Real virtue is to forgive someone even before they ask for forgiveness. If you don't have that then at least when they ask for forgiveness you have to forgive them. And I don't think you would not, if anyone in spite of pleading for forgiveness, and when you forgive you are the one to benefit. You think you did a great thing, I tell you, you are wrong. When you forgive its you who become free otherwise holding onto that is such a misery. Very good.
Q: Are swamiji's God?
Sri Sri: I think now you understood.Swami means, just one who is there for everybody. One who has made whole world as his family. For whom there is no one and other. That action in life when blossoms you all are swamis. You don't have to change your cloth, or grow long beard and hair. But this is just uniform (claps). Suppose if tomorrow I come in 3 piece suit, will you recognize me? But
it doesn't matter to me, but even now I'm in 3 piece suit (laughter).
Q:Our strongest negative feelings are directed towards those we love the most . How can we avoid this even while maintaining the affection?
Sri Sri: Developing awareness, you know, and spending a little time in knowledge, very often not once in a while do some meditation and course and forget about it. Almost every week or very often if you are understanding and spending your thoughts on knowledge about
impermanence of everything and permanence in spirit lot of difference naturally comes in life.
Q: What distinguishes between good and not good desires?
Sri Sri: You know that which gives you long term joy and short term problem is good, that which gives you short term joy and long term problem is misery. Just keep this as your criteria, that's good enough (claps).
Q: Are swamiji's God?
Sri Sri: I think now you understood.Swami means, just one who is there for everybody. One who has made whole world as his family. For whom there is no one and other. That action in life when blossoms you all are swamis. You don't have to change your cloth, or grow long beard and hair. But this is just uniform (claps). Suppose if tomorrow I come in 3 piece suit, will you recognize me? But
it doesn't matter to me, but even now I'm in 3 piece suit (laughter).
Q:Our strongest negative feelings are directed towards those we love the most . How can we avoid this even while maintaining the affection?
Sri Sri: Developing awareness, you know, and spending a little time in knowledge, very often not once in a while do some meditation and course and forget about it. Almost every week or very often if you are understanding and spending your thoughts on knowledge about
impermanence of everything and permanence in spirit lot of difference naturally comes in life.
Q: What distinguishes between good and not good desires?
Sri Sri: You know that which gives you long term joy and short term problem is good, that which gives you short term joy and long term problem is misery. Just keep this as your criteria, that's good enough (claps).
Q: When I try to understand people, places and situations I end up finding mistakes in myself, makes me feel like I am becoming a better person. However it affects my self confidence, how do I overcome it? When will I ever be confident?
Sri Sri:You know that is where the process of surrender comes to help. To whom you surrender is immaterial- to God, mother. But when you surrender you drop, you feel lighter. Surrender is a technique in which you can dump all the garbage of the mind. What else is there with you to surrender. Divine doesn't want your talents, and you can't surrender those because that is a gift to you. Certainly Divine doesn't want your money, and if you think you have power you are mistaken you have no power at all in this world. And nobody wants to give any power at all and you think you have power. You have feeling of losing control and you have no control, no control of thoughts running in your mind, all good thoughts, bad thoughts and who is interested in this? Do you see what I'm saying? So surrender means what? Drop all that negativity, that worries that we carry it in our heart. We surrender to God and be happy. It is only then we gain the power. In India in South India temples when you bow down, priest comes and places a crown on your head. The symbol is when you are devoted to God, you really become a king, you get crowned. I mean they just put on the head the crown for a moment and take it out and put it on everyone's head, they keep shifting to everyone, everyone is a king (laughter). But original idea was of 'Sharana-gathi', when
you surrender to God means you become a king. You wear a crown in your head and you walk that way, you are carrying Lord of the universe in your heart, such confidence, such joy, smile, happiness. We are here to give to the world. If you are a giver you are always winning. If you are a taker, then I tell you without your knowledge you are losing. If you think what about me, what about me, see what I can do, how I can contribute, how I can make people happy, then your needs will be met, it all happens.
