Q: What to do if someone is jealous of you?
Sri Sri: Nothing(laughter) . When you are unable to control your own mind then why should you want to manage someone else's mind! Jealousy towards someone else can happen because of 4 reasons someone else's money, fame, partner or somebody's wisdom/enlightenmen t(He said 'this jealousy is good to have .perhapsJ). Any of these jealousies is not worth it as the grass is always greener on the other side .people who are famous are never at peace,surrounded by security and of course insecure about how long fame will stay;that soon someone else may come who can become more famous .and anyways, one day they will all die ..billions have come to this earth ..and billions will come .and die. You need to broaden your horizon whenever such negative emotions arise think of how huge this universe .millions of galaxies .among them in a galaxy is the solar system, and within it in a tiny planet called earth, we reside in a corner. If you look at how insignificant your presence is in this universe, then all negativity would drop. If you keep thinking about the vastness of the universe, expansion happens. You become the seed you sow, if you keep thinking, 'I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner' then that is the seed you sow. Look at life as a dream know that everything is dying every moment.He asked everyone to read 'Celebrating Silence' where He has written at length about how to deal with negative emotions.
Q: If the same consciousness is present in everyone then why is there disparity like rich and poor?
Sri Sri: Because nature loves diversity! Do you know there are no two human beings who have similar finger prints .no two human beings who have ever been born have been exactly similar so that is the extent to which diversity exists in nature.
Q: On who am I really?
Sri Sri: When intellect matures, it comes up with this question. But the answer to it is beyond the intellect. When you have had a good night's rest, then the intellect recognizes that the body has rested. Similarly, when this question comes up and you meditate, then it recognizes first that you are not the body you are not the mind .then you come to a quiet centre within you .and you have no answerand you are That. The silence you come to when you ask this question is what you are. He gave an interesting example He said you/the body are like the fan; and the Self is like electricity. The fan cannot run without the electricity .and electricity cannot manifest itself without the fan. So when you start asking the question 'Who am I'; you start moving to the point where the fan is connected to the electric point!(laughter) .
Q: There is a theory of Visualisation wherein one can have intentions/goals and nature would come together to deliver the desired results; and then there is the concept of surrender where you leave it to the Divine to give you the results; how to marry the two?
Sri Sri: I would say that both are compatible. In the ancient scriptures much has been written about this .about how one should have an intention or 'sankalpa' about what we want .most of the time we don't know what we want we only desire, and our desires keep changing but once we have a 'sankalp' we should surrender it to nature/Divine .thinking we will accept whatever comes our way, whatever is for us. Simultaneously, we should not be constantly thinking about what we want, that is feverishness and not intention. So have an intention.and then drop it.
Q: Can there be light without darkness, peace without war?
Sri Sri: During the day, if you have to create darkness, then you have to create it unnaturally, like closing all doors in a room. So light & peace are natural occurrences; of course natural calamities have always occurred and will continue but it increases when we exploit nature; and that is what is happening today we need to save the environment its only human beings who exploit nature and spread waste.animals never do.have you ever been to a forest and seen animal waste lying around?...animals always clean up, maintain the ecological balance.similarly in ancient times, even today among tribals, the tradition of honouring nature, keeping clean continues.so we should not destroy nature, our bodies by doing unnatural things to destroy them before their time. At the same time periods of darkness, difficult situations help in our growth; makes us stronger so good also comes out of unpleasantness( He gave the example of how children growing up in slums have better immunity systems than us). But still, peace is absolutely necessary because creativity blossoms only in peace. All great happenings have been only in peaceful eras.
Q: Is violence ever justified? For self defence etc.
Sri Sri: Violence is never justified. An action by itself is never violent or non violent; the intention is. The action of a doctor,policeman or army personnel done without anger or hatred is not violent. If one is confronted with violence then one cannot talk of peace; an action of self defence without hatred is justified.
Q: If God is one, why should we worship so many Gods?
Sri Sri: From one wooden plank, we can make different things like tables, chairs, doors, windows etc. We enjoy seeing the wood in different forms. Probably our ancestors might have wanted to see the one God in different varieties and created it in numerous forms.
Q: How do you explain a theist and an atheist?
