Monday, April 28, 2008

How to Stop Procrastinating?

ProcrastinationProcrastination can lead to many problems — tests failed, weight gained, relationships weakened.
But you can change your ways.
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~Don Marquis
Here are some tips and steps to get you going!


  • Look at the effects of procrastination versus not procrastinating. What rewards lie ahead if you get it done? What are the effects if you continue to put it off? Which situation has better effects? Chances are, you will benefit more in the long term from facing the task head on.
    • Count how much time you spend on activities procrastinating. You may be shocked by the amount of time wasted simply watching TV.
  • Set reasonable goals. Plan your goals carefully, allowing enough time to complete them.
  • Break the task down into smaller parts. How can you approach it step by step? If you can concentrate on achieving one goal at a time, the task may become less of a burden.
  • Get started whether you "feel" like it or not. Going from doing nothing to doing something is often the hardest part of overcoming procrastination. Once you start, it will be easier to continue.
  • Ask for help. You don't always have to do it alone.
  • Don't expect perfection. No one is perfect. It's better to try your best than to do nothing at all.
  • Reward yourself. The reward that lies at the end of a long road to a goal may be great, but while you're on the way, it may not always be enough to motivate you. Remind yourself-with a break, a movie, some kind of treat you like-that you are making successful progress.
  • Don't let yourself be distracted - by taking control and saying "no" to picking up the guitar, playing a DVD or texting your friends, you build confidence in your ability.
  • Other time traps to avoid: saying yes when you don't have the time, studying when you're tired or in a distracting location, not thinking ahead, not curbing your social time, and finally, taking on too many tasks and projects.


  • You may want to take a course in time management.
  • Several books have been written on procrastination. Here are the titles: "Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It" by Jane B. Burka, Lenora M., Ph.D. Yuen, "The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play" by Neil Fiore and for students, "Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade : A Life-Saving Guide for Students" by Linda Sapadin, Jack Maguire. These are highly recommended.
  • Of course, not everyone enjoys reading - a very good audio CD/cassette is, "Make Your Mind Work for You : New Mind Power Techniques to Improve Memory, Beat Procrastination and More" by Joan Minninger.
  • If you hate to read and begin to procrastinate think of it this way. If you have to read a 276 page book divide it into the amount of time you have. If you have about 2 weeks, reading about 21 pages a day is much less overwhelming.
  • Just start working

"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Questions @ Ashram

Questions @ Ashram

Guruji : How are you all? Should we sing more or discuss? Discuss? See I got you pulse! (Laughter!!)

Question : There is a saying "trees that have its roots up and the branches underneath". . What does it mean?

Guruji : Trees that has roots in the sky and branches downwards.. is that your question? Yeh, that's an analogy you know, a simile. That is when things are all upside down in that realm. If the tree is growing upwards with its roots down and branches up that is natural. But if the branches are going downwards then it symbolizes adharma. Used like a simile. That means you have to set things right there. In life when things are topsy-turvy to have to keep things straight!! That's the message there. (Simile: a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in "she is like a rose.")

Question : Guruji, what is the meaning of the word Bhajan?

Guruji : In Sanskrit the word Vibhajan means separation. Therefore the word Bhajan means togetherness. When we all are together and have only one thought, and that is the thought of the Lord, it is Bhajan. We are together thinking about that Eshwara, then there is a lot of shakti in that. And what else do we do? We clap. Clapping brings you in the present moment. Tell me if you are very happy what do you do? You clap. Right? Someone is very happy how do they express? By clapping! All throughout the world.. . there is this practice.

Question : Guruji, many people come everyday and attend the Satsang. Most of them don't even know what there are coming here for? After sometime they don't come.. what could be done with this?

Guruji : Leave about others. Krishna says,... There are crores of people who take birth and out of that only a few come to the path. And out of that few who pursue the path, only a few reach me, understand me. Thousands come and go don't think about them. You think about yourself. Again Krishna said, "......" Which means, even out of several Muni's are Siddhas, only a few reach me.

Question : Guruji what is Dasha-angula?

Guruji : Dasha angula means, we have pancha(five) Gyanindriyas and pancha Karmaindriyas. What are the gyanindriyas? They are the sight, the ears.. etc and the Karmaindriyas are the hands, legs, words.. like that. Ten dimension are there. And the one who has all the ten dimension is a Purusha.

