Wednesday, July 02, 2008

To live in your full potential - By Emil Tomov

    To live in your full potential - By Emil Tomov  (Art of Living Bulgaria)  


We hear a lot about different types of military disciplines, for which you have to be very tough and harsh to go through. But why then all the Yogis and Rishis say that a smile is needed to go trough asanas and everything in life to have better success. I don't say that with hardness and rawness you will not be able to achieve anything, but the achievement with the power of love and smile is guarantied. The ancient men of wisdom have all said that only something hard and tough can be broken, but something delicate and liquid as water can never be broken.


And today the doctors are prescribing more and more good mood to the patients, to watch funny television, to participate different activities like games to improve there health. At least the smarter doctors do not end the treatment after they wrote the recipe. Our organism is being terrorized by our mind, because the capacity of our physical health is limited, but the desire of our mind is limitless. Our mind constantly involves the body in different types of activities. That's why our bodies get more dependable on the technology, on the comforts and they even stop listening the mind at some point, if they can they would run away from us and break up with us.


And when we had stepped on the spiritual path, we have received the knowledge:  "Be in the present moment"; "Do seva, sadhana and satsang to grow in life and to be happy"; "Be always on 100%". But often people say: "I want to be 100% in everything, but my body simply doesn't respond to that." So we have to understand our potential, we have to put forward our abilities and to live in them.


We do not have the ability to cry and to grieve, so after only a couple of minutes in that state you feel like the life is taken from your system. Scientists say that 30minutes of negative thinking is equal to 6 hours of hard work. We have the potential to be happy, to smile. This is a job for all of you, just to be happy, just smile, have fun in all the moments in this life and see what will happen. Worst case scenario, some one will call us "fool".  So what, this life is for fun.


This is where our real potential hides in. By the doctors again, they say that the smile is the most natural state and condition of the face, the muscles in the forehead and jaw are getting relaxed and take rest from the continuous use.

When there is no love, there is no understanding; we need some amount of hardness. But in reality only through our inborn potential we achieve our success in life. Only through love and goodness we had achieve this, which we value the most now in our life.


The same way, when you say something to criticize your loved one, they will listen to you, because they will now that it is directed by love. If you say something like this out of bad feelings to someone, it will be worthless to them, without any power.

For me the "Art Of Living" is to be 100% in your true potential, to be fully absorbed by it deep into yourself. This is the big wealth in you, and the more you spend it, the more you get back. The more of the grace and centeredness in the self in you are increasing. To live in this is to dive in to ocean of grace. To be settled in this potential is to observe the whole holiness and sacredness of the world through the eyes of the Divine.

Author: Emil Tomov (Art Of Living – Bulgaria)


Based on the words and inspiration of H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Jai Gurudev

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Rajesh (Moscow)

"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P  Please consider the environment before printing this email. 

1 comment:

Fuzzy Pilot said...

Beautiful Interview. Just the ending translation is missing wa Guruji says on Mahatma Gandhiji and Mahesh Yogi. And the last few questions?....
Could someone translate this too please...

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