Sri Sri: Theist says, I believe in God and therefore show me God.. Whereas an atheist says Show me god first and then I will believe you.. When an atheist says that he does not believe in anything, he must believe in what he says. He is unbelieving his own opinion and so it becomes false. What he should say is . I don.t believe in your view of God. According to the atheist the present day God should come armed with AK-47 and not with Trishul. If Lord Shiva comes with a .Trishul., how can he destroy evil? An atheist has skepticism only on the form of God believed by us. To prove any con cept as wrong one should be well versed in everything. Only a person who has complete knowledge can give an opinion. Anyone with inadequate knowledge may not be capable to give a judgment. If you are aware of all the things in your house and can easily locate each one of them, then you will be able to tell what is there and what is not there in the house. Ignorant of what is there in the house, you say a particular thing is not there, will that be correct? God is love and is prevalent in all. The whole World is made up of waves of love and if you don't believe in God it is not a problem. Only in India a non-believer can also take part in spirituality. Through spirituality you will know, who you are. If you are able to understand that, whether through mind, intellect, body or breath you will find that God is following you. As for the believer when something you wish do not come about. How do you feel about it? Then you do not know whether God exists or not. God is the re because of our fear. Exam time we find a lot of crowd in a Ganesha Temple. Students remember temples only during this time. Belief in God should not be just breaking coconuts and burning camphor, it should be meditative so as to achieve self-confidence.
Q: If we do Seva will our sins be washed away?
Sri Sri: Certainly along with it do meditation and Satsang.
Q:When a person does not worry the loss of life of someone, why should he regret, when it happens to him?
Sri Sri: Good question. I too don't know why he does so.
Q: Is Religion important or human values more important?
Sri Sri: What do you think? Everybody must be having the same answer. Human values are very important at the same time religion has its own important place. In our country we do not respect our religion as done in other countries. We should respect our religion.
Q: What is the purpose and aim of Human life?
Sri Sri: The one who know s the answer will not tell you. If someone tells you, then he does not know. This question is like a vehicle that will carry you deeper into wisdom within. Just be with it.
Q: How do I realize that Guru is always with me?
Sri Sri: That you can recognize any time. When your expectations get fulfilled, you can feel it. At times when you are in doldrums you may feel the need. You can feel it all the time. Do you all feel it? How many of you feel it?
Q:When we are fully involved in Spirituality, how can we look after the domestic duties? Could not come out of my domestic responsibilities. Can I get liberation?
Sri Sri: Certainly possible.Spirituali ty is not running away from home. Changing the color of your dress does not mean spirituality. You can involve in spirituality in spite of all your domestic responsibilities.
Q: When can a person feel complete happiness?
Sri Sri: When you are in a deep meditative state you can get it.
Q: What is 'Maya'? How to get to the peak of knowledge?
Sri Sri: All measurable things in this world are 'Maya'. What cannot be measured is divinity. What can seen, heard can be measured. Those that cannot be measured are love, truth, beauty and this is called divinity.
Q: [Something about Kriyashakti]
Sri Sri: Kriyashakti becomes easier when you work in team, in groups. The enthusiasm also increases.
Q: How do we do "Divya Samaj ka Nirman"? How to start?
Sri Sri: Just jump in it. Its like asking what I need to do for swimming.
Q: Even after giving my 100% I've failed so many times. What to do?
Sri Sri: Past is gone. Future has not come. Now you can do it, know that.
Q: Whats after death?
Sri Sri: I'll tell later. It'll be boring if you know it before.
Q: Kahin tum woh to nahin? (I wonder if you are that)
Sri Sri: hmmm
Q: Why do we remember god only in difficult times?
Sri Sri: Even I've the same question. If you remember god every moment, in all situations, you won't have problems
Q: What is the difference between repentence and guilt?
Sri Sri: Guilt is feeling culpable. Repentence i s finding solution.
Q: Why people run after Sex when it comes to pleasure and feel tired later on?
Sri Sri: Because they know only that much. They don't know anything after that. There is greater and vast pleasure beyond all this.
Q: When in meditation, I see you. Whom do you see?
Sri Sri: I see you.
Q: How to save Hinduism? (from conversion)
Sri Sri: We need to educate our Pujaris (priests) to create an environment of love where we talk to devotees, solve their problems, give them knowledge. And, we should introduce our culture in education. We should have pride in religion.
Q: "Jo hota hai accha hi hota hai" (whatever happens, happens for good) is a truth or a mere positive feeling?
Sri Sri: See it from your experience. Now you don't need to say this to tsunami victims. This is a deeply understood knowledge. Have "viveka". Know what to say where.
Q: Your message for youngsters.
Sri Sri: Don't forget your culture. Youth means enthusiasm. Spread this enthusiasm which is in you, everywhere. Increase enthusiasm of people around you. Bring everyone to spirituality. Youth is not having pizza, coke or chinese food [laughter]. You know "khandwi" (a gujarati dish) is given in many airlin es around the world, but it has been named something else. Popularizes your culture.
