Question and Answer with Guruji
1: Is it possible to see a thought before it comes?
Ans: How is it possible? A bubble comes up from the water, or a ripple comes in the water. Is it possible to see the bubble before it comes? U throw a stone into the water as soon as you throw the stone doesn't a ripple come?
Is it possible to get the ripple before you throw the stone?
2: If we have to die one day, then why to live? I mean, what is the purpose of life?
ns: Why you need to eat food anyway the stomach gets hungry?
You eat food, and after four hours, you become hungry again. You have to get hungry again and again, then better to stay hungry. Why you keep eating?
Our body gets dirty, why needs cleaning it again and again? Let it gets dirty always!
This logic doesn't work, you know?
You eat and after a while you eat again…
Like that, in this world, we needed some directions and time…
Just be with it…
3: My beloved Guruji, I think I could be dispassionate about everything, but YOU! How could I ever be dispassionate about you?
Ans: A scattered mind can have a focus! If the mind is too scattered, when it "comes to a focus", then, the next job will be done by the nature, automatically! It will happen…. and it will happen naturally – this is already happening – Isn't it? The mind withdraws from all these experiences………
You cannot separate the body and the mind. The gross aspect of the mind is the body, and the subtle aspect of the body is the mind. So they withdraw and rest, simultaneously.
They go into a state of inertia, wherein the knowledge in the mind, in the consciousness, goes to the background-just like what happens as the sunsets. What happens then?
Night "comes"…. but the sun has not disappeared; it's"hiding". In the same way, when the knowledge, the awareness in this life, the consciousness, withdraw and go into another dimension, then, one is overtaken by sleep. That's why it is called "tamo guntamasik"(the dark) – Inertia takes over…It has its time…. and then wakefulness comes again.
The best comparison of our three states of consciousness (waking, sleeping and dreaming) is with nature. Nature sleeps, awakes and dreams! These happen on a magnificent scale in existence…and these are also happening in the human body, on a different scale. Wakefulness and sleep are like sunrise and darkness, while dreams are like twilight in-between.
Meditation is like the flight to outer space, where there is no sunset, no sunrise – NOTHING!
4: How does one attain optimum physical health?
Ans: Don't worry about health a lot.
5: Could you speck on non-stopped joy? /Great joy
Ans: You know, the cause and effect is again an illusion, on one level. Some of you have this problem;
"OK...I read all these books, I know all these knowledge. But in practical life, its not applicable. So what is the use?"
How many of you have this sort of question? Think….!!!!!
My dears…you should know. There are two types of Science. One is the pure science, another is the applied science. You learn about Thermodynamics. aerodynamics, but all that you learned in physics, are not applicable in every day's life. Is it? But the knowledge of it helps you in some point of time!!
You can just learn, being a mechanic, how to repair a car….You take a diploma course; sit with a mechanic, he will tell you how to fix a car. But that is not enough to be an Engineer. An engineer should know the whole mechanics, the whole dynamics of how the car functions. Right?
Thus, all the theory you read, may not come to you in day to day use. But never discard them. Sometime in your life, they will come to your use. Your help. It should just be there. At some point of life, in time, that will come to help you!!
If you see only practical applications of knowledge, then nobody will study physics, chemistry…the PURE science. Without pure science, there is no depth. There is no deep understanding of mechanics. There is no further innovation. How can you do innovations when you don't have depth of the knowledge about it? Right? Similarly, all these studying, knowledge hearing…though you may not feel applicable in life now, some point of time when there is a dire need, THESE WILL COME UP. And they do help your life.
There are two types of help.
One comes direct and other comes indirect.
Like that, there is one kind of JOY which is direct, eminent...other kind of JOY which is indirect, which we do not obviously see the connection, like brushing your teeth everyday doesn't give you any great joy directly, but it prevents you from toothache. It helps you in not having toothache. So in this manner it leads you in happiness, joy in direct manner. Seen with disciplines some time the
disciplines like YOGA, MEDITATIONS etc may not give you an immediate pleasure or joy or happiness, but in indirect way, IT GIVES YOU HEALTH.
6: I have no time for YOGA and MEDITATION. What can I do?
Ans: Yoga and Meditation give you time. No time for these, means – You have to go to a hospital, or a doctor!
Rajesh Gehani
1 comment:
thank you so much for this website..!! ~konwledgeseeker
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