Q: War and natural calamities signify what?
Sri Sri: War means Worst Act of Reason (WAR), natural calamities invite you to be active and do service, and reminds you that you are not in total control my dear, there is a super power, a power that is permeating every particle of the creation, everywhere, just wake up, wake up and there is power and when that power is conscious it is lively, it can hear, feel and respond to your feelings.
Q: You expose us, give us such wonderful knowledge, yet whenever the time comes in our daily lives we are back to our little minds, what to do?
Sri Sri: Doesn't this knowledge help you when you really need it? Whenever you were regretting, come to the present moment, hasn't it struck you? The very little time you spend has brought so much transformation, if you spend little more time, take little more time, go deep into knowledge and study you'll find amazing growth can happen to you.
Q: Why has God made stress?
Sri Sri: So that I could have a job (laughter and claps) You know there is a story, bed time story. After God created all this world ....this is a new story which you haven't heard...he wanted to go rest, right? So while he went to rest, he suddenly realized he made a big
mistake. He created human beings, who would not allow Him to rest. Even if he goes to moon, somebody like Armstrong will reach there also. So God became little worried. He wanted to find a place to go and rest, wherever He goes, man will chase Him, and He'll file so many court cases against Him, if you made man, why did you make woman and woman would blame Him too, all fingers pointing to
Him? And animals, if they would have right to file cases, that's it finished. God was really terrified. So he came to a Guru. Guru's
are good in giving advices. He wanted to get out of this mess, He wanted to rest in peace somewhere, where nobody comes. So a wise man was there and God went to Him and asked do you have any suggestions, any ideas, can I use any help to you. And wise man whispered something in the ear of God. And God became very happy. Guess what the wise man said...he said, yeah, wherever you go man will reach there, he has made rockets, space shuttle, but where he doesn't go is into his own heart. You just go and hide there, where he never goes and one in a million some Kabir, Nanak, Jesus go there and by the time they go there they wont have any complaints, so there you'll be very safe. So when man goes all over the place and bends down and goes into his heart all his
complaints disappear, feeling of other disappears and feeling of oneness dawns.
Q: Why good people are suffering so much, most of the time, feel powerless to overcome the bad situations?
Sri Sri: You know when you feel powerless, that is the time prayer happens, prayer is a great strength. In Hindi there is a saying 'Nirbal to Balram' the weak and meek (Jesus also said) shall inherit heaven. If you are weak God is with you. Now, Good people suffer, not because of good actions, sometime good people do foolish actions. This opens new topic of karma. If you have sown a cactus you'll get only cactus, if you've sown mango seed, you get mangoes. A weed comes very fast, but for a mango tree it takes 3 or 4 years. If you've done something good, something good will come out of it. Another thing is don't think that you are weak, because you are good you are getting all the problems. No, there are people who are bad they also are getting problems. They do bad things, they also get into problems. You need skill in dealing in life. Just being good is not enough. Good and being skillful also, intelligence also.
Q: How do you practice not doubting others love for you and their intentions?
Sri Sri: You know you always doubt something that is good. You know when someone says I like you, you ask them really? And when they say I don't like you, you don't say really? This has been your nature. Nature of doubt is always directed toward positive. If you love someone take it for granted that they also love you. And even if it appears you keep telling them, oh you love me so much, but if you question the love of someone towards you, even whatever little they had will start diminishing. So its upto you what do you want?
Q: What is God and what is the difference between you and God? Jesus, Ram, Buddha, etc are you their incarnation?
Sri Sri: I already mentioned, we are all love, we are all part of that is.
Q: How do we prepare for death?
Sri Sri: Don't worry about it. Whether you are prepared or unprepared it'll come and get you (tremendous laughter and clapping). When it comes it won't listen to you, wait for another 1 year. Can come any moment, don't worry.