Question : Guruji, I am feeling very empty right now. Feeling like nothing. Why?

Guruji : Do you have a smile on your face? Are you happy? That's good! Then that's how it should be!

Question : Often when I do seva, I think I have other responsibilities also. Which needs my equal attention. That's the time I feel extremely in secured. Guruji how do I get rid of my insecure feelings?

Guruji : You know, perhaps you are unaware of your capabilities. And you are unaware that nature loves you, supports you. Once you know that you have the ability, then you know your life is made. All your wishes, which are good for you, will get fulfilled. That's why you know, in India our National Flag has this saying, "Satyam eva Jayate" which means Truth will always triumph! Our every note, currency, it is there, "Truth will always triumph!"

Question : Guruji, tell something about positive and negative karma.

Guruji : Karma is in the Mind. Not in the soul. The soul is free from all Karma.

Question : Guruji what are the different dimensions of consciousness?

Guruji : There are four different dimensions of consciousness. They are

1. Awaking
2. Dreaming
3. Sleep and the fourth one is
4. Transcendental

Question : Guruji, how to fight circumstances?

Guruji : Why do you want to fight? Accept it.

Question : Guruji, why is it so difficult to get love from other but so easy to love them?

Guruji : Have you read this book called Celebrating silence? No? You must read that book huh. I have spoken about love there.

Question : Guruji, what is the difference between Knowledge and science?

Guruji : Knowledge is "Who am I?" and science is "What is this?"

"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation.
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Knowledge - INTENTION / The Wisdom of Secrets

Knowledge #233 Bad Antogast 23 Dec 1999 Germany INTENTION

Intentions keep the tension in.

Being hollow and empty means dropping all intentions.

Within tension, rest does not become deep. Devotion dissolves intentions.

Intention pushes you to the future.

Bliss is always present.

The one who wakes up to this truth is wise. In a state of bliss, once in a while, if an intention comes up, it manifests effortlessly. The more intentions you have, the more in tension you will be.

To minimize your intentions could be your last intention.

Knowledge #232 Bangalore Ashram 16 Dec 1999 India THE WISDOM OF SECRETS

A wise person makes no effort to conceal a secret. But he does not make an effort to reveal a secret either.

For example, you do not talk about menstruation, death, etc. to a five-year-old, but as they grow older these things are not hidden from them any more. They become known as a matter of course.

An unenlightened one tries to protect a secret; and he also reveals the secret at the wrong time, to the wrong person, in the wrong place and makes a big fuss about secrets.

Trying to protect a secret causes anxiety and discomfort.

An ignorant one is not comfortable with a secret, whether revealed or unrevealed, but the wise one is comfortable with a secret whether revealed
or unrevealed

for more knowledge :

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Living the mystery of life - Sri Sri

13th may 2003
Living the mystery of life

Purpose of words is to create silence. Does every word you speak create silence in others or does it create turbulence in their minds? Purpose of knowledge is to make you feel that you don't know! If the knowledge makes you feel that you know it all, then it has not fulfilled its goal. The more you know, the more you become aware of the unknown. Knowing is just pushing the brick a little further towards ignorance. Before, you thought that you had less ignorance and now you know that you have more ignorance. Purpose of knowledge is to create awareness of the Being. This creation is enormous and infinite. It is a mystery. Mysteries are there not to understand, but to live. Love is a mystery, sleep is a mystery, your mind is mystery and all that you see around is a mystery. Your life is a mystery. Trying to understand mystery is confusion, but living it fully is called enlightenment. There is one 'I don't know' that comes out of ignorance. This is an ugly 'I don't know'. Then it passes through knowledge and becomes a transformed 'I don't know!'. This is a beautiful 'I don't know!' which is a wonder. This is how every question turns into a wonder.
What is the difference between a wonder and a question? Question is associated with sorrow and restlessness whereas wonder is joy in expression.

What is your life? After all, how many years are you planning to be here in this planet? Look in the light of the time. In the time scale, millions of years have passed and millions will come in the future.
What is your life? 60 years or 70 years or 100 years? Span of life is insignificant. It is not even a drop in the ocean. In terms of space you simply don't exist! This understanding dissolves the ego. Ego is ignorance of your reality, ignorance of your existence. Now, just to know this do we have to do some thing else? Just open your eyes and see, 'Who am I? How I am on this planet? What is my life time?'. Awareness dawns in the mind. It does not worry about small little things like, ''this person said this thing to me and that person broke away with me and this happened with that person and I am going to say this and that'. All smallness will simply drop away with this beautiful ''I don't know!''.