Q: You say "vasudhev kutumbakam" (one world family), then why do you say not to use imported items?
Sri Sri: If family's one member is troubling other and the near ones are getting poor, you need to support them. We are not against foreigners and thier products, but we also need to save people around us. I'm not saying don't use imported products. If something is not available locally you definitely use imported items, if you require it. Have a broad vision but support local. To stabilise economy we need to do this.
Q: Why do we cry when we meet you?
Sri Sri: Yes, some of you cry, some of you smile. These tears are very precious. Even the gods and angels long for such tears. Theek hai
Q: Do you know everybody's mind?
Sri Sri: You know wh at happened when we were coming to Surat from Mumbai in train for Mahasatsang. (no). There were two ladies in the same train as we. They were longing to meet me. They couldn't meet me in Mumbai and thought it would be almost impossible to meet in Surat. Few devotees where scheduled to meet me at Valsad station. Before we could finish the train started. Me and Rishi Nityaprogya ji (Nitin Bhaiya) ran and jumped into one of the boggies. It was a ladies coach [Huge laughter]. The two ladies were sitting in the same boggie. They started crying like anything after seeing me. Then I sat with them for half an hour and spoke to them. Longing always increases but never gets completed. Love increases but never completes. During my agyatwas, I asked our driver, to drive the car in some remote village. I asked him to take left and right, here and there. Then I asked him to stop in front of a small house. It was a farmers house. Once I entered the house, everybody saw me. The whole f amily was so happy to see me. The farmer said he wanted to see me since such a long time but never knew how to reach me. Then I also visited a few farmers near by, they also wanted to meet me since long but would never get a chance due to their duties and work. I spent some time talking to them. They all became very happy. So you never know when I'll go where. I can come anywhere, anytime. So better keep you house neat and clean.
Q: What is meditation?
Sri Sri: It's very simple. When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm and serene and is at peace, meditation happens. By doing meditation, you can turn your body into a power-house by generating an inner source of energy.
Q: What are the benefits of meditation?
Sri Sri: You don't get blood pressure and health problems. The mind becomes clear, intuition develops, obstacles and negative influences due to the planets will be removed and problems become smaller before coming to you. Mental peace, happiness and plenty of other benefits are there.
Q: Why is meditation so boring?
Sri Sri: In the beginning it may be boring, but that will change. Stay on. Go step by step. Meditation is resting in yourself, becoming the seer from being the seen.
Q: What is the distinction between sleep and meditation?
Sri Sri: One is vertical another is horizontal. For now, just think that much. But tomorrow when you sit for meditation don't think about it. You'll neither be able to meditate nor be able to sleep. Now is the time.
Q: I always go to the sleep while meditating. Does it happen with everybody? What experience do they have? How to solve this?
Sri Sri: Don't worry about the experiences of others. Be with your own experience and the experience varies from time to time. So don't worry.
Q: Is there any maximum limit as to how much we can meditate?
Sri Sri: Do only as much as necessary. There is no need to do too much. Meditation is like taking a bath. To wash the mind, you need meditation and once the mind is clean.
Q: Why do I lose my concentration when I meditate?
Sri Sri: Concentration is not meditation. Meditation is de-concentration, letting go. Meditation calms the mind. It feels good.
Q: What is equanimity? What is the significance of silence?
Sri Sri: Brain has two sides. The left side is logic and the right side is music. Both are needed to make one whole. If only music is there the brain won't function properly. If there is only mathematical and logical mind, there will be no feelings and we will be deprived of the finer aspects of life. So, both are needed. When you are endowed with both then it becomes a satsang. Good song is a satsang. Don't think about what there is in singing, or whom to sing about or why? Just sing, open your mouth and sing along or sing from the heart. We observe silence only during mourning. But here it's different. It is not like the silence of mourning. In mourning, we can't stand silence for more than two minutes. Here it's inner silence, a joyful silence. Before you go into silence, don't keep any troubles in the mind, put it in the basket. We are here to calm the mind and when mind is silenced you experience true peace.
Q: But in our daily lives, we also have to handle paying bills, parking vehicles and other mundane things. How can we do this with the same calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?
Sri Sri: You take a shower in the morning to clean your body. After that you do all the daily activities. You don't have to keep on taking a shower throughout the day. It is like that. You meditate and calm your mind, then go on with other activities. It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed but will happen as you keep doing the practices regularly. Then it will become easy
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