Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rishimukh (From Moscow)/ Knowledge point / YT link / Beauty / Nice thoughts

Knowledge Point
Doubt cannot come where there is a sense of closeness. Doubt needs a distance to appear. You never doubt something that is dear to you, close to you.

In love even an object gains life. Stones speak to you, trees speak to you, the sun, the moon and the whole creation becomes alive, Divine. In lust even a living being becomes a mere object. You want to use even people like objects. Here are some salient attributes of love and lust. They are so different yet so close! If you find more you may add to the list.

Lust bring tension
Lust focuses on the part
Lust brings violence
In lust you want to grab and possess
Lust says all I want you to have is what I want
In lust there is effort
Lust causes feverishness and frustration
Lust imprisons and destroys
Lust demands
Lust gets you mixed up & confused & spaced out!!
Lust is only dark and monotonous

Love brings relaxation
Love focuses on the whole
Love brings sacrifice
In love you want to give and surrender
Love says I want you to have what you want
Love is effortless
Love causes longing and pain
Love liberates and sets you free
Love commands
In love you are focused and spaced out!!
Love has many modes and colours

If someone's lust is interrupted they get angry & start hating. Hatred in the world today is not out of love, it is out of lust.

Love is playfulness and in lust there is cunningness and manipulation. Shiva, the embodiment of innocence and love was meditating. His meditation was disturbed by an arrow of flowers from the lord of lust. As soon as Shiva woke up he opened his third eye and the lord of lust, Manmatha (one who churns the mind) was reduced
to ashes. Everybody celebrated by throwing colors on each other realising that life is full of colours.

We play many roles in our life. If all the roles get mixed up it becomes dark, like when you mix all the colours. The wise play each role distinctively side by side, like colors displayed side by side form a rainbow.

Jai Gurudev..... ..


A nice you tube link .. OM GURUVE NAMAH .. Check it out !!


When U see the beauty somewhere,
the next impulse that comes in U is to possess it, have it;
and when U have it, it loses all its significance.
For a poor man, beauty is in wealth.
For a hungry man, beauty is in food.
For a lonely person, beauty is in companionship.
And for those on the path, beauty is in awakening.

Sri Sri...

Nice Thoughts
"Teach yourself, teach everyone , his real nature ; call upon the
sleeping Soul and see how it awakes.
Power will come ,
glory will come,
goodness will come,
purity will come and
everything that is excellent will come,
when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity. "

............ ......... .....Swami Vivekananda


Pleasure or pain is an intense sensation in the four to six and half
foot body. When we are not caught up in this then we are truly and
sincerely able to say, "I belong to you." That is when all the
cravings and aversions, desires and doubts fall off—and in a moment
the world belongs to you.
All your miseries surround the "I, I, I, . . . ",

"I want this, I like that, I don't like this . . ." Just let go. The
sun rises and sets, the grass grows, the river flows, the moon shines
and I am here forever!

--Sri Sri Ravi ShankarJi--


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