Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Words of Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravishankar

Words of Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravishankar
March 27, 2008 – Mahasatsang.

"Even thorns can become flowers. Look into a child's eyes; all the love that you've given here today, give it to the country's children. Life can become like music. Live in harmony with each other (mil jul ke). We have to imagine & materialize a stress free society.
India's ancient sciences must reach all homes all over the world, so take this sankalpa.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said that when lots of people do satsang together, a new wave of awakening arises; taking this to others is our duty. We need a violence free society, a healthy body & a confusion free mind. So take a sankalpa. We have the same light within us. Learn to be peaceful for a while. Take a shubha-sankalpa today; it is necessary for this
country & for the world. Only spirituality can save us now. Satva increase with dhyan & satsang. Be happy in the future, do seva, I am with you."
March 28, 2008- Pranayam Dhyan Shivir.

• "Leave all your worries at the shivir. Our mind has a lot of power; we take a sankalpa & it materializes. When we are negative, we materialize negative things."

• "3 things are important- Gyan (knowledge), Gaan (music) & Dhyan. Together, they make you a complete personality. Without either of these, you are incomplete."

• "We misunderstand surrender. What is our own, that we will surrender? Nothing is ours."

• "Youth should do the AOL Yes Plus Programme. There lives will not be the same after that."
If You Are Loving…
If you are loving, then you are welcomed everywhere in the world. If you can feel and be one with people anywhere you go, then people are ready to do anything for you.
One Whole
The entire universe is one whole; and, when someone drops their holding onto limited boundaries, then what they gain is the entire universe.
Small World
Your world is very small. Your world is bundle of your experiences. Have you observed this?
Succesful Failures
When the big Mind wins over the small, even the failure of the small mind is a joy. It has always happened that way. Turn back and see---some of your failures have been very good. They have made you progress somewhere, made you stronger.
Victory to the Big Mind
The fight is always between the small, little mind and the big, universal Mind. That's why we say "Jai Guru Dev"---victory to the big Mind. It happens so many times that the small mind wins. Whenever the small mind wins, it is called "misery." The result is misery. Inside you are both the big Mind and the small mind.

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