Ignorance has its necessity. Ignorance keeps the joy in the game. In a game if you know the result before you are playing you won't be playing sincerely. If you know you are going to win a game you won't put your 100 percent in the game. If you know that you are going to lose a game, then also there is no charm in playing the game. The game is joyful when its results are unknown, when they are hidden away... The nature is so kind and loving to you that it does not tell you about your future and does not remind you of your very old past. But, even with the short little memory it has given us we try hard to make our self miserable!
When the state of 'I don't know'' passes through knowledge, you are delivered in another state of 'I don't know!'... That is a beautiful 'I don't know!' and that is the end of knowledge. So the whole journey is from ''I don't know' to 'I don't know!'. There is a saying that before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water and after enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. But with a slight difference; before it was a miserable 'I don't know' afterwards it's a beautiful 'I don't know!'. Every knowledge whether scientific or artistic leaves you in a place of amazement and wonder. You ask a poet, 'How did you write
this poetry?'' He will say, 'I don't know!'. You ask a scientist, 'How did you discover this?'. He will say, 'Oh! I don't know!'. This 'I don't know!' level of consciousness is innocence.

Some of you might have the problem that the mind goes round and round. This is because you want to know all the time. Just remain in ''I don't know'', the mind becomes quiet. Knowledge is like a detergent agent. You put the soap on the cloth, but wash it away. You never say, ''it is a wonderful detergent soap, let it remain on my body'. All our struggle is to know more, know more, know more... you are trying your level best to understand your feelings and your emotions and you get into more and more and more confusion. This is what has happened with psychology today. It tries to explain to you why you feel like the way you are feeling. The ''why' question arises always when you are unhappy. You say 'why this problem to me on earth of all the people?''... Nobody ever asked, 'why am I so happy?' or ''why is there so much joy and beauty in the world?'. You want to understand, 'why am I not feeling good?' or 'why am I angry?'', or 'why is this not happening?'.

The more you try to understand and try to dig it, you seem to understand less and less. The mystery deepens, but an illusion comes as though 'I know it'. But that's for a short while. We ourselves do not know and we try to explain to others! Stop your explanations; your explanations have put you into a soup and make other people also more confused. You don't
know what is happening in your mind. Mind is like a rollercoaster — it's a crowd. Something comes up sometime and then some other thing pops up. Just be in the simple and innocent state of 'I don't know!'. This life is a mystery — beautiful —
lives it. Living the mystery of life so totally is joy. Becoming the mystery is divine. You are a mystery!


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KS153 - The value of chanting

Knowledge Sheet 153 - The Value of Chanting
May 14, 1998
Bangalore Ashram, India
Your whole body is made up of atoms.

Being with this truth kindles the energy in you and brings up the consciousness. When you sing bhajans, the sound energy vibration gets absorbed into every particle of your body.

Just like a microphone absorbs sound and converts it into electricity, the body absorbs the vibrations and converts it into consciousness.

When you sit in bhajans your entire body gets soaked in energy and transformation happens. If your are sitting and listening to gossip or violent music, then that gets absorbed by your body and does not give a nice feeling.

When you hear the Knowledge, or chant with all your heart, that elevates your consciousness.

There is an ancient proverb in Sanskrit which says that the words of rishis and enlightened ones are translated into experience immediately.

Bawa says: We have read and heard from so many people, but when Guruji speaks the same knowledge, it straight-away hits home.
Jai Gurudev

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Art of Dressing : Seven Secrets of Dressing Well - for MEN

Seven Secrets of Dressing Well - MEN

Personal style is something you can build with a very simple toolbox. Get some quality basics that fit well, and you're there.

