Jai Gurudev. Welcome to my Blog. Started this blog today (06-11-06) with my love and gratitude for Guruji ( His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ). I want to spread his word and his teachings to as many as possible thru this blog. So keep sending this link and let others be a part of the the most wonderful family, the family of the art of living. -- Rajesh Gehani ( Moscow, Russia ) --
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Wooden Bowl ( iNsPiRiNg )
> The Wooden Bowl
> I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl
> tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from
> now. A frail old man went to live with his son,
> daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old
> man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred,
> and his step faltered. The family ate together at the
> table.
> But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing
> sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto
> the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the
> tablecloth.
> The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.
> 'We must do something about father,' said the son.
> 'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating,
> and food on the floor.'
> So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
> There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family
> enjoyed dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or
> two, his food was served in a wooden bowl!
> When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction,
> sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still,
> the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions
> when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
> The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening
> before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood
> scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, 'What
> are you making?'
> Just as sweetly, the boy responded, 'Oh, I am making a
> little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in when I grow
> up.' The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
> The words so struck the parents so that they were
> speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.
> Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
> That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and
> gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder
> of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some
> reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer
> when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth
> soiled.
> On a positive note, I've learned that, no matter what
> happens, how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it
> will be better tomorrow.
> I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by
> the way he/she handles four things: a rainy day, the
> elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
> I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with
> your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone
> from your life.
> I've learned that making a 'living' is not the
> same thing as making a 'life..'
> I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second
> chance.
> I've learned that you shouldn't go through life
> with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able
> to throw something back.
> I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will
> elude you. But if you focus on your family, your friends,
> the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you
> can, happiness will find you.
> I've learned that whenever I decide something with an
> open heart, I usually make the right decision.
> I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't
> have to be one.
> I've learned that every day, you should reach out and
> touch someone.
> People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug,
> or just a friendly pat on the back.
> I've learned that I still have a lot to learn!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Date | Location | Events |
Nov 5 | Miami FL, United States of America | Practical Wisdom Seminar Contact: somya.ramrakhyani@artofliving.org |
Nov 13-15 | European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium | International Business & Leadership Symposium |
Nov 16-17 | Nikosia, Cyprus | The Civilization of Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue |
Nov 20-22 | Delhi, India | Brahm Naad Performance |
Nov 24-29 | Bali, Indonesia | Advanced Meditation Course |
Nov 25-27 | Bali, Indonesia | Health and Happiness Workshop |
Dec 1-7 | Arunachal Pradesh, India | Health and Happiness Workshop, Mahasatsang |
Dec 8-15 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | International Advanced Course |
Dec 12-14 | Bangalore Palace Grounds, India | Health and Happiness Workshop |
Dec 16 | Trichy, India | Evening Satsang: Music and Meditation programme |
Dec 17 | Arakonam, India | Satsang at 2:30pm: Music and Meditation programme |
Dec 17 | Chennai, India | Evening Satsang: Music and Meditation programme |
Dec 19 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | |
Dec 20 | Jordan | |
Dec 21-23 | Iraq | |
Dec 24 - Jan 5 | Art of Living Centre, Bad Antogast, Germany | |
Dec 25 | Art of Living Centre, Bad Antogast, Germany | Christmas Celebrations |
Dec 31 | Art of Living Centre, Bad Antogast, Germany | New Year Celebrations |
Jan 8-13 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | International Advanced Course |
Jan 9 | Pune, India | World Ayurvedic Conference |
Jan 10-16 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | |
Jan 17-21 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | Advanced Course for Karnataka |
Jan 18-23 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | International Advanced Course |
Jan 28 - Feb 2 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | International Advanced Course |
Feb 6-8 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | 3rd International Women's Conference |
Feb 11-16 | Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India | International Advanced Course |
Feb 14 | Kolkatta, India | Mahasatsang: Music and Meditation programme |
Feb 23 | Kollam, Kerala, India | Shivratri Celebrations |
Feb 24-26 | Kollam, Kerala, India | Health and Happiness Workshop |
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Guruji Blesses Bahrain/Brahmanaad translation
Guruji Blesses Bahrain!!
Dear all,
Bahrain was blissed out with Guruji's overflowing blessings!!
November 18th 2008 will be an unforgettable day for AOL, Bahrain !!
None of us had the least inkling of what was to unfurl on the 18th of Nov
In the afternoon (Nov 18th), our chapter co-ordinator was informed of
Him transitting Bahrain on the way to Delhi from Cyprus...His flight would
land at 6-30pm and His return flight at 11pm was all that was known .. also that He
expressed the wish to 'come out' of the airport!!
What went on for the next couple of hours was true sanghachatwam
...telephone lines ringing some with both the ears busy answering mobiles
and landlines..the Indian Embassy was approached, doors were knocked
..influential people approached.. to organise His visit pass/visa, the Hotel
where He could stay and meet all His eager devotees. SMS after
Sms...updating ...several ladies were onto cooking their special dishes for
Him.. several minds working ..with One cause..to get Guruji to where He was
most wanted..devotees hearts!!!
And that's exactly what happened ..Inspite of speculation till the last
moment..nothing could stop Him..He just made things happen...the hall was
booked at a Five star hotel..Crowne Plaza.. thanks to the manager at Crowne
Plaza and thanks to the Indian Embassy and our dear Ambassador ..His visit
pass was arranged... .and others sent off SMS es to all the devotees. about
the surprise visit .... most of whom gathered to be with the Master who
transformed them . Soon after He landed He was driven to the Crowne Plaza
by the Ambassador ,where devotees longing to meet Him had gathered..
After freshning up..He met with top representatives from the press/Radio
....and later eating a little of what each and every 'motherly' lady had
cooked, He went onto be with His dear devotees..
Meeting every single one of the multi national & multi religious group of
devotees ..walking through the packed hall..His never fading
smile..oblivious of the previous hectic itinerary..Capturin g every ones
hearts and minds...
'Chitta Chor!'
..He then got all the little ones. onto the dias and played along with
them in His lovable child-like way..looking at one and throwing the
chocolates on the opposite side ! He said we should all be like a
child.....He was literally surrounded by kids of all ages ..on all sides..He
then answered some questions...
