Tuesday, October 07, 2008


31 Jul 1996
Today is a gift from God -- that is why it is called "present!"


Warning! Watch out! This Knowledge Sheet contains explosives! It can explode your head or your heart. If it explodes your heart -- nothing is left! If it explodes your head -- everything is attained!

Guruji: How many of you are grateful here?

(Everybody raises their hand.) If you are grateful, you don't belong to Me! (Everyone is shocked.) You are not part of the Master. When someone gives you something, you are grateful. That means you feel separate. You are not grateful to yourself.

Gratefulness is inevitable. When you go beyond gratefulness, then union happens. No "I," no "you" remains. You are part
of the Master. You are just One Being with a thousand heads and a thousand arms, but with one heart. You have got to be grateful on the path, but you have to transcend gratefulness. Better stop being grateful. (Laughter.)

When you are grateful then you are the center, you are more important. When you are grateful to God for having received something beautiful, for example, eyesight, who is important? You or God? You! So your gratitude indicates ego.

Richard: But you are not grateful?

Guruji: I am simply great and I am full!
(Laughter) Don't be grateful; just be great -- and be full! 

This Knowledge is very dangerous! When you are part of the Master, you have every right to be happy. You have every right
to Knowledge, happiness, and the whole universe!

Angelika: Small children dont feel grateful as long as they feel one. They take everything for granted.

Meike: You are not grateful to your own hand which feeds you.
Ananda: On one of the courses you said in the thanking process, "Now, thank yourself for being here!" So you can thank

Guruji: if you wish, you can! This is true celebration: thanking yourself!

Balder: Could you say something about the relationship to friends and the relationship to the Master?

Guruji: Your friends tie you to the world, to the matter. The Master ties you to the Divine, to the spirit.


"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P  Please consider the environment before printing this email. 

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