (repeats the question)
Sri Sri: If you ask are you sleeping? to someone who is
sleeping..then you know whatever he answers is wrong.A guru is a
guru.he encompasses everything
PC: So you are just a guru?
Sri Sri: Uhmm!
PC: Do you believe in Hindu Dharma or All Dharma (universal dharma)?
Sri Sri: I believe in All Dharma It is the foundation of Hindu Dharma
PC: Do you believe in rebirth?
Sri SriYes!
PC: What would you like to be reborn as?
Sri Sri: I haven't thought about it. Theres still time.!
PC: You have been a disciple of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi.Who has been
more influential on India Mahesh Yogi or Mahatma Gandhi?
Sri Sri: Well, even Gandhijs guru has been my guru.Pt. Sudhakar
PC: Who has been more influential?
Sri Sri: Both have their importance¦.
PC: So you cant decide between the two??
Sri Sri: Why do you ask indirect questions in a Direct Questions????
( both laugh.interview ends)
Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Guruji's video-seedhi baat on AAJ TAK
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1 comment:
prabhu chawla u look so small in front of guruji!
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