Will I ever find peace ..?
SriSri: Are you not peaceful Now!
When I get up in the morning should I consider it as my first day/last day
on this Earth?
SriSri:With a twinkle, He said '''the choice is yours!!'
How do I find peace?
SriSri: (Giving the analogy of driving a car.).He said while driving we
look in the rear view, side mirrors and in the front and do this almost
simultaneously. . But our leg is always on the accelerator. .and finally when the fuel in the
car is over ..it stops.. Our life /mind are as if on the accelerator throughout.. we don't stop even though we pass home/shops.. Learning to apply brakes is the skill..and that is meditation.. to be able to go deep within..into silence..that is peace!!
When will I be enlightened? Will I be after 10 days of silence?
Sri Sri;You do not need 10 days..you can be enlightened even after 2 days !!
Time and again He mentioned that while He was supposed to go to Muscat ..in
the near future ..He found Himself in Bahrain..'He said " I wanted to give
you a surprise..but you have surprised me!! In such a short span of a few
hours..you could arrange all this and get so many people together!!'
He makes us feel as if we have done it all..but all of us know who is behind
all this...afterall its His grace .love and blessings..we are just one of
those gopas putting up our little staff..!!!
This is when He said ..all one has to do is take a sankalpa..a wish ..an
intention ..and let it off into the universe...things will manifest...
''Courier all your worries and botherations to me and be peaceful'
He then went onto lead a guided meditation ..with all the kids trooping out
with a couple of 'kid sitters'..what was 25 minutes seemed like only 5
minutes to some of the teenagers who were fortunate to be a part of this
momentous occasion..
Sweet melody followed..with singing of a few bhajans..culminatin g with
'Allah Hu..Allah Hu..
We wished time would freeze..as we did not want Guruji to go...unanimously
all of us wished Him to stay longer...nay forever!!!.. this is possible in
the frame of timelessness. .but getting back to ground reality..it was time
for Him to leave...to be able to catch His next flight..(someone rightly
said that He lives on planes!!!)
In all this excitement.. He made sure Fred, the sweet German ashramite
/videographer who accompanied Him ,was looked after, fed and cared
for..only shows how He cares/is centred/and is love personified. ...a big
Continuing to bless and hug people on the way..He finally got into the car
waiting outside to be driven a little into the city before finally getting
to the airport..
It was like a dream come true...nay most are us are really marvelling at how
things took shape..and are totally zapped ..in wonder and amazement! He left
us all feeling deeply satisfied, hearts full & brimming , blissed out
In retrospect.. several devotees had premonitions of His visit..some had
dreams, some had intentions, some just prayed..Gratitude flows to our dear
Guruji for making this happen, & all the members of AOL, Bahrain for just
being there as a family..
Well all that can be said is that the 'Ways of the Divine are mysterious'
and like Guruji says ..'You never know when what will happen..keep your
houses clean..I may visit them anytime..!!! '
So, dear ones..'Just make a wish ..and leave it into the Universe..!! '
Guruji's talk on Brahmanaad- November 21, 2008. -A translation.
Guruji's talk
on Brahmnaad 2008- 21st Nov 2008.- A translation
Both, Music and spirituality bring harmony in life.
Meditation brings silence within and brings music from the soul. Whereas, good
music brings calmness to the mind, and gives rest and strength to the body.
It has always been my liking to make the impossible, possible. Whenever I said, that many Sitars will be played simultaneously, people always told me, that is impossible...it can never happen. I said, "The power of Yog makes possible what seems impossible."
When so many sitars play at the same time, it is not
just Sound ( Naad ), it is Divinity - Brahmanaad.
We are a nation of a billion
people. We should be able to find 1000 sitar
players from within Delhi .
But this did not happen. We had to search for them from all over India and bring
them together. This shows that we have ignored our music and culture. We are
not giving as much importance and priority as it deserves.
So, through this programme, we get this message, that we should encourage our children to learn Indian classical music. We will make our culture glow brighter. We want to keep our classical music alive. Today, we can see here, people of all age are present, from a 6 year old child to a 77 year old scholar.
There is a saying - kavya shastra vinodak alok gacchate dhimata
It is a sign of intelligent person that he devotes his time to music, art, scriptures,
poetry, wit and meditation.
And, a foolish person wastes his time in addictions, quarrels, botheration and all kinds of frivolous conversation and gossip. They stay busy creating trouble for themselves and others. It is a necessity in this country, that people become intelligent and start spending their time in art and culture.
So I would like youth here...more and more youth to learn the classical music. It´s a unique gift to the world. Our classical music is unique in itself, it uplifts the spirit...
So, this brahmanaad is a call to all the people of India .
First, it is " annam brahma"- Food is god. Our anscectors have said. Grow food. There is no need to go and search for God anywhere else...´anne brahme tejana´ See God in food. Feed the hungry. In our scriptures, much is said about this.
Next is `prana-brahma´ - Life-energy is god. Worship life. Do sadhana, pranayam, meditation. Make your life glow from within by doing regular sadhana.
Then there is `naad-brahma´ - the divine sound. Blend with the melody...get
immersed with the rhythm. It is a kind of meditation. Through music, you will transcend to a `samadhi´ - a higher level of being.
Then, science is God, Knowledge is god. Then, there is a realization, Joy is god.
In this way, the idea of the progress of life, the goal of life, the evolution of life is conceptualized.
Today we are at a moment in history, when if we save our culture, we revive our ancient arts, then they will flourish.
So, I am grateful to all these musicians here. These days, lesser number of people prefer to listen to classical music. Still, these musicians are taking immense interest in music by
learning it, and they are inspiring others to take interest in it. For sure, their effort will be fruitful. And, we always have our music maestros, like ShivKumar ji...their blessings will always be there for all the musicians.
So, if you want to save Indian culture, save our music...save our traditions, lifestyle and food habits.
Our relations, interactions with all, is traditionally sweet, favourable. India is the only country in the world which has never attacked any other country. Such is our culture of truth
and non-violence. Through Music, yog, by practicing pranayam and meditation, we
will put our culture on a even higher pedestal.
We will soothe all the souls who are in need. People in Bihar are suffering.
