TURBULENT TIMES Š Talk by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Is it not true that only in turbulent times we are ready to listen, we are willing to receive new knowledge that can bring transformation. We hardly do that when things are all right. And it's when we are open and ready to listen that there is an opportunity for change and chance to unleash the new "us". What is it that we really need in these times? First of all, we must recognize that it is a turbulent time. When we deny the turbulent time, we live in a utopia - a utopia that we are then unable to find a solution for. So, recognition is important!
The second thing is accepting it. The moment we accept that this time is turbulent or this situation is bad, then our emotions calm down. We don't question it: `Why is it turbulent? Why is it turbulent??' This turbulence is a happening. This questioning of the happening is of no use! It is like post mortem! It doesn't help the situation in the present moment. So then, accepting that this is so, will bring calmness, steadiness in the mind. When the emotions are calm, we will be able to think better. The energy of an emotion or a thought process creative thinking is the same. How we use this time to channel our energy is up to us. So, acceptance is the second point. Once we accept, it cannot be a passive acceptance, like: 'Okay....Let it happen...Let us leave it to God or the Universe...' - that type of passive acceptance will not work! There we need action! We need creativity! What change do you want to make and how do you want to make good use of the situation? For that you need clarity of mind, sharpness of mind, presence of mind. At times, you
may feel that we want to just give up, that this is so much bigger than you. You may feel weak and helpless. But this is the time to boost our ego. It is the time to feel confident that this is nothing. We can easily handle this situation. When children fall down you say, 'You know you are superman! Nothing has happened to you!' - then they stop crying! Have you seen this? Teenagers, youngsters, kids... when they fall, they start crying, but the moment you give a boost to their ego - then that inner strength comes up, comes out. If you keep telling them, 'Oh! You are useless! You are good for nothing!' - then that energy, that inner capacity will not find expression. If you don't want someone to be creative, just take the self-esteem out of him or her. They will become like vegetables. Self-confidence, self-esteem is something that brings creativity in turbulent times. Now it is easy to say that we should have self-confidence - but how does one get it? I tell you, it's simplicity that brings you that self-confidence. We should be ready to learn from simple things, simple people - even from a child. The readiness to learn something can bring up creativity in you, can bring up self-confidence. Presence of mind is what is required to take advantage of turbulent times. You know the word 'advantage' feels sometimes like there's a lack of compassion, a lack of caring, in it. It sounds like it has a little tinge of greed in it. Advantage! You are taking advantage of a bad situation. Rather it could be - making better use of the situation, the turbulent time, with compassion in your heart - the compassion and love that brings us fulfillment, that unites us with the entire workplace, the job, society, the people around us, the world. The uniting force in our life is love. When there is love, such crises will not happen! A short-term advantage is of no use. It's misery. Good is something that gives long term betterment and short-term problem, while that which is unethical gives long-term problems and short-term benefits. So while you're taking advantage of a turbulent time, notice, observe if you are taking short-term benefit or a long-term benefit or what appears to be an advantage could be a disadvantage. So that clarity in our thinking, in our vision is essential. What brings that clarity? Are you all here? That is called yoga! Be in the moment!
Finally, intuitive awareness, the intuitive quotient is what comes to your help. If you lack intuition, you can't be really successful! Intuition is not just dry thinking. It's a combination of gut feeling... emotion and
intellect -`Antarnath Antargyan' - Intuitive awareness. Developing intuitive awareness as well as a little bit of music or logic is needed. When the balance happens in our life, then we are able to develop our
intuitive awareness, the intuitive quotient. If you ask most successful people in our society, they will vouch for this: It was just an intuition, they acted on it and that brought them success - not their logical planning or thinking. Of course that's needed - logic is needed, but not just that! You need to have the support of intuitive awareness... and smile MORE!
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"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
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