By The Editors of Best Life


"Learning how to dress well is not as difficult as it may seem. [Like golf,] it is an acquired skill that can be honed and improved with correct practice."—Alan Flusser
The sad truth about men and fashion: The bar simply isn't very high. Conversely, it's also good news for you. Look around your office. Go to a party. Most men dress like their women dressed them. That makes looking smart and stylish pretty easy for you to pull off with minimal hand-wringing. Let us be frank: You are going to have to go shopping. You are going to have to spend some green—probably more than you've ever spent on clothes.
But there's not a whole lot to buy. You need good shoes and a well-made suit for important occasions. You need a golf outfit that won't embarrass you. You need casual clothes that aren't jeans and something to wear to cocktails at the CEO's house. Here are seven intelligent style ideas that'll help you upgrade your wardrobe instantly. You can't go wrong with this basic uniform if it fits you well.
A New Suit
The easiest way to upgrade your office look instantly is to add a suit that isn't corporate gray. Try a light-brown glen plaid. Rules: A wider-striped tie accents the solid shirt. A pocket square is a subtle addition that says you pay attention to detail. Tailoring tips: When having it tailored, be sure the jacket covers your butt completely. Don't trust the tailor; look in the mirror.
2. Leather Carry-On
Let's banish our black-canvas wheeled carry-ons to the far corner of the attic and forget them. We are not pilots or flight attendants. We are businessmen who travel light. And if we pack right, we can carry a 2-day-trip's worth of clothing in one hand. A smart leather bag looks good against the knee of a suit or jeans. Find one with zippered compartments to separate dirty clothes from clean.
3. Serious Golf Wear
Golf clothing is a minefield. Some of the stuff at the pro shops is downright laughable. Let the other guys wear their parrot reds and yellows. Browns and creams are tasteful and handsome. Your shirt should drape loosely about your shoulders, like a mesh collared shirt—try the Polo brand by Ralph Lauren.
4. Summer-Weight Suit
In addition to your lightweight-wool suits, a well-dressed man should own a quality linen suit. Most men get their suit sleeves too long. At least a half inch of shirt should show at the wrist. To look even sharper, make sure your lapels extend halfway or less than halfway out toward the shoulder line of your jacket.
5. Casual Clothes That Will Slim You
The strong vertical pinstripes and deep V-shaped lapel on a good lambskin jacket have a slimming effect. It's a great look for a casual evening out. Rule of thumb whenever going out with a woman: Dress a third nicer than what you think looks good, and you'll be dressed appropriately.
6. An Outfit With An Edge
If you try too hard to look youthful, you'll look like you're trying. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't push the envelope a bit. A leather jacket in tan or cream is smart. Leather breathes, and it blocks the wind—good for cool summer nights. Other ideas: Flat-front trousers will make you look taller and thinner and ankle-length suede boots update a classic style.
7. Work Bag With Class
Keep the Jansport pack off your back unless you're hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. If you need a rugged bag for work-related travel, try a scratchproof rubber option. It won't look out of place in a good hotel or a thunderstorm.
Enjoy Dressing.

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VIDEO / Pictures / Knowledge MUST CHECK OUT

Sri Sri with Flowers > Amazing video .. Must see !!!
Rajesh .

Weekly Knowledge #222 Bangalore Ashram 21 Sep 1999
India Negativity Needs An Anchor --> NEGATIVITY NEEDS AN ANCHOR

Negativity cannot remain without a support.
Positivity, happiness can be without any reason.

The mind goes on trying to find support for its negativity. It looks for a hook to hang its negativity on - if not this person, then that thing or that person and so on.

This perpetuates the maya!

The creeper of negativity needs a support in order to grow. But negativity or aversion for even one person can guarantee a one-way ticket to hell - you need nothing else!

All negativity is a pointer to move to the centre and broaden the vision to the cosmic intelligence.

Instead of focussing your attention on support for your negativity, look at the seed of negativity.

With meditation, silence, kriya, the source of negativity is nipped at the root.

How to dance in the rain ?
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's,arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am. I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be Over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch, and decided, since I was not busy With another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another Doctor's'
appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home To eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health; he told me that she had been there for A while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not Recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, Even though she doesn't know who you are'? He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is'. I had to hold back tears as he left; I had goose bumps on my arm, And thought, 'That is the kind of love I want in my life'. True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an Acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be. With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is One that comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could share with you.  The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the best of everything they have. I hope you share this with someone you care about. I just did. 'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, But how to dance in the rain.
Jai Gurudev!!!!



PHOTOS OF MY GURUJI...... ......... .....

I belong to you

Please forward to all in the Art of Living Family...