But they are serving as an example to the whole world. These days there is a
big financial crisis. All around, people are depressed. Their enthusiasm has
died out. They are scared. In these times, the people of Bihar have a message for all, look at us. We have lost everything in floods. But still, we are alive. We are in a worse
situation than you all. But God is within us.
God will surely help these people. They are so many of them. They will surely come together and find a solution.
We believe that the whole world is one family...Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.. This is the culture we are born in. Can we not help those in need? We can definitely help each other. That much humanity is still alive... we will all help eath other.
Spread this word all around from here. Whosoever is sad, for any reason, or is filled with remorse and aversion, we have a message for all. You are not alone. We are with you. Come to this path. This is a path laid by ancient seers. Of Nonviolence and truth. Walk on this path and the see how life is filled with light. A new Light, new enthusiasm is born...hmmm....
Sitting here now, I just had a thought...I wrote something on what is Naada Brahma? There is a song about Brahma...shall we sing? Then we will sit for a meditation.
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma.... .
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Jiva Brahma....Jagatpi Brahma....
Drishta ....Darshan. ...Drishyam Brama....
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Saguna...nirguna. ..sarvam Brahma...
Saaram Brahma....samadhi Brahmam...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahmam....
Shabdh Brahma....Ne- shabdh Brahma
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Akshar Brahama....Shashvat i Brahma....
Gyaan, Vigyaan Pragyaan Brahma...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma...Anan Brahma...Aneyam Brahma
Praram Brahma...Paratpar Brahma....Gyaan Brahma....Pragyaan Brahma...
Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma... Adi Brahma...Anaadi Brahma...
Anan Brahma...Aneyam Brahma
Param Brahma...Paratpar Brahma....
Gyaan Brahma....Pragyaan Brahma...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Shabdh Brahma....Nishabd Brahma...
Naad Brahma....Ninaad Brahma....
Jai Gurudev
- Anjana Bhagole
The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy
You are a fountain of joy at the center of your being.
Joy is the realization that there is no vacation from wisdom.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the "Art of Living Foundation"
www.aofl.nl| www.artofliving.org | www.iahv.org
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Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Reaching God
Life is incomplete without union with God. It's quite natural that a matured mind and blossomed heart strives for this union. From ages philosophies were born, debates happened, music, art and literature have sprung up from this need. Religions, philosophies, practices, customs and austerities have all pointed to one thing — union with the Divine.
The common man wakes up to the pain and suffering in his life and wants to be free from it. And he looks for the super power of creation to free him from the clutches of the world. The more he looks at the misery and shortcomings in his life, the farther away he feels from the Divinity, which is his very nature. And his heart yearns for some sort of communication from the other side.
For time immemorial man has been striving to lessen this gap between himself and God. There are two ways to do this:
** : one is to elevate mankind towards Divinity — this is called Siddha, one who has attained perfection and the
** : second is to bring God to human level — Avatar, one who is not striving for perfection. Divinity has manifested itself for the sake of mankind.
Man rising up to God is Siddha; God coming down, because he cares for you, is Avatar. To communicate directly with devotees, God comes in the form of Avatar.
Avatar is the humaneness where you can get a glimpse of Divinity. In the Puranas, all the devas are depicted with human emotions and tendencies. They do normal things — get upset, angry, are in love, etc. Rama and Krishna went through all the experiences of the human mind just to make you understand that God is not too far away from you, but one among you.
Don't look for the supernatural in Avatar — then the whole purpose of coming close to humans is defeated. The expression of God's love for you on the most understandable human level is Avatar.
This concept of Avatar is prevalent in the east — India, China, Japan, Korea, Nepal etc. In these eastern countries, the monarch is revered as Avatar.
Nripo Narayano Hari — the king is regarded as Avatar of Vishnu;
Vaidhyo Narayano Hari — the doctor is regarded as Avatar of Vishnu.
In the west, the concept is that of messenger, but in the east this concept does not exist as the intimacy between you and God is so much, God, himself, comes down. Like a mother would personally go to her child, God's love for man is so much, he would prefer to go Himself. The east looks from the value of the heart whereas the intellect has the perspective of messenger.
The concept of messenger was painful to bhaktas and Sufis — they are more comfortable with Avatar. For an intimate relationship, God comes directly. Your love for God becomes authentic when you are assured of his love for you. In Gita, it is Krishna who first tells Arjuna, 'You are dear to me', which enabled Arjuna to surrender.
Wherever you feel immense respect, wherever you get a glimpse of Divinity, know it is Avatar. Avatar lies in those who recognise — and the entire creation becomes alive as Divinity. This is the stage before the awareness of "I Am".
The entire phenomenon of creation is the descent of consciousness in various names and forms. And the whole purpose of Avatar is to make you realise that you are part of Him. Avatar is not there to charm you but to calm you, to make you return home.
And to make you realise you are that. Once you recognise the Avatar, suddenly the entire creation is filled with 'that' and you are that.
The descent of God is to make you realise ;
there is no up or down.....
there is no high or low....
there is no ascension or descent!
There is no two.
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Focus and Expansion (KS 181) / Q & A's with Guruji...
| ||
Jai Gurudev |
* Q&A with Guruji *
Q: In different religions different customs are followed. Some burn the body
after death, some bury it. What is right?
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: See the origin of the customs. Islam, Judaism were born in desert.
Desert is dry sand, not too many woods, trees are rare. It was practically
impossible to burn the bodies. So in those circumstances, it was better to
bury. Sand would decompose the bodies. Here, 5000 to 10000 years ago, India
was much greener than what it is now. There was so much of wood. So, best
way was to burn the bodies, make them to ashes, which will decompose
eventually. We did not have so much of land, else with this much of
population all the land would have been graveyard. These days, electrical
cremation is the best, environment friendly way. Today, we are coming to a
Unique culture.
Q: Loving Guruji, please explain Love and Life.
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: Life is incomplete without love.
Q: Guruji, when interest starts developing towards devotion,what should one
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: Good. Very good. But simultaneously you must take care of the
responsibilities as well. One shouldnot run away.
Q: Ever since I was little I was told that God would not come in physical
form as this is Kalyuga.Then how come You are here?