Q: What is the distinction between sleep and meditation?
Sri Sri: One is vertical another is horizontal (laughter). For now just think that much. But tomorrow when you sit for meditation don't think
about it. You'll neither be able to meditate nor be able to sleep. Okay.
Q: Why are we not getting rain?
Sri Sri:Because the trees are getting cut. Take a *sankalpa* that it should rain. (No wonder it rained after satsang :) reminds me of sankalpa at Shimoga.
Q: When will the fear of terrorists go?
Sri: We don't have them in Karnataka. Join and do satsang, then it will go, call them too. They are taught about one religion and given wrong knowledge. We should educate them, they are not bad, they are good.
Q: How to be happy always?
Sri Sri: Drop the word *always*, then you can be happy every moment.
Q: Is Paramatma sarva-vyapi? (Is god everywhere?)
Sri Sri: Yes.
Q:What is self-realisation?
Sri Sri:Who is asking the question? Self, do you realise it.
Q: Why do we feel that something is lacking inspite of having everything?
Sri Sri:Thats lack of knowledge. If you have knowledge and love, you won't feel any lackings in life.
Q: Guruji in one of your books you have said that "God is an illusion",how?
Sri Sri:I have never said "God is an illusion", I said "Surrender is an illusion", because anything you surrender anyway belongs to HIM only. Where is publication department?( Huge Laughter)
Q: How can we give in our 100%?
Sri Sri:Meditation is deep relaxation. 100% activity precedes or follows meditation.
Q: When you know maya is an illusion, does it cease to exist?
Sri Sri:A. Is your question a reality or an illusion.
Q: What is truth? What is love?
Sri Sri:Truth is that which does not change. To know what is truth, you need to go through all that is not true. So, all that changes is not
truth. Life is a quest to find what is truth, don't be in a hurry. Truth can be realized in deep meditation and love is truth. They are two sides of the same coin. In short, truth is that which never changes and love is that which is undescribable.
Q: What exactly is a prayer to God?
Sri Sri: Prayer happens when you are grateful or helpless. If both happen together, it becomes a very effective prayer. And, to whom you pray is immaterial. Its like the rain water, no matter wherever it falls, it goes to the ocean. So whoever you pray to, it goes to the ONE. It is the most precious phenomenon that can happen to human beings. Whole nature is a prayer. Sun shines and prays, wind blows and prays. Fulfillment is prayer. When mind matures and is fulfilled it is called a prayer.
Q: What is Moksha?
Sri Sri:Ask a child. When his exams are over, he comes home and throws the book on the couch, then he will tell you what is moksha.
When you find a deep relief in life, from miseries,sorrows, cravings and aversions, that is Moksha.
Q: How to destroy ego?
Sri Sri:Destroying the ego itself becomes the biggest ego. When you tell everybody that I have destroyed ego, that is the biggest ego.
Let it sleep there. Nevermind, feel natural, be friendly.Live in the present moment, that is an antidote to ego. So don't destroy ego, keep it in your pocket and feel like a child, at home with everybody.
Q: What is your opinion about conversion?
Sri Sri:First, we should honour every religion. Those who preach that my religion is better so you join it, are ignorant. It was in medieval
time when they coneverted people by punishing and torturing them. Now its different, now we have to take good things from every religion and move forward. Conversion should be there - but from RELIGION TO SPIRITUALITY.
Q: What do you have to say about today's education system?
Sri Sri:It lacks the juice. It lacks an essence which can transform students to human beings. System has become so mechanical that we are producing human machines out of students. We need to create good personalities out of them. Full development of human potential is lacking and an all around development is needed.
Q: What is your view about ayurveda?
Sri Sri:In last century people didn't care for ayurveda. Now that allopathy has not proved to be that effective, they are turning towards ayurveda.Ayurveda has tested the time. It has a holistic approach. It is re-establishing the health and not converting one disease to another.
