Sunday, April 27, 2008

Knowledge - INTENTION / The Wisdom of Secrets

Knowledge #233 Bad Antogast 23 Dec 1999 Germany INTENTION

Intentions keep the tension in.

Being hollow and empty means dropping all intentions.

Within tension, rest does not become deep. Devotion dissolves intentions.

Intention pushes you to the future.

Bliss is always present.

The one who wakes up to this truth is wise. In a state of bliss, once in a while, if an intention comes up, it manifests effortlessly. The more intentions you have, the more in tension you will be.

To minimize your intentions could be your last intention.

Knowledge #232 Bangalore Ashram 16 Dec 1999 India THE WISDOM OF SECRETS

A wise person makes no effort to conceal a secret. But he does not make an effort to reveal a secret either.

For example, you do not talk about menstruation, death, etc. to a five-year-old, but as they grow older these things are not hidden from them any more. They become known as a matter of course.

An unenlightened one tries to protect a secret; and he also reveals the secret at the wrong time, to the wrong person, in the wrong place and makes a big fuss about secrets.

Trying to protect a secret causes anxiety and discomfort.

An ignorant one is not comfortable with a secret, whether revealed or unrevealed, but the wise one is comfortable with a secret whether revealed
or unrevealed

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