------------ --------- ---------
SriSri: These things are just said as a way to wake people up. To take you
out of lethargy, laziness, dullness.Come on! Quickly do something. Yukti,
skill in waking one up. Kalyuga is very good, there's nothing wrong. You are
all here. Even in ancient days there have been problems. Demons would not
allow people to meditate.
Q: How many are enlightened?
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: There's no count ?" how many hairs are on your head? There may be
few teachers but [in terms of enlightenment there are many]. Knowledge is
hidden in everyone like rice. Every child has come [with perfection inside].
Don't need to do anything too much, even meditation. Only as much as is
necessary [for perfection to arise].
Q: How do we know that our interpretation of knowledge is right or it is a
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: When you see something, you introspect first.. You see the means of
knowledge. That's why in India science and spirituality never contradict
each other. Spirituality believes first and experiments later. Science is
experimenting first and believing later. In ancient days a child is given
'Brahma Upadesham', the highest knowledge is initiated to the child , right
at childhood.
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Monday, November 03, 2008
10 tips for good night's sleep
10 tips for good night's sleep
Stick to a schedule. Erratic bedtimes do not allow for your body to align to the proper circadian rhythms. Mum was right when she set a time we always had to go to sleep as kids. Also, make sure you try to keep the same schedule on weekends too, otherwise the next morning, you'd wake later and feel overly tired.
Sleep only at night. Avoid daytime sleep if possible. Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps.
Exercise. It's actually known to help you sleep better. Your body uses the sleep period to recover its muscles and joints that have been exercised. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise every day can help you sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before bedtime may make falling asleep more difficult.
Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.
Avoid eating just before bed. Avoid eat large meals or spicy foods before bedtime. Give yourself at least 2 hours from when you eat to when you sleep. This allows for digestion to happen (or at least start) well before you go to sleep so your body can rest well during the night, rather than churning away your food.
Avoid caffeine. It keeps you awake and that's now what you want for a good nights sleep. We all know that.
Read a fiction book. It takes you to a whole new world if you really get into it. And then take some time to ponder over the book as you fall asleep. I find as I read more and more, regardless of the book, I get more tired at night and so find it easier to fall asleep. Different for others?
Have the room slightly cooler. I prefer this to a hot room. I prefer to turn off the heat and allow the coolness to circulate in and out of the windows. If I get cold, I wear warmer clothes. It also saves on the bills as you're not going to require the heat all night long.
Sleep in silence. I find sleeping with no music or TV on more easy and restful. I guess others are different, but sleep with no distractions is best for a clearer mind.
Avoid alcohol before bedtime. It's a depressant; although it may make it easier to fall asleep, it causes you to wake up during the night. As alcohol is digested your body goes into withdrawal from the alcohol, causing nighttime awakenings and often nightmares for some people.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Q & A's with Guruji
*Q: Do we need luck when we have guru?*
------------ --------- ---------
Q: Life is hectic. How to find peace?
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: Meditate. So first become a dreamer. Life force will move in that
direction. Have a dream. Whatever it is, actor, model Be flexible yet firm
about your dream. Be a multifaceted personality. Always remember to come to
the sacred space within you. That is your strength. Prayer gives you
strength to move ahead. Guruji began by saying: " Let us start with
questions. It is not a sign of intelligence to start talking before someone
asks a question. That's why all our scriptures start with a question -
Parvati asks Shiva a question, Shiva asks Parvati a question - in the
Upanishad, the disciples ask questions of the Gurus. Even the Bhagavad Gita
starts with Dhritarashtra' s question.
Q:What role does innocence play in a society where intelligence is
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri:Crooked person though intelligent is harmful. Innocence of a foolish
person is of no value. Innocence combined with intelligence is of value.
Innocence indicates our values of heart, life, friendliness. The human
values. Friendliness of a crooked person is of no value. They cannot be
loving. Loving is essentially innocent. We need to maintain our innocence
and cultivate intelligence.
Q: Guruji what is Shanti(peace) ?
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: We must make you sit in a closed small room and play loudspeaker 24
hrs. And not some good music, some heavy music. Then after 24 hrs, when we
switch it off you will come to know what is Shanti. (Laughter!!)
Q: What is the greatest responsibility of a human being?
------------ --------- ---------
Sri Sri: Every responsibility, whether small or big, is important at
different times. Even the smallest task can be done with perfection. You do
not have to be a genius… just be simple.
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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| ||
Jai Gurudev |
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rajesh / Anjana
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=11338510180&ref=nf (Join our facebook ART OF LIVING group - Growing everyday)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Deepawali message
According to the Vedic culture, the message of Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya (from darkness unto light) is given through the festival of Deepawali to all peoples of the world. During the night of Deepawali the myriads of little
clay lamps (dias) seem to silently send forth Deepawali messages: Come let us remove darkness from the face of the earth. This is not the work to be done by one dia or by one individual. It requires collective effort. In the
diffusion of light the question of high and low is forgotten. This is the lesson taught by both small and big dias.
The second message of the burning dias is to destroy the difference between rich and poor- the destruction of discrimination based on poverty and wealth. The burning dia, whether in a palatial bungalow or in a grass hut,
is a symbol of this unity. The wall of separation based on economic status cannot prevent the penetration and spread of the light of the dia.
The third message of the burning diias of Deepawali is to kindle the extinguished lights of our neighbours. Let us find out what is needed- whether there is a shortage of wick or oil- and just by a little help the neighbour's lamps can be lit. One dia can light several others. A little charity can bring joy to countless others.
The row of lamps teach yet another lesson and that is of unity as exemplified in Satyam, Shivam Sundaram- Truth, Joy and Beauty.
The lights of Deepavali are displayed at the entrance doors, by the walls of houses, in the streets and lanes. This means that the inner spiritual light of the individual must be reflected outside. Passersby may thereby be
prevented from stumbling on their way to reach their destination.
The lights of the dias on earth beckon the lights in the firmaments to descend upon earth and establish the heavenly kingdom of God for the welfare of the human race.
Feeding empty stomachs, lighting blown-out dias and providing cheer and joy amongst the downtrodden is to enter the true spirit of Deepavali. This is the true prayer to Lakshmi Devi.