Correcting Mistakes ...........
This is a Secret. Do not defeat anybody 100%

When we argue with somebody, we want to win 100 percent. Ypu want to say,
"Only what I say is right!" What happens if you win 100 percent? You lose.
If you want to defeat somebody, do not defeat them 100 percent. This is a
secret. DO not defeat anybody 100 percent. Then they cannot show their face
to you and they start avoiding you.

When you defeat them, make them win a little. If they are fully defeated,
they will have a big loss of face. When this happens you will not be able to
correct them or transform them. So what to do? Make them win a little. Say
that, "Yes if I had been in your place then may be I would have done the
same mistake." What happens then? Their mind receives some comfort.

If you only accuse somebody fully without giving some comfort to them, then
they will get saddened and defensive and will not correct themselves. We do
not know how to correct other's mistake. Do not dump all the blame on them
at one time. We recollect decades' old blame and accuse them saying, "You
did this and that. See what you have done?" They will then get agitated.

You will not get any benefit by making others agitated and becoming peaceful
yourself. Such a peace will not last long. The unrest will come back again
to you with interest and you will become further agitated. It is not a great
achievement to earn peace. Protecting peace is very important.

You can earn peace by going off to sleep. Sleep well, get up and forget
everything. Shake your hands and legs and be peaceful for sometime. But
great skill is required to maintain the peace you have earned. It is
necessary to acquire this skill in life. How do you acquire this skill?

Yoga karmasu kaushalam. That is why yoga is necessary. Yoga does not mean
only doing asanas. Yoga also means - jnana yoga or the yoga of knowledge.
When you are in devotion, it is called bhakti yoga and when you are doing
service, it is karma yoga. Doing service without expectation of any rewards
is karma yoga.

Yoga karmasu kaushalam. You should write this on the wall of your house.
Also write something else -
Samattvam yoga uchyate. There should be equanimity in the mind. But it is of
no use if you only write it on the wall and it only remains there. Instead
write this in your head and inside you.

Talk by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji.

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Art of living - Google Gadgets.

AOL Google Gadgets for you!

Posted by: "harshal jadhav"   harshalpjadhav

Sun Apr 6, 2008 8:54 pm (PDT)

Jai Gurudev Dear Ones!

Here is something very instresting for you! Using technology to spread Divine knowledge and joy!

Question: "How to energize the whole world?"

Sri Sri: "By bringing knowledge to everybody."

Yes, knowledge is the source of energy and it's our humble effort to share the Divine knowledge with all through 'Google Gadgets' !!

Following link has some very instresting AOL google gadgets for you!


It consists of

"Multilanguage Daily Sutra" - Daily Sutra in your native language!

"Question-Answer with Guruji" - huge collection of Question Answer with Sri Sri !!

"SriSri Pictures" - WOW , u need to see it to experience the bliss !!

"Slide show of Guruji's pics" :) , u need to see it to experience the bliss !!

"Tour with Sri Sri" - Guruji's tour schedule! Source: (

You can add these gadgets on your personalize iGoogle ( homepage, to your Google Desktop, Windows Vista Sidebar, OS X Dashboard and to your personal website.

Once you add them on your iGoogle page then you will see them every time you vist it!

Please do share any good idea / gadgets you have made!

All are invited to contribute more such Divine 'Google Gadgets' !

If you are associated with Art of Living website development, then feel free to add them to our AoL websties.

Feedback /comments are welcome do write to us at (pmanish.rf@gmail. com / harshalpjadhav@

With Love
Manish & Harshal

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Rishimukh (From Moscow)/ Knowledge point / YT link / Beauty / Nice thoughts

Knowledge Point
Doubt cannot come where there is a sense of closeness. Doubt needs a distance to appear. You never doubt something that is dear to you, close to you.

In love even an object gains life. Stones speak to you, trees speak to you, the sun, the moon and the whole creation becomes alive, Divine. In lust even a living being becomes a mere object. You want to use even people like objects. Here are some salient attributes of love and lust. They are so different yet so close! If you find more you may add to the list.

Lust bring tension
Lust focuses on the part
Lust brings violence
In lust you want to grab and possess
Lust says all I want you to have is what I want
In lust there is effort
Lust causes feverishness and frustration
Lust imprisons and destroys
Lust demands
Lust gets you mixed up & confused & spaced out!!
Lust is only dark and monotonous

Love brings relaxation
Love focuses on the whole
Love brings sacrifice
In love you want to give and surrender
Love says I want you to have what you want
Love is effortless
Love causes longing and pain
Love liberates and sets you free
Love commands
In love you are focused and spaced out!!
Love has many modes and colours

If someone's lust is interrupted they get angry & start hating. Hatred in the world today is not out of love, it is out of lust.