Q: What about homeopathy?
Sri Sri:Thats also good, but needs a lot of faith than ayurveda.
Q: Are mind and self one and the same?
Sri Sri:Are ocean and wave the same. Mind is the wave and self is an ocean.
Q:Can a communist be spiritual?
Sri Sri:They have to be spiritual. Otherwise he is not a communist, else he will be a pseudo-communist. A communist wants good for everyone, they want everyone to raise up in life. Spirituality brings these values in you. Spirituality removes small mindedness and negativity. And, unless that is done how can you care for anybody.If you have not got rid of stress and negativity, you will become a corrupt communist.
Q: Buddha told life is "full of miseries" and you tell life is "full of joy", why is this contradiction?
Sri Sri: Opposite things are complementary. You acknowledge misery, so you meditate and you overcome misery and there is only joy. Buddha began at that point and did not finish at that point. So everybody knows the first step, and somebody had to tell the second step. So I told the second step "life is full of joy".
Q: Scriptures describe a lot about "Heaven and Hell", is there any "Heaven and Hell"?
Sri Sri:The bondage and freedom are present in the mind. When you are miserable you experience hell. This is not just the end of universe.There are lots of layers of existence. Universe is so vast, so unfathomable. And, you need to experience in order to prove or disprove something.
Q: Kerala is 100% literate state but no. 1 in suicidal cases, why so?
Sri Sri:Information should not be thought of as education. Though kerala is 100% literate in information, its not 100% literate in self-education. Our education system doesn't include spiritual aspect and if they do not broaden this aspect, it is very dangerous. Many educated people have committed suicide. Todays education is about "How of things" but not "How of life". What is prana,mind,life? This knowledge should be given.
Q: What is the purpose of having a religion?
Sri Sri:You know from your birth to death, life is full of rituals. You are born, you have a naming ceremony, you have a marriage ceremony, then death ceremony. All the important events in life are joined or conjoined with the religion. So it has become a part of people's life. Whats important today is to rise above and become spiritual. Religion and rituals can divide but spirituality unites.
Q: What's the importance of "Mantra" and "Tantra"?
Sri Sri:Our body is made up of billions of atoms. And, sound is nothing but energy. Our atoms give or absorb energy. Mantra has a deep effect on our consciousness, they energise us. Tantra is the "How to" part, the technique. And, Mantras are used to make life better and bring more comfort to you.
Q: What is God?
Sri Sri:That something which is present everywhere. In Upanishad, once a son asks his father,"How is God like?" The father says,"HE is like the sky, everything is born there, remains there and desolves there".God is the joyful space. Empty like a sky and full like an ocean. And, its nature is truth. God is love, love is God.God loves forms, so he created so many forms. So adore him in any form. This is what happens in Puja. In mantras you call your god to come outside and reside in the idol. Make life a play, don't become so serious. He loves fun. Play, dance, chant with God. Sit in meditation and feel God everywhere, like a *Rasagulla*( A sweet dish) soaking in the syrup.
Q:Gurudev! Pranam! I joined AOL family about 18 months back. I did one advanced course in your presence in Bangalore last year. I feel I am quite centered after AOL. But there is still scope.How to be more centered? I am not having control on my desires.
Sri Sri:Do some exercises and do meditation. Do not worry about having a great control over desires and take it easily.
Q:How do I get rid of being materialistic? Does materialism got to do anything with stress?
Sri Sri:Balance is essential between life, caring for the matter and the spirit.
Q:Dear Guruji, how do you handle differences in opinion in a group in a Seva project so as to bring everybody together?
Sri Sri:Note that, everybody is together already and difference in any project only adds more dimension to the project. It also helps you to develop skills to maintain harmony.
Q:How to silence mind?
Sri Sri:The will to silence itself will pay in many ways. Also, meditation and Sudershan kriya.
Q:How does Sudarshan Kriya help reduce stress?
Sri Sri:It just does it.
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