Happy Deepawali
To you and your family
May this auspicious day brighten your life with happiness
and joy!!
Jai Gurudev
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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A experience shared
AOL Experience
This is my experience with the miraculous healing power of Sudarshan Kriya. This experience will not only benefit those who have not done the basic part I course but also to those who have done the course but are irregular with the follow up kriya or having slight doubt in their mind regarding the benefits of the Sudarshan kriya:
Since my childhood I have noticed that I have tremors in my hand. I could not hold objects properly. I used to literally struggle to write and which eventually end up with very bad hand writing. Normally pattern of hand writing is set some where around the age of 7-8 years; however in my case hand writing would depend on tremors in hand at that time. I was good in studies but in examinations I could not perform because I could not write the question papers in given time. These tremors would increase whenever I have to meet someone or there is any important event such as interview or facing new situations or persons. Because of this I was suffering tremendous anxiety in mind whether I could perform or not or what will happen if the opposite person see me with my hands shaking. This anxiety and nervousness would not allow me to speak properly in front of any new person and I would struggle to speak even few words to express myself though I might know the matter. This worry occupied major portion of my mind putting block on creative and clear thinking. This anxiety affected my sleep also. In my Board examination i.e. 11th Standards (year 1978), though I know how to solve all the questions papers, I could write only up to 80-75% with shaking hands. For god's sake, I could secure 71% and got admission in Engineering college. In engineering college also I used to avoid interactions with teaching staff and other students except chosen few in order to hide my ailment. In verbal exams also I could not fare well because of anxiety and nervousness in spite of knowing the matter. Though I desired to do post graduate and appear in U.P.S.C. exams but I knew that I would not because of this serious shortcomings. I have to therefore settle down with government job which for god's sake I could able to secure. And I am grateful to god for that matter. In job also I used to avoid meeting top bosses. Many a times I would think why this is with me. More I think more I get frustrated. Some time I used to think of committing suicide. I could not concentrate on any activities as always these thoughts would occupy my mind. In short these shortcomings were a great impediment to my growth in life and also seriously affected my day to working.
I have started looking for allopathic treatment since 1982 with the help of my sister, who was studying medicine at that time. The head of department, Neurology, Medical College, Indore, at that time opined that he can hardly do anything. In Mumbai, I first consulted one neurologist at Goregaon in 1989. He continued my treatment till 1995 by advising medicines for anxiety. Initially that helped a bit in the sense that my anxiety had reduced till I consumed medicines and I could have sound sleep. Not fully satisfied with the treatment, I have consulted one head of department of Neurology at Nanavati Hospital, in 1995. He also treated me till 1999. Finally I enquired about best neurologist of Mumbai. My search landed me to the head of department neurology at Bombay Hospital. I heard that not only he is best in Mumbai but probably in India. He is a very senior doctor awarded with 'Padmashree' by Government of India. His treatment has offered me some relief to the extent that it reduced tremors little bit till I continued with the medicines. After some duration with treatment, i.e. for nearly 3 years, he gave me a shock that I have to consume the medicines for entire life and for avoiding anxiety during stress causing situations, he advised me a small dose of 'RED WINE'.
During my allopathic treatment, I did some personality development courses including meditation courses. I had virtually gone for spiritual shopping. One of my friends suggested doing Art of Living course. Finally I landed up in Basic part I course in 1999. However I have not followed up thereafter. I did also not know venue for follow up. One day volunteers namely Raju, Minu and others came in our building and gave intro talk and told me to come for follow up. I wanted to avoid consuming RED WINE and hence this time I took up seriously and started doing Kriya regularly. I also started attending long kriya once a week. The benefits of Sudarrshan Kriya started showing results and after 3 months I completely stopped medicines which I was consuming since 1989. I meanwhile did Divya Samaj Nirman course and started doing Param Padma Sadhana regularly. DSN broadened my comfort zone. I also did Sahaj which is making me natural day by day. Everyday I could feel myself lighter and lighter and I could see the difference in myself on a day to day basis. Further guruji's knowledge tapes such as Ashtavakra GIta, Narad Bhakti stotra, Shiva Bhakti stotra benefited me a lot. Sudarshan kriya has cured my ailment completely but I think healing is only a by product of larger gain which I got namely peace of mind, unshakable faith, positive attitude towards life, increased awareness, focus towards life, increased confidence, better efficiency in work, better interpersonal relationship and above all it has brought my smile back. This is a rebirth to me and I am looking forward to every new day with lot of enthusiasm and energy. From my experience, I am of the firm opinion that sudarshan kriya can cure any ailment be it developed in this life span or hereditary ailments, as was in my case, because the recovery effected is in most natural way, cleansing each and every cell. But the journey towards the recovery was not a cat walk. I have not missed my kriya for a single day since last 2 years and param padmasadhana since last April (i.e. when I did the DSN). But that is a very small contribution from my side in comparison to treating a life long hereditary ailment for which I could not find any cure from any quarter during so many years. From my experience I can say that if you do sudarshan kriya daily including long kriya preferably once in a week and continue doing that, you get benefits which you have never thought off.
With tears in my eyes, I am deeply indebted to Guruji, Art of Living Foundation, Thakre, who advised me for Basic Course, Nitin Kachalia, my basic course teacher, who is no more now, Raghu Raj Raja, my first advance course teacher, Dinesh Ghodke, my second advance course teacher, Rishi Nitya Pragyaji, my DSN course teacher, Bhanu didi, my Sahaj Meditation teacher, Vinaya Hegde, my third and fourth advance course teacher, teachers in my area, specially Dinesh Bhojwani, Seema, Sreekumar, Rohit, Shilpa for spreading valuable knowledge of guruji and all the volunteers from Mahakali, Andheri (E) area, who have been always very supportive. We have a great team in our area.
Our beloved guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar is transforming lives of millions, my life is also transformed and I will see that my remaining life is put in use for some good cause.
Jai guru dev.