Love is playfulness and in lust there is cunningness and manipulation. Shiva, the embodiment of innocence and love was meditating. His meditation was disturbed by an arrow of flowers from the lord of lust. As soon as Shiva woke up he opened his third eye and the lord of lust, Manmatha (one who churns the mind) was reduced
to ashes. Everybody celebrated by throwing colors on each other realising that life is full of colours.

We play many roles in our life. If all the roles get mixed up it becomes dark, like when you mix all the colours. The wise play each role distinctively side by side, like colors displayed side by side form a rainbow.

Jai Gurudev..... ..


A nice you tube link .. OM GURUVE NAMAH .. Check it out !!


When U see the beauty somewhere,
the next impulse that comes in U is to possess it, have it;
and when U have it, it loses all its significance.
For a poor man, beauty is in wealth.
For a hungry man, beauty is in food.
For a lonely person, beauty is in companionship.
And for those on the path, beauty is in awakening.

Sri Sri...

Nice Thoughts
"Teach yourself, teach everyone , his real nature ; call upon the
sleeping Soul and see how it awakes.
Power will come ,
glory will come,
goodness will come,
purity will come and
everything that is excellent will come,
when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity. "

............ ......... .....Swami Vivekananda


Pleasure or pain is an intense sensation in the four to six and half
foot body. When we are not caught up in this then we are truly and
sincerely able to say, "I belong to you." That is when all the
cravings and aversions, desires and doubts fall off—and in a moment
the world belongs to you.
All your miseries surround the "I, I, I, . . . ",

"I want this, I like that, I don't like this . . ." Just let go. The
sun rises and sets, the grass grows, the river flows, the moon shines
and I am here forever!

--Sri Sri Ravi ShankarJi--


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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Words of Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravishankar

Words of Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravishankar
March 27, 2008 – Mahasatsang.

"Even thorns can become flowers. Look into a child's eyes; all the love that you've given here today, give it to the country's children. Life can become like music. Live in harmony with each other (mil jul ke). We have to imagine & materialize a stress free society.
India's ancient sciences must reach all homes all over the world, so take this sankalpa.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said that when lots of people do satsang together, a new wave of awakening arises; taking this to others is our duty. We need a violence free society, a healthy body & a confusion free mind. So take a sankalpa. We have the same light within us. Learn to be peaceful for a while. Take a shubha-sankalpa today; it is necessary for this
country & for the world. Only spirituality can save us now. Satva increase with dhyan & satsang. Be happy in the future, do seva, I am with you."
March 28, 2008- Pranayam Dhyan Shivir.

• "Leave all your worries at the shivir. Our mind has a lot of power; we take a sankalpa & it materializes. When we are negative, we materialize negative things."

• "3 things are important- Gyan (knowledge), Gaan (music) & Dhyan. Together, they make you a complete personality. Without either of these, you are incomplete."

• "We misunderstand surrender. What is our own, that we will surrender? Nothing is ours."

• "Youth should do the AOL Yes Plus Programme. There lives will not be the same after that."
If You Are Loving…
If you are loving, then you are welcomed everywhere in the world. If you can feel and be one with people anywhere you go, then people are ready to do anything for you.
One Whole
The entire universe is one whole; and, when someone drops their holding onto limited boundaries, then what they gain is the entire universe.
Small World
Your world is very small. Your world is bundle of your experiences. Have you observed this?
Succesful Failures
When the big Mind wins over the small, even the failure of the small mind is a joy. It has always happened that way. Turn back and see---some of your failures have been very good. They have made you progress somewhere, made you stronger.
Victory to the Big Mind
The fight is always between the small, little mind and the big, universal Mind. That's why we say "Jai Guru Dev"---victory to the big Mind. It happens so many times that the small mind wins. Whenever the small mind wins, it is called "misery." The result is misery. Inside you are both the big Mind and the small mind.

