Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Art of living - Google Gadgets.

AOL Google Gadgets for you!

Posted by: "harshal jadhav" harshalpjadhav@yahoo.com   harshalpjadhav

Sun Apr 6, 2008 8:54 pm (PDT)

Jai Gurudev Dear Ones!

Here is something very instresting for you! Using technology to spread Divine knowledge and joy!

Question: "How to energize the whole world?"

Sri Sri: "By bringing knowledge to everybody."

Yes, knowledge is the source of energy and it's our humble effort to share the Divine knowledge with all through 'Google Gadgets' !!

Following link has some very instresting AOL google gadgets for you!




It consists of

"Multilanguage Daily Sutra" - Daily Sutra in your native language!

"Question-Answer with Guruji" - huge collection of Question Answer with Sri Sri !!

"SriSri Pictures" - WOW , u need to see it to experience the bliss !!

"Slide show of Guruji's pics" :) , u need to see it to experience the bliss !!

"Tour with Sri Sri" - Guruji's tour schedule! Source: (http://artofliving.org/Founder/TourSchedule/tabid/75/Default.aspx)

You can add these gadgets on your personalize iGoogle (http://www.google.com/ig) homepage, to your Google Desktop, Windows Vista Sidebar, OS X Dashboard and to your personal website.

Once you add them on your iGoogle page then you will see them every time you vist it!

Please do share any good idea / gadgets you have made!

All are invited to contribute more such Divine 'Google Gadgets' !

If you are associated with Art of Living website development, then feel free to add them to our AoL websties.

Feedback /comments are welcome do write to us at (pmanish.rf@gmail. com / harshalpjadhav@ yahoo.com).

With Love
Manish & Harshal

P  Please consider the environment before printing this email. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Harsha, Jgd. I've created a Daily Sutra gadget as well, with out advertisement.

The gadget has various features like ability to display the daily sutra in various languages (English, French, German, Hindi etc), to display daily sutra of the day or randomly display a sutra, automatically refresh the picture and sutra in a given intervel of time.

You can find the same here.


The Art of Living

The Art of Living
Jai Gurudev


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With Love and Gratitude Guruji..

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