Santosh mujumdar
Contact santmujumdar@ gmail.com
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Is it not true that only in turbulent times we are ready to listen, we are willing to receive new knowledge that can bring transformation. We hardly do that when things are all right. And it's when we are open and ready to listen that there is an opportunity for change and chance to unleash the new "us". What is it that we really need in these times? First of all, we must recognize that it is a turbulent time. When we deny the turbulent time, we live in a utopia - a utopia that we are then unable to find a solution for. So, recognition is important!
The second thing is accepting it. The moment we accept that this time is turbulent or this situation is bad, then our emotions calm down. We don't question it: `Why is it turbulent? Why is it turbulent??' This turbulence is a happening. This questioning of the happening is of no use! It is like post mortem! It doesn't help the situation in the present moment. So then, accepting that this is so, will bring calmness, steadiness in the mind. When the emotions are calm, we will be able to think better. The energy of an emotion or a thought process creative thinking is the same. How we use this time to channel our energy is up to us. So, acceptance is the second point. Once we accept, it cannot be a passive acceptance, like: 'Okay....Let it happen...Let us leave it to God or the Universe...' - that type of passive acceptance will not work! There we need action! We need creativity! What change do you want to make and how do you want to make good use of the situation? For that you need clarity of mind, sharpness of mind, presence of mind. At times, you
may feel that we want to just give up, that this is so much bigger than you. You may feel weak and helpless. But this is the time to boost our ego. It is the time to feel confident that this is nothing. We can easily handle this situation. When children fall down you say, 'You know you are superman! Nothing has happened to you!' - then they stop crying! Have you seen this? Teenagers, youngsters, kids... when they fall, they start crying, but the moment you give a boost to their ego - then that inner strength comes up, comes out. If you keep telling them, 'Oh! You are useless! You are good for nothing!' - then that energy, that inner capacity will not find expression. If you don't want someone to be creative, just take the self-esteem out of him or her. They will become like vegetables. Self-confidence, self-esteem is something that brings creativity in turbulent times. Now it is easy to say that we should have self-confidence - but how does one get it? I tell you, it's simplicity that brings you that self-confidence. We should be ready to learn from simple things, simple people - even from a child. The readiness to learn something can bring up creativity in you, can bring up self-confidence. Presence of mind is what is required to take advantage of turbulent times. You know the word 'advantage' feels sometimes like there's a lack of compassion, a lack of caring, in it. It sounds like it has a little tinge of greed in it. Advantage! You are taking advantage of a bad situation. Rather it could be - making better use of the situation, the turbulent time, with compassion in your heart - the compassion and love that brings us fulfillment, that unites us with the entire workplace, the job, society, the people around us, the world. The uniting force in our life is love. When there is love, such crises will not happen! A short-term advantage is of no use. It's misery. Good is something that gives long term betterment and short-term problem, while that which is unethical gives long-term problems and short-term benefits. So while you're taking advantage of a turbulent time, notice, observe if you are taking short-term benefit or a long-term benefit or what appears to be an advantage could be a disadvantage. So that clarity in our thinking, in our vision is essential. What brings that clarity? Are you all here? That is called yoga! Be in the moment!
Finally, intuitive awareness, the intuitive quotient is what comes to your help. If you lack intuition, you can't be really successful! Intuition is not just dry thinking. It's a combination of gut feeling... emotion and
intellect -`Antarnath Antargyan' - Intuitive awareness. Developing intuitive awareness as well as a little bit of music or logic is needed. When the balance happens in our life, then we are able to develop our
intuitive awareness, the intuitive quotient. If you ask most successful people in our society, they will vouch for this: It was just an intuition, they acted on it and that brought them success - not their logical planning or thinking. Of course that's needed - logic is needed, but not just that! You need to have the support of intuitive awareness... and smile MORE!
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Our facebook group link : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=11338510180&ref=nf
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Thursday, October 09, 2008
Q & A's with Guruji (NEW ONES!!)
Q: Are swamiji's God?
Sri Sri: I think now you understood.Swami means, just one who is there for everybody. One who has made whole world as his family. For whom there is no one and other. That action in life when blossoms you all are swamis. You don't have to change your cloth, or grow long beard and hair. But this is just uniform (claps). Suppose if tomorrow I come in 3 piece suit, will you recognize me? But
it doesn't matter to me, but even now I'm in 3 piece suit (laughter).
Q:Our strongest negative feelings are directed towards those we love the most . How can we avoid this even while maintaining the affection?
Sri Sri: Developing awareness, you know, and spending a little time in knowledge, very often not once in a while do some meditation and course and forget about it. Almost every week or very often if you are understanding and spending your thoughts on knowledge about
impermanence of everything and permanence in spirit lot of difference naturally comes in life.
Q: What distinguishes between good and not good desires?
Sri Sri: You know that which gives you long term joy and short term problem is good, that which gives you short term joy and long term problem is misery. Just keep this as your criteria, that's good enough (claps).
Q: When I try to understand people, places and situations I end up finding mistakes in myself, makes me feel like I am becoming a better person. However it affects my self confidence, how do I overcome it? When will I ever be confident?
Sri Sri:You know that is where the process of surrender comes to help. To whom you surrender is immaterial- to God, mother. But when you surrender you drop, you feel lighter. Surrender is a technique in which you can dump all the garbage of the mind. What else is there with you to surrender. Divine doesn't want your talents, and you can't surrender those because that is a gift to you. Certainly Divine doesn't want your money, and if you think you have power you are mistaken you have no power at all in this world. And nobody wants to give any power at all and you think you have power. You have feeling of losing control and you have no control, no control of thoughts running in your mind, all good thoughts, bad thoughts and who is interested in this? Do you see what I'm saying? So surrender means what? Drop all that negativity, that worries that we carry it in our heart. We surrender to God and be happy. It is only then we gain the power. In India in South India temples when you bow down, priest comes and places a crown on your head. The symbol is when you are devoted to God, you really become a king, you get crowned. I mean they just put on the head the crown for a moment and take it out and put it on everyone's head, they keep shifting to everyone, everyone is a king (laughter). But original idea was of 'Sharana-gathi', when
you surrender to God means you become a king. You wear a crown in your head and you walk that way, you are carrying Lord of the universe in your heart, such confidence, such joy, smile, happiness. We are here to give to the world. If you are a giver you are always winning. If you are a taker, then I tell you without your knowledge you are losing. If you think what about me, what about me, see what I can do, how I can contribute, how I can make people happy, then your needs will be met, it all happens.