Q & A's from the heart

Love is not an Emotion...Its our True Existence... ..SriSri

Question and Answer with Guruji

1: Is it possible to see a thought before it comes?
Ans: How is it possible? A bubble comes up from the water, or a ripple comes in the water. Is it possible to see the bubble before it comes? U throw a stone into the water as soon as you throw the stone doesn't a ripple come?
 Is it possible to get the ripple before you throw the stone?
 2: If we have to die one day, then why to live? I mean, what is the purpose of life?
 ns: Why you need to eat food anyway the stomach gets hungry?
You eat food, and after four hours, you become hungry again. You have to get hungry again and again, then better to stay hungry. Why you keep eating?
Our body gets dirty, why needs cleaning it again and again? Let it gets dirty always!
This logic doesn't work, you know?
You eat and after a while you eat again…
Like that, in this world, we needed some directions and time…
Just be with it…
3: My beloved Guruji, I think I could be dispassionate about everything, but YOU! How could I ever be dispassionate about you?
  Ans: A scattered mind can have a focus! If the mind is too scattered, when it "comes to a focus", then, the next job will be done by the nature, automatically! It will happen…. and it will happen naturally – this is already happening – Isn't it? The mind withdraws from all these experiences………
You cannot separate the body and the mind. The gross aspect of the mind is the body, and the subtle aspect of the body is the mind. So they withdraw and rest, simultaneously.
They go into a state of inertia, wherein the knowledge in the mind, in the consciousness, goes to the background-just like what happens as the sunsets. What happens then?
Night "comes"…. but the sun has not disappeared; it's"hiding". In the same way, when the knowledge, the awareness in this life, the consciousness, withdraw and go into another dimension, then, one is overtaken by sleep. That's why it is called "tamo guntamasik"(the dark) – Inertia takes over…It has its time…. and then wakefulness comes again.
The best comparison of our three states of consciousness (waking, sleeping and dreaming) is with nature. Nature sleeps, awakes and dreams! These happen on a magnificent scale in existence…and these are also happening in the human body, on a different scale. Wakefulness and sleep are like sunrise and darkness, while dreams are like twilight in-between.
Meditation is like the flight to outer space, where there is no sunset, no sunrise – NOTHING!
4: How does one attain optimum physical health?
            Ans: Don't worry about health a lot.
 5: Could you speck on non-stopped joy? /Great joy
Ans: You know, the cause and effect is again an illusion, on one level. Some of you have this problem;
 "OK...I read all these books, I know all these knowledge. But in practical life, its not applicable. So what is the use?"
 How many of you have this sort of question? Think….!!!!!
My dears…you should know. There are two types of Science. One is the pure science, another is the applied science. You learn about Thermodynamics. aerodynamics, but all that you learned in physics, are not applicable in every day's life. Is it? But the knowledge of it helps you in some point of time!!
 You can just learn, being a mechanic, how to repair a car….You take a diploma course; sit with a mechanic, he will tell you how to fix a car. But that is not enough to be an Engineer. An engineer should know the whole mechanics, the whole dynamics of how the car functions. Right?
 Thus, all the theory you read, may not come to you in day to day use. But never discard them. Sometime in your life, they will come to your use. Your help. It should just be there. At some point of life, in time, that will come to help you!!
 If you see only practical applications of knowledge, then nobody will study physics, chemistry…the PURE science. Without pure science, there is no depth. There is no deep understanding of mechanics. There is no further innovation. How can you do innovations when you don't have depth of the knowledge about it? Right? Similarly, all these studying, knowledge hearing…though you may not feel applicable in life now, some point of time when there is a dire need, THESE WILL COME UP. And they do help your life.
 There are two types of help.
 One comes direct and other comes indirect.
 Like that, there is one kind of JOY which is direct, eminent...other kind of JOY which is indirect, which we do not obviously see the connection, like brushing your teeth everyday doesn't give you any great joy directly, but it prevents you from toothache. It helps you in not having toothache. So in this manner it leads you in happiness, joy in direct manner. Seen with disciplines some time the
disciplines like YOGA, MEDITATIONS etc may not give you an immediate pleasure or joy or happiness, but in indirect way, IT GIVES YOU HEALTH.
 6: I have no time for YOGA and MEDITATION. What can I do?
Ans: Yoga and Meditation give you time. No time for these, means – You have to go to a hospital, or a doctor!
Rajesh Gehani

The Art of Living

The Art of Living
Jai Gurudev


Guruji on CNN

With Love and Gratitude Guruji..

Most Memorable Moment

Most Memorable Moment
Guruji and Me