Q: War and natural calamities signify what?
Sri Sri: War means Worst Act of Reason (WAR), natural calamities invite you to be active and do service, and reminds you that you are not in total control my dear, there is a super power, a power that is permeating every particle of the creation, everywhere, just wake up, wake up and there is power and when that power is conscious it is lively, it can hear, feel and respond to your feelings.
Q: You expose us, give us such wonderful knowledge, yet whenever the time comes in our daily lives we are back to our little minds, what to do?
Sri Sri: Doesn't this knowledge help you when you really need it? Whenever you were regretting, come to the present moment, hasn't it struck you? The very little time you spend has brought so much transformation, if you spend little more time, take little more time, go deep into knowledge and study you'll find amazing growth can happen to you.
Q: Why has God made stress?
Sri Sri: So that I could have a job (laughter and claps) You know there is a story, bed time story. After God created all this world ....this is a new story which you haven't heard...he wanted to go rest, right? So while he went to rest, he suddenly realized he made a big
mistake. He created human beings, who would not allow Him to rest. Even if he goes to moon, somebody like Armstrong will reach there also. So God became little worried. He wanted to find a place to go and rest, wherever He goes, man will chase Him, and He'll file so many court cases against Him, if you made man, why did you make woman and woman would blame Him too, all fingers pointing to
Him? And animals, if they would have right to file cases, that's it finished. God was really terrified. So he came to a Guru. Guru's
are good in giving advices. He wanted to get out of this mess, He wanted to rest in peace somewhere, where nobody comes. So a wise man was there and God went to Him and asked do you have any suggestions, any ideas, can I use any help to you. And wise man whispered something in the ear of God. And God became very happy. Guess what the wise man said...he said, yeah, wherever you go man will reach there, he has made rockets, space shuttle, but where he doesn't go is into his own heart. You just go and hide there, where he never goes and one in a million some Kabir, Nanak, Jesus go there and by the time they go there they wont have any complaints, so there you'll be very safe. So when man goes all over the place and bends down and goes into his heart all his
complaints disappear, feeling of other disappears and feeling of oneness dawns.
Q: Why good people are suffering so much, most of the time, feel powerless to overcome the bad situations?
Sri Sri: You know when you feel powerless, that is the time prayer happens, prayer is a great strength. In Hindi there is a saying 'Nirbal to Balram' the weak and meek (Jesus also said) shall inherit heaven. If you are weak God is with you. Now, Good people suffer, not because of good actions, sometime good people do foolish actions. This opens new topic of karma. If you have sown a cactus you'll get only cactus, if you've sown mango seed, you get mangoes. A weed comes very fast, but for a mango tree it takes 3 or 4 years. If you've done something good, something good will come out of it. Another thing is don't think that you are weak, because you are good you are getting all the problems. No, there are people who are bad they also are getting problems. They do bad things, they also get into problems. You need skill in dealing in life. Just being good is not enough. Good and being skillful also, intelligence also.
Q: How do you practice not doubting others love for you and their intentions?
Sri Sri: You know you always doubt something that is good. You know when someone says I like you, you ask them really? And when they say I don't like you, you don't say really? This has been your nature. Nature of doubt is always directed toward positive. If you love someone take it for granted that they also love you. And even if it appears you keep telling them, oh you love me so much, but if you question the love of someone towards you, even whatever little they had will start diminishing. So its upto you what do you want?
Q: What is God and what is the difference between you and God? Jesus, Ram, Buddha, etc are you their incarnation?
Sri Sri: I already mentioned, we are all love, we are all part of that is.
Q: How do we prepare for death?
Sri Sri: Don't worry about it. Whether you are prepared or unprepared it'll come and get you (tremendous laughter and clapping). When it comes it won't listen to you, wait for another 1 year. Can come any moment, don't worry.
Q: What is the distinction between sleep and meditation?
Sri Sri: One is vertical another is horizontal (laughter). For now just think that much. But tomorrow when you sit for meditation don't think
about it. You'll neither be able to meditate nor be able to sleep. Okay.
Q: Why are we not getting rain?
Sri Sri:Because the trees are getting cut. Take a *sankalpa* that it should rain. (No wonder it rained after satsang :) reminds me of sankalpa at Shimoga.
Q: When will the fear of terrorists go?
Sri: We don't have them in Karnataka. Join and do satsang, then it will go, call them too. They are taught about one religion and given wrong knowledge. We should educate them, they are not bad, they are good.
Q: How to be happy always?
Sri Sri: Drop the word *always*, then you can be happy every moment.
Q: Is Paramatma sarva-vyapi? (Is god everywhere?)
Sri Sri: Yes.
Q:What is self-realisation?
Sri Sri:Who is asking the question? Self, do you realise it.
Q: Why do we feel that something is lacking inspite of having everything?
Sri Sri:Thats lack of knowledge. If you have knowledge and love, you won't feel any lackings in life.
Q: Guruji in one of your books you have said that "God is an illusion",how?
Sri Sri:I have never said "God is an illusion", I said "Surrender is an illusion", because anything you surrender anyway belongs to HIM only. Where is publication department?( Huge Laughter)
Q: How can we give in our 100%?
Sri Sri:Meditation is deep relaxation. 100% activity precedes or follows meditation.
Q: When you know maya is an illusion, does it cease to exist?
Sri Sri:A. Is your question a reality or an illusion.
Q: What is truth? What is love?
Sri Sri:Truth is that which does not change. To know what is truth, you need to go through all that is not true. So, all that changes is not
truth. Life is a quest to find what is truth, don't be in a hurry. Truth can be realized in deep meditation and love is truth. They are two sides of the same coin. In short, truth is that which never changes and love is that which is undescribable.
Q: What exactly is a prayer to God?
Sri Sri: Prayer happens when you are grateful or helpless. If both happen together, it becomes a very effective prayer. And, to whom you pray is immaterial. Its like the rain water, no matter wherever it falls, it goes to the ocean. So whoever you pray to, it goes to the ONE. It is the most precious phenomenon that can happen to human beings. Whole nature is a prayer. Sun shines and prays, wind blows and prays. Fulfillment is prayer. When mind matures and is fulfilled it is called a prayer.
Q: What is Moksha?
Sri Sri:Ask a child. When his exams are over, he comes home and throws the book on the couch, then he will tell you what is moksha.
When you find a deep relief in life, from miseries,sorrows, cravings and aversions, that is Moksha.
Q: How to destroy ego?
Sri Sri:Destroying the ego itself becomes the biggest ego. When you tell everybody that I have destroyed ego, that is the biggest ego.
Let it sleep there. Nevermind, feel natural, be friendly.Live in the present moment, that is an antidote to ego. So don't destroy ego, keep it in your pocket and feel like a child, at home with everybody.
Q: What is your opinion about conversion?
Sri Sri:First, we should honour every religion. Those who preach that my religion is better so you join it, are ignorant. It was in medieval
time when they coneverted people by punishing and torturing them. Now its different, now we have to take good things from every religion and move forward. Conversion should be there - but from RELIGION TO SPIRITUALITY.
Q: What do you have to say about today's education system?
Sri Sri:It lacks the juice. It lacks an essence which can transform students to human beings. System has become so mechanical that we are producing human machines out of students. We need to create good personalities out of them. Full development of human potential is lacking and an all around development is needed.
Q: What is your view about ayurveda?
Sri Sri:In last century people didn't care for ayurveda. Now that allopathy has not proved to be that effective, they are turning towards ayurveda.Ayurveda has tested the time. It has a holistic approach. It is re-establishing the health and not converting one disease to another.
Q: What about homeopathy?
Sri Sri:Thats also good, but needs a lot of faith than ayurveda.
Q: Are mind and self one and the same?
Sri Sri:Are ocean and wave the same. Mind is the wave and self is an ocean.
Q:Can a communist be spiritual?
Sri Sri:They have to be spiritual. Otherwise he is not a communist, else he will be a pseudo-communist. A communist wants good for everyone, they want everyone to raise up in life. Spirituality brings these values in you. Spirituality removes small mindedness and negativity. And, unless that is done how can you care for anybody.If you have not got rid of stress and negativity, you will become a corrupt communist.
Q: Buddha told life is "full of miseries" and you tell life is "full of joy", why is this contradiction?
Sri Sri: Opposite things are complementary. You acknowledge misery, so you meditate and you overcome misery and there is only joy. Buddha began at that point and did not finish at that point. So everybody knows the first step, and somebody had to tell the second step. So I told the second step "life is full of joy".
Q: Scriptures describe a lot about "Heaven and Hell", is there any "Heaven and Hell"?
Sri Sri:The bondage and freedom are present in the mind. When you are miserable you experience hell. This is not just the end of universe.There are lots of layers of existence. Universe is so vast, so unfathomable. And, you need to experience in order to prove or disprove something.
Q: Kerala is 100% literate state but no. 1 in suicidal cases, why so?
Sri Sri:Information should not be thought of as education. Though kerala is 100% literate in information, its not 100% literate in self-education. Our education system doesn't include spiritual aspect and if they do not broaden this aspect, it is very dangerous. Many educated people have committed suicide. Todays education is about "How of things" but not "How of life". What is prana,mind,life? This knowledge should be given.
Q: What is the purpose of having a religion?
Sri Sri:You know from your birth to death, life is full of rituals. You are born, you have a naming ceremony, you have a marriage ceremony, then death ceremony. All the important events in life are joined or conjoined with the religion. So it has become a part of people's life. Whats important today is to rise above and become spiritual. Religion and rituals can divide but spirituality unites.
Q: What's the importance of "Mantra" and "Tantra"?
Sri Sri:Our body is made up of billions of atoms. And, sound is nothing but energy. Our atoms give or absorb energy. Mantra has a deep effect on our consciousness, they energise us. Tantra is the "How to" part, the technique. And, Mantras are used to make life better and bring more comfort to you.
Q: What is God?
Sri Sri:That something which is present everywhere. In Upanishad, once a son asks his father,"How is God like?" The father says,"HE is like the sky, everything is born there, remains there and desolves there".God is the joyful space. Empty like a sky and full like an ocean. And, its nature is truth. God is love, love is God.God loves forms, so he created so many forms. So adore him in any form. This is what happens in Puja. In mantras you call your god to come outside and reside in the idol. Make life a play, don't become so serious. He loves fun. Play, dance, chant with God. Sit in meditation and feel God everywhere, like a *Rasagulla*( A sweet dish) soaking in the syrup.
Q:Gurudev! Pranam! I joined AOL family about 18 months back. I did one advanced course in your presence in Bangalore last year. I feel I am quite centered after AOL. But there is still scope.How to be more centered? I am not having control on my desires.
Sri Sri:Do some exercises and do meditation. Do not worry about having a great control over desires and take it easily.
Q:How do I get rid of being materialistic? Does materialism got to do anything with stress?
Sri Sri:Balance is essential between life, caring for the matter and the spirit.
Q:Dear Guruji, how do you handle differences in opinion in a group in a Seva project so as to bring everybody together?
Sri Sri:Note that, everybody is together already and difference in any project only adds more dimension to the project. It also helps you to develop skills to maintain harmony.
Q:How to silence mind?
Sri Sri:The will to silence itself will pay in many ways. Also, meditation and Sudershan kriya.
Q:How does Sudarshan Kriya help reduce stress?
Sri Sri:It just does it.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Regular health mistakes
Regular Health Mistakes
Crossing our legs
the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat too much of it. Avoid fried foods.Remember that in all probability your favorite Indian food restaurant throws a huge, HUGE chunk of butter in a tiny bowl of dal. Rita, who worked in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel, was shocked when she saw the cook chop a 500gm butter slab in half, and throw half into a Paneer Makhani dish. No wonder the customers left licking their fingers. And no wonder they felt so stuffed and heavy afterwards. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you're getting served light and healthy food. Skipping breakfast
High heels
Sleeping on a soft bed
Not exercising
Life is short. Forgive quickly. Love truly. Laugh often, and never regret anything that made you smile.
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